Title: Buy Appayan miniket rice online
1Appayan Rice
- Best husking rice in India
Appayan Rice is a premium husking rice brand in
India. The Brand name Appayan has an emotional
quotient. It was shaped and founded by the
founder and his better half. The word Appayan is
a Bengali word which means to welcome someone
The brand name signifies our commitment and
passion towards consumer satisfaction and
delivering best husking rice in West Bengal to
the consumers. In the year 1973 Shri Nirmal
Majumder started the business.The Rice Mill has
been transformed from manual to a semi-automatic
plant. Hundreds of workers battle the elements on
the fields to produce the grain. With the
installation and use of latest technology like
Hi-tech Grading, Destoner and High-level Sorting
machines, the best quality husking rice is
delivered to you.
3Husking Dudheshwar Rice
Appayan husking dudheshwar rice is famous and
renowned for its low cooking time and for its
milky white color. Appayan dudheshwar rice is a
symbol of quality and taste. Appayan pure husking
dudheshwar 5 kg rice is known as a best rice for
daily use not only for its best quality but for
its aromatic texture which it adds to every dish.
Its high nutritional content and fibrous content
helps in the process of digestion and has a lower
glycemic index. The Husking Dudheshwar rice
variant has a large retention of nutrients and is
healthy for daily consumption.
4Different products of Appayan Rice
6Contact Info Office Address 34, Ambika
Chakraborty By Lane,Daharthuba, Habra,24 Pgs (N).
Pin - 743263. Call Us 91 9064167199 / 91
9064167199 91 9378329358 Mail Us polyhabra1970_at_gm
ail.com admincorp_at_appayanrice.com appayanrice_at_gmai
l.com Get in Touch