Guide to Advertising in the Coffee News - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Guide to Advertising in the Coffee News


Advertising in Coffee News is simple and fast, but the first steps are yours. ... using various professionals - copywriter, artists, photographers, printers, etc. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Guide to Advertising in the Coffee News

Guide to Advertising in the Coffee News
  • Boost your business through targeted display ads

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Advertising in the Coffee News
  • Advertising in Coffee News is simple and fast,
    but the first steps are yours.
  • If print advertising is, or should be, part of
    your marketing plan and overall business plan,
    lets get started on your Coffee News ad!
    (Unsure? Then skip to page 9)
  • First, congratulations! Smart move. Youve just
    locked out your competition from advertising in
    the same edition or editions that is, if one of
    your competitors isnt already advertising with
    us. Check now by calling (248) 842-9591, or at
    least scan the latest Coffee News is there a
    direct competitors ads there? If not, then
    unless one is in the pipeline and set to appear
    next week, you have the green light.

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • The process is easy. After confirming that your
    business category is still available so you dont
    waste your time, start brainstorming an ad. Ask
  • What information must be in my ad?
  • What are the main messages or points I want to
    impart to my potential customers?
  • Some advertisers want their ads to resemble
    their business cards. After all, our standard ads
    are about the size of business cards, though we
    also offer a double-size ad. Other advertisers
    have camera-ready art, perhaps handed down from
    the corporate office.

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • Below is a Coffee News ad template to help you
    sketch out your ad. Once you have a rough draft,
    it will be forwarded to our printers graphic
    artist. She has tons of experience designing the
    distinctive Coffee News ads that appear in
    communities nationwide. She will send back a
    polished draft for your review and approval. Your
    ad will not start running until you approve the
  • Template All ads have a short, snappy headline,
    followed by an optional sub-heading. Then we
    recommend an illustration on the left or right
    side of your ad. It can be a logo, photo such as
    your headshot or storefront, or most commonly,
    clip art. Alongside of the illustration should be
    three to five bullet points (odd numbers have
    shown to be more effective). These bullet points
    make up your sales message. Along the bottom of
    your ad is your contact information, such as
    name, address, phone number, fax, e-mail and web
    site addresses.

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • Tip Dont be afraid of white space.
    It draws the eye. Plus, cluttered ads can be
    confusing and ineffective.
  • Here is a sample ad

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • Once you have a rough draft or a camera-ready ad,
    you just send it to us via email, fax or snail
  • Tip If you are a franchise, your
    corporate office may pay for all or part of your
    ad under what is called a co-op advertising
    program. Even U.S. military recruiting offices
    have such programs.
  • Usually our graphic artist will return a draft in
    one or two days. We will then forward it for your
    review and approval. You can return it with
    changes or, if it meets with your approval, we
    will start running your ad in the next available
    edition usually in about two weeks due to
    printing and shipping deadlines and turn-around

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • As you see, the ad process is simple. Now, you
    just choose whether to
  • Advertise for 13 weeks, 26 weeks or 52 weeks and
  • Whether to advertise in the
  • Holly/Groveland Edition the Fenton/Linden
    Edition or
  • Both editions.
  • Tip Ask about our 13-week open-ended
    advertising agreement!
  • Here is a list of our Coffee News stand locations.

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • Advertising rates go down the longer you agree to
    advertise. They also are priced to encourage you
    to advertise in both editions. Just call us for
    our rates.
  • Why cant I advertise for one or two weeks, you
    might ask? Good question. First, that would be an
    administrative headache for us second, and most
    importantly, advertisers benefit from the
    repetitions of their ads. Ads need to run several
    weeks before advertisers start seeing benefits.
    Ads that run a week or two are far less
    effective. Thats not to say we cant make an
    exception and run abbreviated ads for seasonal
    employers or special events. Otherwise, the
    minimum ad length is 13 weeks or three months.

