2Major Change
- JROC delegates validation authority
- JCB validates ACAT II JROC Interest documents
- Lead FCB validates ACAT III JROC Interest
documents - VCJCS approves all JROC Interest documents via
JROCM - Maintains execution of Title 10 responsibility
3Approved JCIDS Changes
- JROCM 100-05 Streamlining JCIDS
- JROCM 102-05 Safe Weapons in Joint Warfighting
Environments - JROCM 120-05 Incorporating Force Protection and
Survivability KPPs - JROCM 062-06 based on FCB Stakeholder conference
and other changes - JROCM 161-06 KPP Study results
- JROCM 163-06 Comment Resolution
- JROCM 005-07 Removed requirement for Insensitive
Munitions certification
4Other Changes
- Added clarification on application of JCIDS to IT
systems - Systems with investment less than 15M not
required to submit - Expanded description of FAA, FNA, FSA to include
specific language for IT capabilities - Added Joint Capabilities Technology
Demonstrations (JCTD) - Sundown clause on Mission Area ICDs
- Policy guidance on sustaining existing
capabilities, P3I, tech refresh,
recapitalization, COTS and NDI solutions
5Other Changes (contd)
- Added a top-level description of CBP and the
linkage to JCIDS - Provided additional guidance on transition
between JUONs and JCIDS to establish a program of
record - Identify linkage between JCIDS analysis and
lessons learned, IPLs, GWOT assessments, etc. - Clarified the meaning of the term sponsor for
each document - Clarified approval of multiple program increments
in a single CDD
6Other Changes (contd)
- Provided enhanced guidance on CBAs (linked to CBA
Guide) - Added description of how key strategic documents
impact on the CBA process - Exemplar process flows for COCOM led, FCB led,
and Service/Agency led CBAs - Provided a description of how COCOMs can use the
SWarF process to identify and advocate capability
needs - Enhanced the description of the CBA process and
requirements based on the CBA Guide and lessons
learned - Provided a set of questions to guide analysts
through the steps of the CBA - Added linkage between CBA results and
recommendations for technology development or
joint experimentation - Provided additional guidance on the process to
update KPPs - Described the process for request and approval of
7Recent Changes not in Version F/C
- JROCM 262-06 Cost Drivers, Technology
Readiness, Interdependency - Incorporate technology/manufacturing readiness
into CDDs and CPDs - JROCM 047-07 Combat ID Blue Force Tracking
- JFCOM will review all JCIDS documents during
staffing and assess applicability of Combat
ID/Blue Force Tracking - JROCM 074-07 System Training KPP
- Provides additional clarification/guidance on
assessing the applicability of the System
Training KPP
9JROCM 100-05 Streamlining JCIDS
- Bypassing Flag review if O-6 review is successful
- Semi-parallel staffing of an ICD and CDD
- Minor changes - brief to FCB then JCB/JROC
without staffing - Joint Information JPD established
- Staffing guidelines on JROCMs
- Tracking JROCM taskings
10JROCM 102-05 Safe Weapons in Joint Warfighting
- Established the Joint Weapons Safety Technical
Advisory Panel - Advises DDFP, who makes recommendations to the
11JROCM 120-05 Incorporating Force Protection and
Survivability KPPs
- In compliance with NDAA 2005, provides guidance
in incorporating new KPPs - JROC Interest capabilities documents will be
updated or incorporate the new KPPs unless
justification provided - FCBs assess the applicability and recommend
validation to the JROC - Non-JROC Interest documents are the
responsibility of the Services/Agencies
12JROCM 062-06 JCIDS Changes
- All JCIDS documents will identify the relevant
JCAs (Tier 1 and 2) - Begins the process of using a common lexicon for
capabilities - Acceleration of KPP change consideration
- Enhances flexibility and timeliness is addressing
KPP issues - Proposed change will be assessed by lead FCB
- If no issues, it will be referred to the JROC/JCB
for approval without staffing
13JROCM 062-06 JCIDS Changes (contd)
- Requirement for Post Independent Analysis
- Questionable value added will reevaluate in
next update - Not required for JROC directed CBAs
- Optional for sponsor initiated CBAs
- Use of a CDD in lieu of CPD for MS C
- Streamlines approval process where program is on
track - No changes from CDD
- Updates for NR-KPP certification provided
- JROC re-validates the CDD as a CPD
14JROCM 062-06 JCIDS Changes (contd)
- CBA Study Plan
- Provides up front guidance and scoping of CBAs
- Required to initiate a JROC directed CBA
- Approved by JCB/JROC
- Establishes the scope of the CBA
- Alternate CONOPS will be considered for JROC
directed CBAs - Ensures full scope of alternatives considered
- FSA should include an alternate CONOPS
- Based on results from FAA/FNA, war games,
experimentation, etc. - Potential to eliminate or change the scope of
gaps found in the CBA
15JROCM 062-06 JCIDS Changes (contd)
- Joint Experimentation guidance
- Identifies areas for coordination with joint
experimentation - JE can provide insight during CBA (part of CBA
Study Plan) - JE can be driven by the results of the CBA
(included in CBA recommendations) - Additional threat information in JROC Briefs
- More information will be provided to clarify
- Risks
- Actions taken to counter or mitigate threats
- Additional resources programmed to counter the
16JROCM 062-06 JCIDS Changes (contd)
- CONOPS as a basis for a CBA
- Clarifies that a COCOM, Service or Agency CONOPS
can be used as the basis for a CBA - Derived from JOCs
- An approved JIC is not required for every CBA
17JROCM 161-06 KPP Changes
- KPP Study
- New Mandatory KPP for materiel availability
(materiel reliability and ownership cost) - Selectively applied KPPs on system training and
energy efficiency - Proposed process for initially identifying
applicable KPPs - Future documents will identify the timeframe when
the capability is required
18JROCM 163-06 Comment Resolution
Comment Resolution Times Document Median Average I
CD 56 60 CDD 62 92 CPD 63 70
- Suspense for all documents is to complete comment
resolution in 45 days - At 30 days KM/DS will notify the Sponsor, Lead
FCB and CAD/AO Two options - Submit document within 15 days
- Unresolved critical comments will go through
Phase 2 staffing - Critical comments that remain unresolved will be
referred to the FCB/JCB/JROC for resolution - FCB will assist in resolving all others
- Request a waiver in writing to the Lead FCB
- 15 days or less extension can be approved by the
FCB AO - Beyond 15 days approved by FCB Chair
- At 45 days Document removed from KM/DS unless a
waiver is approved - Sponsor will resubmit for Phase I staffing at a
later date