Title: I9 Global Monsoon Systems
1I9 Global Monsoon Systems
2Imperative 9 contribute to improved prediction
of the global monsoon systems and African climate
variability, including capacity building.
ENSO (and maybe IOD) predictable 2-3 seasons, but
cant predict monsoon even at short lead time.
Statistical schemes are no better.
LT 1mnth
Pre-monsoon SON
Monsoon DJF
Rainfall Forecast Skill Anomaly Correlation from
dynamical hindcasts 1980-2006
- Stymied by
- Lousy models poor representation of convection
(diurnal cycle, ISV/MJO), land surface
processes, resolution, coupling with upper ocean - Lousy initialization upper ocean,
convection/rain, land surface - But maybe seasonal monsoon is inherently
unpredictable - Other sources of predictability beyond ENSO
Atlantic, Indian Ocean, land surface..?
3BoM prediction from 1/1/86
Monsoons dominated by ISV Enormous scope for
practical application of skilful IntraSeasonal
forecasts maybe of more utility than seasonal
prediction because seasonal variability low, ISV
high Ability/techniques to predict monsoon ISV
unknown, but promising
4- Scientific challenges
- Improved models, especially convection, monsoon
expression of MJO/ISV, land surface processes,
upper ocean mixed layer - Coordinated assessment of representation of key
monsoon components, esp MJO/ISV and its monsoon
signature, diurnal cycle, land surface - Determination of limits of predictability
ISV-IA-decadal - Improved initialization (upper-deep
ocean/land/ice) - Intraseasonal initialization/ensemble generation
- Development and delivery of useful prediction
products (capitalize on whats predcitable)
5- Promote diagnostic sub-projects of CLIVAR-CHFP
and GEWEX-GLACE2 - establish limits of seasonal monsoon
predictability, impact of land surface
initialization, benefit of higher resolution,
., (funds for post-doc-PI to take lead) - Promote WCRP-IMS project on Reproduction and
Prediction of Monsoon ISO - Support monsoon ISV prediction experiment (Bin
Wang/Duane Waliser) - Support proposed MJO Task Force
- Facilitate coordination of the ISV
prediction/simulation projects for AMY07- 12,
YOTC, VAMOS, AMMA,. - Monsoon ISV prediction/simulation Workshop
2010 - Monsoon regions encompass many countries with
limited resources for operational prediction and
research - Capacity building is critical scientific
expertise, operational capability, product
development and delivery - Support for regional participation in ISV/MJO
prediction workshop - Support for regional participation in CHFP
sub-project on monsoon prediction/assessment