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • Now when you contact us to advertise or obtain
    our rates, you will already know how the process
    works and which decisions need to be made.
  • By the way, we take cash, check, money order,
    Visa or MasterCard. Payment terms are flexible.
    You may pay everything up front, which we prefer,
    or we can bill you monthly. We can automatically
    charge your credit card or debit your checking
  • Ready? Call us now at (248) 842-9591.
  • Not convinced a Coffee News ad is for you? Thats
    OK. The rest of this presentation is designed to
    help you make up your mind. That process will be
    far easier if you have certain business
    essentials in place. Read on

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • Its important to have a marketing plan that
    serves as a roadmap for growing your business and
    reaching business goals. Running a business
    without goals is akin to a rudderless boat There
    is no direction, and your destination is unclear.
    Review your marketing plans objectives. No
  • Tip Set objectives that are SMART
    Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and
    Time-based. Take your time. Ask yourself where
    you want to be in a year, three years and five
    years. Ask yourself Am I in a start-up mode,
    growth mode, maintenance mode or downsizing mode.
    Who is my competition? Am I trying to
    differentiate my business on price, product or
    customer service? If so, do I hold a competitive
    advantage? Why?
  • Also ask, Do I have a grand business strategy?

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • Harvard Business School's Michael Porter
    developed a framework of generic strategies that
    can be applied to strategies for various products
    and services.
  • Cost-leadership strategies require businesses to
    develop policies aimed at becoming and remaining
    the lowest cost producer and/or distributor in
    the industry.
  • Differentiation strategies require a business to
    create something about its product that is
    perceived as unique within its market.
  • Focus, the third generic strategy, involves
    concentrating on a particular customer, product
    line, geographical area, channel of distribution,
    stage in the production process, or market niche.
    A focus strategy is often appropriate for small,
    aggressive businesses that do not have the
    ability or resources to engage in a large-scale
    marketing effort.

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • This is a good time to write mission and vision
    statements, if you havent already.
  • A mission statement is a set of clear, concise
    marching orders for present action, for taking
    you from today to your vision for the future.
  • A vision statement is what that future looks
    likes in maybe three to five years.
  • Each statement should capture the essence or
    raison d'etre of your business and its
    objectives. Mission and vision statements are
    working, living documents not frilly lip
    service that gathers dust somewhere.

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • You should now have a much clearer idea of where
    youre at and where you want to be. If you dont
    already have a business plan, at least you now
    have some key building blocks for one. You can
    now make better decisions about implementation of
    your marketing plan. Since Coffee News is
    targeted advertising that focuses on the types of
    buyers businesses covet, it undoubtedly should be
    a centerpiece of your plan.
  • Still unsure? Then ask yourself What is my
    advertising budget? Coffee News is very
    affordable advertising and its rates are less
    expensive than many other, less targeted
    advertising venues. If youve already exceeded
    your budget, then ask yourself if your existing
    advertisements worked and whether you are on
    track to reach your objectives. And if your
    objectives involve increasing sales or increasing
    your business name recognition among local
    consumers, Coffee News is an excellent choice!

Advertising in the Coffee News
You Are Here!
Advertising in the Coffee News
  • Still not convinced? Ask yourself What are my
    business two or three biggest problems? What are
    the two or three biggest things my business needs
    to improve?
  • Maybe you need to increase walk-in traffic.
    Maybe holiday sales are great but sales lag at
    other times. Maybe you need to increase sales
    among women or young adults 18 to 25.
  • Now is a good time to watch our 4-minute video
    for potential advertisers. Just click the icon

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • All forms of advertising have their advantages.
    Weigh the advantages of Coffee News, such as
    affordability and weekly repetition of your
    advertising message, against the following
    disadvantages of other types of advertising

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • Traditional Newspaper Advertising Disadvantages
  • Ad space can be expensive 
  • Your ad competes against the clutter of other
    advertisers, including the giant ads run by
    supermarkets and department stores, as well as
    the ads of your competitors 
  • Expect your ad to have a short shelf life, as
    newspapers are usually read once and then
  • You may be paying to send your message to a lot
    of people who will probably never be in the
    market to buy from you
  • Newspapers are a highly visible medium, so your
    competitors can quickly react to your prices

