Title: GGR 391: Research design
1GGR 391 Research design
- Class presentation 30/01/2003
- by L. Ruus, Data Library Service
- ltlaine.ruus_at_utoronto.cagt
- Introduction
- who collects data
- data quality considerations
- data access
- Outline of census geography
- Census and other geo-coded data
- Spatial information resources
3Who collects data about us?
- Corporate sector
- Marketing and public opinion companies
- Banks and credit companies
- Magazine and other subscription services
- Retailers, including Internet shopping services
- Government
- Federal government
- Provincial government
- Municipal government
- Academic sector
4Government data collection federal
- Health Canada
- Environment Canada
- Human Resources Development Canada
- Statistics Canada
- own data collection
- data collection for other government institutions
under contract (e.g. NLSCY)
5Statistics Canada
- Process-produced data (eg. births, deaths,
marriages, imports, exports, etc.) - Sample surveys (eg. monthly labour force survey,
etc.) - Census of population (100 20 samples)
- first conducted in 1666
- every 10 years 1871-1951
- every 5 years 1961-2001 (latest)
6Data source considerations (quality)
- Data/statistics
- Source attribution of all data and statistics
- Transparency of derived data
- Collector
- Protection/guarantee of privacy and
confidentiality - Changes and corrections
- Obligation to publish/inform
- Preservation policies
7Data dissemination
- Statistics Canada - , selected statistics free
- But most data/statistics available free via
UT/DLS. - Toronto RDC - very restricted
- UT/DLS - free, relatively unrestricted
- only source for small area data
8Data Library Service homepage
- lthttp//www.chass.utoronto.ca/datalib/gt
- Map/GIS Collection homepage
- lthttp//prod.library.utoronto.ca/datalib/maplib/in
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12Outline of Canadian census geography
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21Census and other geocoded data from Statistics
22Sources of geo-coded Canadian data
- Canadian census of population
- census subdivision level data 1986-2001
- census tract data 1981-2001
- enumeration/dissemination area data 1981-2001
- Canadian census of agriculture
- census agricultural regions, 1981-2001
- Canadian business patterns
- census subdivision level data, 2001
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24Attributes in the population census
- Demographic characteristics age, sex, marital
status - Ethno-cultural and language characteristics
- Schooling
- Household activities
- Labour market activities
- Journey to work
- Income
25Attributes in the population census (contd)
- Family and household tenure, shelter costs
- Dwelling type, period of construction, value
- More information
- Availability of aggregate statistics from the
Canadian population census (1666-2001) - lthttp//www.chass.utoronto.ca/datalib/major/census
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27Outline of Canadian census products
- Nation series/Canadian overview tables
- ethnicity (188) x sex (3) x prov/CMA
- Dimensions/Special interest series
- ethnicity (92) x eg income x prov/CMA
- Profile series
- ethnicity (100) x CT/EA
- Basic cross/summary tabulations
- ethnicity (31) x age x CT/EA
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33Attributes in the Census of agriculture
- Farm type
- Land use, tenure, land management
- Crops
- Livestock poultry
- Farm businesses (eg computer applications)
34Attributes in Canadian business patterns
- Number of business establishments
- Number of employees (categorical)
- Industrial classifications
- NAICS 2-6 digit classification
- SIC 1-4 digit classification)
- Geography
- province
- census metropolitan areas (cities)
- census subdivisions (municipalities)
35Spatial information resources
36Three main types of spatial information resources
- print maps/atlases
- aerial photographs (raster images)
- digital map files (vector files)
37Print maps/atlases
- Listed in UT Libraries catalogue
- Available in Map Collection, 5th Floor, Robarts
Library - Also listed in individual census web pages at
- Data Library Service homepage
- Major research data collections
- Canadian data
38Aerial photographs
- Paper in Map Collection, 5th Floor, Robarts
Library - On-line at
- Map/GIS Collection
- lthttp//prod.library.utoronto.ca/datalib/maplib/gt
- Digital air photos
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44Digital map files
- Require GIS software to use (e.g. ArcGIS)
- Available via UT/DLS census web pages
- Aggregate statistics from Canadian population
census (1665-2001) - lthttp//www.chass.utoronto.ca/datalib/major/census
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50In conclusion
- Dont assume data sources always check to make
sure they do exist! - More Statistics Canada data is available to you
free via UT/DLS web pages than via Statistics
Canadas web pages. - Never buy data (numeric or spatial) from
Statistics Canada without checking with the Data
Library Service first.