Title: San Diego North Convention and Visitors Bureau
1Keep Your Eye on the Bus Navigating the
Information Superhighway in 2009
- San Diego North Convention and Visitors Bureau
- Annual Meeting
- Rancho Bernardo Inn
- May 1, 2009
2Shift Happens
- The amount of technical information is doubling
every two years - For students in a four year technical program
half of what they learned in their first year
will be outdated by their third year of study
3- By 2013 a
- super computer
- will be built that
- exceeds the
- computational
- capabilities of
- the human brain
4- And by 2049, 1000 will buy a
- machine that will exceed
- the computational capabilities of the
- entire human species
5Information Super Highway
6Internet Users Worldwide 23.6 of the world
AMD 50-15 Project Internet world stats April
7The Internet A two-seater Sports Car
- The single best technology tool ever created for
business to track prospects completely through
the customer cycle - Initial awareness
- Pre-information-gathering
- Sales
- Post-sale feedback
- Support
8Social Media The School Bus
- Creates the ability for one or many opinions to
reach many people globally - Publisher
- TV and Movie maker
- Content provider
- Expert
- Critic
- And size really matters
9Top Tweeter
- What do we need to know about IT?
11Its Entertainment Re-defined
- 105 million Americans engage in social media
- Time spent on line for communication has
increased 18 since 2006 - Time spent for on-line entertainment has
decreased 29 in the same period - NetPop 2009
12Its The New Fun
- Social Entertainment
- Talking
- Sharing
- Providing opinions
- Comparing perspectives
13Its Where The Money Is
- 2006 350 million
- 2012 Projected 2.6 billion
- eMarketer 2008
14Its The Prom Queen
- Social media can be a popularity contest
- but you ignore it at your own peril
15Its About Monitoring
- Stay in touch with the conversation about your
brand, dont let it get hijacked - British Airways and Virgin Atlantic
16Its About Responding
- Reviews generated by fellow consumers had a
greater influence than those generated by
professionals - Consumers will pay 20 more for five star reviews
vs. four stars - The Kelsey Group/comScore Nov 2007
- Best Practice
- Assign a specific person
- Respond to extremes
- SCTB responds daily to Tweets
18- Social Media
- Which Ones Matter?
19Who Is Your Audience?
- The worlds first open internet ratings service
- Traffic, rank on the WWW and site visitor
- 8.4 million people/month
- Skews
- Adult, 35
- Female
- White
- No kids at home
- Affluent
69 is 35
21Trip Advisor
- 23 million reviews and opinions
- One million destinations, hotels, attractions,
and restaurants - 18 new posts every minute
- Source UpTake April 2009
22(No Transcript)
23Connection Trip AdvisorCities Ive Visited
30,000,000 registered pin pushers
- 5.9 mm/month
- Skews
- 18-49
- Female
- Asian
- No kids
- Educated
- Extremely affluent
25Experience Counts
26Responding on Yelp
- 83.4 million people/month
- Skews
- Age 12-34
- Female
- African Am.
- Kids at home
- College
- Affluent
75 age 12-34 yrs.
28Facebook is the Choice of Retailers
eMarketer.com Sept. 2008
29Drive Traffic Powells Books
Sent Facebook Fans a 5.00 offer requiring
registration on site
- 11.3 million people/month
- Skews
- Adult
- Male
- Asian
- No kids at home
- Affluent
- 25 have graduate degrees
- All Fortune 500 represented
77 age 35
- Network Jobs, people and companies
- Info Ask and answer questions, join groups
- Research Create polls
- 79.3 million people/month
- Skews
- Age 12-34
- Hispanic
- Kids at home
- Less affluent
- College grads
54 have a 60K HHI
33You Tube Best Practices
- You Tube will begin running full length TV shows
and movies - Run episodic brand information
- AP April 2009
34Bad Practices
- Seven teens and young adults have been arrested
after setting off Molotov cocktails inside a
vacated building
- 24.1 million people/month
- Skews
- Age 18-49
- Male
- College
- Hispanic
- Kids at home
- Less affluent
36Flickr Best Practice
- Worlds largest photo library
- Create a photo album about your business
- Name every photo and include your brand
- 65.7 million people/month
- Skews
- High school
- Teens
- Females
- Hispanic
- Kids at home
- Less Affluent
38Twitter is Hot!
