Title: TeleWomens Health
1Tele-Ophthalmology Improving Access to Eye Care
for All Albertans
- Matt Tennant BA, MD, FRCSC
- Teleophthalmology Services
- Assistant Clinical Professor
- Department of Ophthalmology
- University of Alberta
- Leading causes of blindness
- Barriers to eye care
- Tele-Ophthalmology
- Goals
- Clinical Validation
- Benefits
- Alberta Statistics
- Future Goals
Eye disease in Alberta Barriers to eye
care Tele-Ophthalmology Goals Clinical
Validation Benefits Alberta Statistics Future
3Leading Causes of Blindness in Alberta
- Diabetes
- Macular degeneration
- Glaucoma
- Genetic eye diseases
4Barriers to Eye Care in Alberta
- Geography
- Costs
- Travel
- Accommodation
- Lost wages
- Education
5Incidence of Eye Examinations by an
Ophthalmologist within 3 years of Diagnosis of
Diabetes (1995 to 2001) in Alberta
6Benefits of Screening and Treatment
- Regular eye screening can
- prevent blindness
- Laser reduces the risk of
- vision loss by 50
- Early treatment reduces
- the risk of blindness to
- less than 1
- Offers an additional alternative to a
conventional eye - examination by an eye care specialist.
- Improves access to eye care while reducing
travel distance - and costs.
- Reduces unnecessary referrals to tertiary care
centres. - Improves knowledge transfer by bringing trained
educators - directly into the smaller communities of
- To emulate a comprehensive
- eye examination at a distance
- Medical history
- Visual acuity
- Intraocular pressure
- Stereoscopic retinal photography
9Assessment versus Screening
- Assessment
- Enables diagnosis of treatable eye disease.
- Allows other eye diseases to be identified.
- Screening
- Identifies presence or absence of a single eye
- disease.
10Clinical Validation
- Comparison to both clinical examination and
stereoscopic slide film photography
11Alberta Diabetes Tele-Ophthalmology
- First Nations Programs
- Provincial Programs
- Regional Programs
- Aspen Tele-Ophthalmology
- Capital Health Tele-Ophthalmology
12Adaptive Deployment
- Utilize both mobile and fixed camera systems.
- Photographers travel or are trained within their
own communities. - ADWP, Capital Health, Aspen
- Utilize fixed camera systems within a hospital
setting. - Photographers are hospital based employees who
cross-cover for Tele-Ophthalmology.
13Diabetic Tele-Ophthalmology Stats
- 3368 Albertans assessed (6111 visits)
- 1172 tele-ophthalmology visits in 2007
- 137 referred for treatment (11.68)
- 72.75 of people assessed had no diabetic
- retinopathy
- 27.25 had some level of diabetic retinopathy
14Future Goals
- Creation of a province wide registry for all
people - with diabetes.
- Improve access to eye care by creating a province
- wide tele-ophthalmology network.
15Tele-Ophthalmology Improving Access to Eye Care
for All Albertans
- Matt Tennant BA, MD, FRCSC
- Teleophthalmology Services
- Assistant Clinical Professor
- Department of Ophthalmology
- University of Alberta