Title: Entangled State What Do We Measure
1Entangled State What Do We Measure?
Yanhua Shih Quantum Optics Laboratory Department
of Physics University of Maryland, Baltimore
County Baltimore, MD 21250 ONR, NSF, NASA-CASPR
2Quantum Optics Laboratory Department of
Physics University of Maryland, Baltimore
County Baltimore, MD 21250 Experiment
Yanhua Shih Theory Morton H. Rubin
Graduate Research Assistants M. DAngelo, A.D.
Valencia, G. Scarcelli, S. Thanvanthri, J.M.
Wen Visiting Research Scientists V. Berardi,
M.C. Chekhova, A. Garuccio, S.L. Gompers, X.H.
He, S.P. Kulik, H.Y. Zhang
3Quantum Optics Laboratory
Remote Clock Synchronization Experiment January
4 One of the most surprising consequences of
quantum mechanics is the entanglement of two or
more distance particles. Even though we still
have questions in regard to fundamental issues of
the entangled quantum systems, quantum
entanglement has started to play important roles
in practical applications. Entangled states
have been introduced for different metrology
measurements, for example, the study of group
velocity (hot topic!). Do we really measure
the group velocity? If not, what do we
5A beautiful experiment
6Typical language used to explain the
result the overlap of the two photons wave
packets when they are brought together at a beam
splitter (Similar language can be found in
some early papers from my group too.)
7Group Velocity A Classical Concept
Coherent Superposition
8 In a dispersive medium, each mode of w
propagates with its own phase velocity w/k.
The coherent superposition of all the possible
modes result in a wavepacket or pulse. The
envelope of the wavepacket propagates with
group velocity, u0dw/dkw0 , which may be
less, equal, or greater then c. No envelope
--gt no group velocity.
9Two-photon state (SPDC)
Pure state, coherent superposition of all
possible two-photon amplitudes.
Corresponding to a 2-D wavepacket.
10The subsystems
Statistical mixture No wavepacket is defined
11No wavepacket, no group velocity!
12What do we measure?
The following may be interested to this workshop
(1) Photon counting related correlation and
(2) Energy-momentum related correlation and
(3) Space-time correlation measurement of G(2)
G(2) the probability of locating a photon at
(t1, r1) and its twin at (t2, r2).
(4) Using two-photon interferometer to measure,
indirectly, certain parameters (usually in
the form of sum or difference) related
to the optical paths.
13 Direct measurement of G(2)
14 Two-photon Interferometer
Two-photon interference pattern will be
obtained when the optical paths are manipulated.
Basically, the pattern is determined by the
self-convolution of the biphoton wavepacket,
15Convolution of the biphoton wavepackets Either in
t1-t2 or t1t2 direction
16Conclusion Even through an entangled
two-photon state (pure state) provides complete
information of the correlation between the
subsystems. The two-photon measure-ment may not
give any information about an individual
subsystem. It may simply not be there as we