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • Magazine Advertising Disadvantages
  • Long lead times mean that you have to make plans
    weeks or months in advance 
  • The slower lead time heightens the risk of your
    ad getting overtaken by events 
  • There is limited flexibility in terms of ad
    placement and format
  • Space and ad layout costs are higher

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • Phone Book Advertising Disadvantages
  • Pages can look cluttered, and your ad can easily
    get lost in the clutter 
  • Your ad is placed together with your competitors 
  • Limited creativity in the ads, given the need to
    follow a pre-determined format 
  • Ads slow to reflect market changes
  • Phone book sits in a drawer or on a shelf when
    not being used, which is 99.999 of the time.

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • Radio Advertising Disadvantages
  • Because radio listeners are spread over many
    stations, you may have to advertise
    simultaneously on several stations to reach your
    target audience 
  • Listeners cannot go back to your ads to go over
    important points 
  • Ads are an interruption in the entertainment.
    Because of this, a radio ad may require multiple
    exposure to break through the listener's
    "tune-out" factor and ensure message retention 
  • Radio is a background medium. Most listeners are
    doing something else while listening, which means
    that your ad has to work hard to get their

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • TV Advertising Disadvantages
  • Message is temporary, and may require multiple
    exposure for the ad to rise above the clutter 
  • Ads on network affiliates are concentrated in
    local news broadcasts and station breaks 
  • Preferred ad times are often sold out far in
  • Limited length of exposure, as most ads are only
    thirty seconds long or less, which limits the
    amount of information you can communicate 
  • Relatively expensive in terms of creative,
    production and airtime costs

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • Direct Mail Advertising Disadvantages
  • Some people do not like receiving offers in their
    mail, and discard them away immediately without
    even opening the envelope 
  • Resources need to be allocated in the maintenance
    of lists, as the success of this kind of
    promotional campaign depends on the quality of
    your mailing list 
  • Long lead times are required for creative
    printing and mailing 
  • Producing direct mail materials entail the
    expense of using various professionals -
    copywriter, artists, photographers, printers,
  • Can be expensive, depending on your target
    market, quality of your list and size of the

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • Telemarketing Advertising Disadvantages
  • An increasing number of people have become averse
    to telemarketing
  • More people are using technology to screen out
    unwanted callers, particularly telemarketers 
  • Government is implementing tougher measures to
    curb unscrupulous telemarketers 
  • Lots of businesses use telemarketing 
  • If hiring an outside firm to do telemarketing,
    there is lesser control in the process given that
    the people doing the calls are not your
  • May need to hire a professional to prepare a
    well-crafted and effective script 
  • It can be extremely expensive, particularly if
    the telemarketing is outsourced to an outside
  • It is most appropriate for high-ticket retail
    items or professional services

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • Specialty Advertising Disadvantages
  • Targeting your market is difficult 
  • This can be an inappropriate medium for some
  • It is difficult to find items that are
    appropriate for certain businesses 
  • Longer lead time in developing the message and
    promotional product
  • Possibility of saturation in some items and
  • Wrong choice of product or poor creative may
    cheapen the image of advertiser
  • Source "How to Start and Operate a Successful
    Small Business Winning the Entrepreneurial Game"
    by David E. Rye and contributions from writers

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • Still on the fence?
  • No need to decide this moment. Take some time to
    consider Coffee News advertising. We have nothing
    to hide. Well be here.
  • Maybe Coffee News isnt for you. If that is your
    decision, thanks for your consideration, and we
    hope this presentation has been helpful, even
  • Youve convinced me!
  • Call (248) 842-9591 now!

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • Get in touch with Coffee News
  • PH (248) 842-9591
  • Fax (248) 634-4008
  • E-mail
  • Web

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • Coffee News is a proud member of
  • Member of Better Business Bureau of Detroit and
    Eastern Michigan

Advertising in the Coffee News
  • Press Escape key to exit presentation

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