Title: Wondering "HowTo" Start a Research Paper in History
1Wondering "How-To" Start a Research Paper in
2- First place to start is to think What are you
interested in? Whatever it is, it probably has a
history, and might work as a research topic or
area to inquire into. For example Social
situations (equality, gender differences in a
society, status of the rich/poor, class, caste,
prejudice, globalism, ethnicity) - Intellectual areas (philosophies like
Confucianism or Aristotelianism, ideas like
progress or cycles in life, various views of
reality -- "if my subjective perception is
reality, and the objective image that another
projects is reality, then subjective perception
is objective image, i.e., subjectiveobjectiveima
ge??" -- logic, intuition, romanticism,
enlightenment) - Religion (then, e.g. the Greeks' Zeus Hera,
Judaism, Early Christianity, Islam, Buddhism,
Hinduism) later (medieval Judaism/Christianity
etc) now (changes in ...., or radical
developements like Al-Qaeda) - Politics (origins/developments of democracy,
medieval kings/queens, leadership, the current
presidential election)
3- Aesthetic or Artistic fields (like
Classical/Medieval/Modern Architecture,
Renaissance painting, sports, literature, music,
scultpure) - Geographic shifts (Civilization moving from the
Mediterranean to Northern Europe to New England
to Utah to California) - Economic ideas/changes (Capitalism, Marxism,
Medieval Manors, SLC Olympics) - Or, how any of these areas interact with each
other to produce revolution/evolution. - Still lost? Re-read your class notes for
something that caught your interest/attention.
4- Having settled on an area, remember that
- History is an Inquiry
- History is 'done' through your Interpretation of
Primary Sources - History is concerning some issue dealing with
humanity - History teaches us about us.
That definition requires Primary or eyewitness
sources from which you build your interpretation.
So if you want to research the leadership
qualities of Julius Caesar, you must begin by
finding sources, and for this topic there are
plenty (by Caesar himself, by Plutarch, Suetonius
and a number of Roman historians). Put those
sources under your pillow.
5- Worried about grades?
- Afraid your work won't be good enough?
- Wondering if there is there will be time to
complete the project on time? - Not sure what the next step is?
- The answers are easy
- Forget grades. Concentrate on expanding your Life
of the Mind. And -- you're not alone not only
are there many others delving into history, but
all history, all topics await you (eagerly).
6- Your work will be good enough if you follow the
ideas outlined here, apply yourself, and think. - Make time for the project. Define other things in
your life as less important, e.g., sleep. Once
you get into your project, your enthusiasm, drive
and desire will carry you through, unless you
choose a boring topic -- then guess who made the
wrong choice. - Why bother? Why study History?
- Because its FUN!
- If you know your history, then you would know
where you're coming from." From Buffalo Soldier
by Bob Marley - History's not 'bunk' -- Fords are!
- No Corporate Power-Ties Allowed!
For more, click the History Peoples Link on
Cottlers, Nichols or Markowskis Home Pages, or
talk to an instructor for ideas make them earn
the 'Big Bucks!'
7- So you are on to a topic -- say, the place of
Medieval Architectural (like Gothic) in a society
(like Monasticism), or in art (Romanesque vs
Gothic), or functionality (like engineering), or
religion (like Cathedrals), or politics (like
Castles). - What Next?
- Of course, I was joking about losing sleep over
the project, but, television -- do you think it
helps your thinking? - A couple hours alone, with only yourself, good
books, your thoughts -- yes, that will certainly
help your thinking. Which to choose....?
8- There is nothing threatening about working on a
history paper - the Threat comes from diversions like T.V. Your
own interests, progress and success are more
important than couch-potato-ness!
Now to find good books on your project, and as
closely related to your thesis as possible in
order to save time because if you're at all like
I can divert myself with any kind of reading....
9- Remember, there are two major types of useful
reading - Primary sources
- Which originate in the time in question and
- Which reflect the evidence of that day and its
issues. -
- Also useful are Secondary sources
- which are written today by scholars (and
sometimes by experts) - which tell about that day, those issues.
- Keep in mind about Secondary sources
- those who taught Columbus about the flatness of
the earth were scholars and experts! - Center on Primary Sources.
10 Secondary sources can bring out important
ideas, terminology, arguments, context. Primary
sources provide the foundation for history.
Don't trust either, or any...trust your own
critical insights and evidence.
Critical Evaluation of all sources -- by
you -- is necessary to get closer to what
actually happened, to what people really thought
and did. For example, consider if both
President George Bush and President Bill Clinton
wrote a history of the modern economy in the U.S,
imagine how different each would present our
situation! Which to believe? Well, the
historian would probably find accuracy (and the
opposite) in both by reading further, analyzing
evidence, evaluating details, finding
corroboration, examining the bias of each (and we
are all biased one way or another, for example,
I'm biased toward objectivity!), and so on.
11We have already come a long way We've chosen a
topic, focused on a thesis, located Primary and
Secondary sources, and, have begun to read them.
- If you cannot find primary sources to support
your thesis-inquiry, then you cannot write that
history paper. In that case, best advice is to
leave that thesis and move on to another.
Take notes as you read. Jot down each idea as
your reading sparks it.
Note down how you plan to incorporate this idea
or that text into your project.
12At this point, you should feel that you've gained
some control over your project, over your
intellectual destiny -- unlike this character!
- How to get control? Spend an hour a day in this,
and only this, project. Then do other things
knowing that you have forged ahead once again
under your own power, rather than being dragged.