Title: Anomalous Effective Charges in bPolyvinylidene fluoride
1Anomalous Effective Charges inb-Poly(vinylidene
Nicholas J. Ramer Department of Chemistry Long
Island University C. W. Post Campus
Atomistic Modeling And Simulation
Seminar Massachusetts Institute of
Technology Department of Materials Science and
Engineering May 3, 2006
Property of a pyroelectric material to possess a
spontaneous polarization (P) that can be altered
by externally-applied electric field (hysteresis)
- First discovered in Rochelle salt in 1920
- Found to exist in BaTiO3 in 1945
- Poly(vinylidene fluoride) was reported to be
ferroelectric in 1971
3Some Applications of PVDF
Clamp-on transducer for diesel injection lines
(PVDF co-polymer)
Hydrophones (PVDF has similar acoustic impedance
to water)
Non-volatile memory (oxide/ PVDF co-polymer
Ducharme S et al. IEEE Trans Dev Mater Rel
4Poly(vinylidene fluoride)
- Possesses piezoelectric and pyroelectric
behavior - Low dielectric constant and low elastic
stiffness - Desirable physical properties (flexibility, low
density and ease of fabrication) - Co-polymers possess enhanced properties
5PVDF Structures
Polarization in a-PVDF alternates due to chain
conformation t trans (180) g
gauche (60) Non-polar structure
Polarization in b-PVDF is oriented in same
direction Polar structure
What about chain packing?
6Phases of PVDF
7Structure of b-PVDF
- Planar-zigzag and alternatively-deflected
molecular structures have been proposed
Can theory shed light on this question?
- Density Functional Theory
- with PBE GGA (U Penn code)
- Norm-conserving non-local pseudopotentials
(OPIUM code) - 4 4 4 Monkhorst-Pack k-point mesh
- Periodic boundary conditions using
experimentally-determined lattice constants - Hellmann-Feynman Forces
9Structure Determination
- Alternatively-deflected structure is
- 0.018 eV/formula unit higher in energy than
planar-zigzag - Thermal motions at experimental temperature (150
K) may be responsible for better fit of X-ray
data - Relaxed alternatively-deflected structure has
s3 (compared to 7)
10Planar-zigzag Structure
a Lando JB, et al. J Polym Sci Part A-1
19664941. b Hasegawa R, et al. Polym J
DFT reproduces experimental structure VERY
WELL! Can DFT give P?
11Which Polarization?
Isolated non-interacting dipoles
(Clausius-Mossotti limit)
Since the charge density is continuous in a real
system, the polarization is multi-valued and its
absolute value cannot be computed.
Can we use DFT with PW basis to our advantage?
12Berry Phase Method
Integral is closed-path geometric phase or Berry
phase and is defined modulo 2p.
13Polarization in b-PVDF
a Nakhmanson SM et al. Phys Rev Lett
200492115504 and references therein.
DFT results represent upper-limit for P (100
b-phase). But what is happening at atomic level?
14Types of Atomic Charges
15Static Atomic Charges for BaTiO3
Ghosez P et al. Phys Rev B 1998586224 and
references therein.
- Static charges do not give quantitative
information - for delocalized electron densities.
- Can provide qualitative description of charge
- transfer from one atom to another.
16Types of Atomic Charges
17Dynamic Atomic Charges
Dynamic charge is change in polarization with
respect to atomic displacement.
Boundary condition fixing E
18Anomalous Dynamic Atomic Charges
Toy problem Heteronuclear diatomic with dipole
p and bond length r
Static Charge
Dynamic Term
Nominal Charge
Predicts Z(r) can be different than Z(r)
Predicts that Z(r) can be different than Z(r0)
19Dynamic Born Effective Charges in BaTiO3
Ghosez P et al. Phys Rev B 1998586224 and
references therein.
First-principles methods can accurately describe
experimentally-determined effective
charges. BUTare there anomalous charges in
20Dynamic Born Effective Charges in b-PVDF
Finite difference of polarizations
a Karasawa N et al. Macromolecules 1992257268.
Z are different from Z and Z(r0) in b-PVDF.
21Atomic Origin of Hysteresis
Ratio of infrared intensity of CF2 bending (or
scissoring) mode correlates with change in
dielectric constant (e) and P.
Can DFT methods describe the atomic motions for
b-PVDF? Vibrational Modes!
Reprinted from Lovinger A Science 19832201115.
22Vibrational Spectra of b-PVDF
0 500 1000
1500 2000 2500
3000 3500 Wavenumber (cm-1)
Reprinted from Li JC et al. Appl Phys Lett
- Density Functional Theory
- with PBE GGA (ABINIT code)
- Norm-conserving non-local pseudopotentials
(OPIUM code) - 4 4 4 Monkhorst-Pack k-point mesh
- Periodic boundary conditions
- Full relaxation of atomic positions and lattice
constant - Perturbation theory (atomic displacements and
homogeneous electric field)
24Vibrational Spectra of b-PVDF
0 500 1000
1500 2000 2500
3000 3500 Wavenumber (cm-1)
25Comparison of Vibrational Frequencies
a Tashiro K, et al. Macromolecules 1985182600.
DFT with GGA agrees extremely well with
26Origin of LO-TO Splitting
- Transition dipole caused by atomic vibrations
generates a macroscopic electric field that
couples to the LO modes of the polar phonons (q
M) - LO mode is shifted to higher frequency than the
TO mode (q M) - Quantifies long-range dipole-dipole interactions
which play role in physical properties and
ferroelectric phase transition
Can DFT methods describe these experimental
27LO-TO Splitting in b-PVDF
a Tashiro K, et al. Macromolecules 1985182600.
DFT with periodicity accurately describes LO-TO
- Confirm planar-zigzag structure for b-PVDF
- Anomalous effective charges are present in b-PVDF
(just like other ferroelectric materials) - DFT yields accurate picture of vibrational
properties including LO-TO splittings - Better understanding of atomic origins of
ferroelectricity in PVDF will aid in design of
new materials (co-polymers and composites)
- Kimberly Stiso and
- Clifford Raynor
- Research Committee of C. W. Post
- Rappe Group