- One of the fastest-growing phenomena on the
Internet." - NY Times
- "Twitter is on its way to becoming the next
killer app - Time Magazine
- "Suddenly, it seems as though all the world's
a-twitter." - Newsweek
39Twitter is Real Time (RT)
- Scoops and connections
- Mumbai and the Hudson River landing
- Pam Mandel and the first plane crash
- Maria Bailey and JetBlue
- 15 million people/mo.
- Skews
- 18-49
- Educated
- No kids at home
- Less Affluent
41Monitor Your BrandSearch.Twitter.com
42Monetize Twitter?
- Dell says Twitter has produced 1 million in
revenue over the past year and a half through
sales alerts. - Dell Twitter followers receive messages when
discounted products are available at companys
Home Outlet Store. - InternetNews Dec 2008
43Stockton Tweets
44The Big Boys of Social Media
- Carnival Cruise Lines
- Blog with 3,000,000 visits
- Southwest
- Department of 35 people
- Virgin Atlantic and British Airways
- It pays to pay attention!
- Jet Blue
- Twitter expert
- Marriott
45Tech TipsYou Can Do Right Now
46SEO and SEM
- Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is the umbrella
term - Search Engine Optimization (SEM) refers to
organic search - 81 of all search is organic
- Comscore Dec 2008
47Content is King
- Provide rich content
- Add new content regularly, blog, photos, captions
48Paid Search When to Buy
- Buy keywords in the last 6 days of the month.
- Discounted due to less competition because
budgets have run out
49Use Google Analyticsits Free
- See how your people search
- Low budget
- Geo Targeting
50Create an HTML Site Map
- Increases SEO rankings
- The next thing Footer site map
51Add Subtitles to Video
- Increased viewing time
- From 66 to 91
- Increased completed video
- From 47 to 84
- 50 among Spanish speaking audiences
- Contact a video caption company
- PLYmedia March 2009
52Check your Links
- Whats Broken?
- Fix links
- Increase relevancy
- Source
- Type into Google, Free Link Checker
- http//www.dead-links.com/
- Link scan
53Add Staff Photos
- Add staff pictures to your website
- Increases SEO
- Connects customers emotionally
54Flickr Earths Best Photo Bucket
- 18,000,000 Free images
- Searchable by subject, topic, tag
- Look for Creative Commons
55Name Your Images
56Personalize Your Communication
- Create personal profiles
- Use the information to provide a more personal
experience for users - Content sought
- Interest in hot deals
- Frequency of communication
57Give Them A Choice The Carmex Kiss Campaign
Grew database from 3,000 to 30,000
58 59Manage Your Networks
60Manage Your Profiles
- PING.fm
- Manage all of your profile data on 30 sites from
one single source
61Monitor Your Brand
- Google Alerts
- Technorati Tracks all blog posts
- YackTrack.com search by sources
- Blogger, Digg, FriendFeed, Stumbleupon, and
Wordpress blogs. - Boardtracker.com searches message boards
62Manage Your Brand
- Socialmention.com
- Sort by time and source
63Social Mention Brand Scores
- Ranks search results by contextual relevance,
feedback and popularity - Entry level 100 per year
- Provides 6 months of history, trend reports RT
65 66Do You Know This Man?
Andrew Stanton has received 15 film award
nominations and won nine awardsincluding an
Oscar for Best Animated Feature
67Never touched a computer before he was hired by
John Lassiter at Pixar
68- A computer is just a tool, its
- about the creativity of the
- person that pushes the keys
- that matters
- Andrew Stanton
- Pixar