Title: Doug%20Waterer
1U of SResearch Update
2What I Did on My Summer Holidays
3Vegetable Cultivar EvaluationTrials funded by
SDAF for gt 20 years
4Why Cultivar Trials ?
- Many new cultivars released every year
- Each claims to be the best, earliest,
tastiest - Many old standards dropped each year need to
I.D. new material - Too many new lines for growers to evaluate
every year
5Objective - identify new cultivars suited to SK
conditions, changing production practices and
market requirements
- Seedling vigor
- Resistance to disease/insects/stress
- Earliness
- Quality (visual and flavor)
- Yields
- Storage potential
6Methods - crops managed with the objective of
maximum productivity
- Irrigated
- Micro-climate modification where needed
- Careful pest management
- Multiple harvests
- Replicated over years
7U of S Cultivar Trials
- 10 crops tested/year
- Test seed from anywhere ... but emphasize
accessible suppliers - Compare new releases against previous
recommendations industry standards
8U of S Cultivar Trials
- Trial results distributed to ...
- - commercial growers
- - seed companies
- - local garden centers
- - industry support staff
- - gardening public
- 2nd year from seed
- previous planting (1998) wiped out by disease
- 29 cultivars
- mostly all male types
10Red Cabbage - direct seed transplant
- 15 varieties
- Wide range maturities
- Nothing exceptional
11Cabbage - (direct seed transplant)
- Transplanting gives
- Superior stand
- Earlier yields
- More uniform harvest
- Denser, larger heads
- Greater losses to maggots ?
- Se, Su, Sh2, synthetics
- 57 varieties
- Earliness
- Uniformity
- Quality
2007 great corn year
- Fall Planted
- both Stiff and Softnecks do well
- supermarket good source of seed garlic
- mulching in the fall
- Does it improve overwinter survival ??
- Weeds in the mulch !!
- Transplanted
- Row covers until late June
- Excellent year despite cool August
- Great yields and quality
15Spanish Onions
- Transplanted
- - Excellent crop
- - Many good cultivars
- - Yellow types superior yields and quality to
white - - Storage trial ongoing
- Transplanted
- - Multiple harvests
- - Many excellent cultivars
- - Wide range colors, plant types, flavors
- - Root rots
17Bunching Onions
- Multiple plantings
- Assess for uniformity, quality and taste
18Tomato (2006)
- Heritage types
- transplanted
- IRT mulch
19Tomato (2007)
- Heritage types
- transplanted
- Biodegradable mulch
- Staked pruned
- - seed row treated with Furadan (!!!)
- - Lorsban drench
22Additional Crops Tested in 2007
23Beans !!!
- 57 cultivars
- Near perfect stand
- Near ideal growing conditions
- Weekly harvest
- 2-4 people
- 4h/day for 8 weeks
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- Cultivar and Cultural trial results
- Sortable databases
- Articles
- Presentations
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30Plastic Mulch Assessment
31- Mulches
- - alter soil temperature
- - preserve soil moisture
- - weed control
- - enhanced crop quality
32- Mulch Cost
- - materials
- - installation
- - removal
- - disposal
33- Biodegradable mulches
- - mfg from corn byproducts
- - degrade with exposure to sunlight, moisture
and microbes - - available in clear, black, IRT
- - Durability/performance ???
- - Cost/benefit ?
34Vegetable Projects (2006)
- Degradable Mulches
- Ideally .
- - mulch lasts long enough to benefit crop then
dissolves - - eliminates fall clean up
35- 2007 Mulch trial
- Mulches tested
- - clear, black, IRT, no mulch
- - regular and biodegradable
- Crops tested
- - corn
- - zucchini
- - melons
36- 2007 Mulch trial
- General observations
- - all crops did well on all colors
- - clear gave an earliness advantage but
- - biodegradable clear broke down too early
- - biodegradable mulch minimized fall clean up
Biodegradables cost about 15 extra
37- Mulches
- - alter soil temperature
- - preserve soil moisture
- - weed control
- - enhanced crop quality
- - alter crop growth ???
38- Colored Mulches
- - mulch color reflected light all other
wavelengths absorbed - - reflected light has potential to alter crop
growth -
39- Colored Mulches (2007)
- - colors tested
- - red, blue, white, yellow
- - crops tested
- - cucs, corn, zucchini, transplanted onion
40- Colored Mulches
- - definitely alter growth of some crops
- - cucs earlier on blue
- - spanish onions love white
- - economics ???
41Vegetable Projects (2006 2007)
- Disease Control in Pumpkin
- - range of diseases attack fruit in field and
during storage -
- Step 1. Try to I.D. diseases
- Step 2. Potential to control in field and in
storage ?
42Vegetable Projects (2006 2007)
- Disease Control in Pumpkin
- Control concepts
- - spray flowers with fungicide
- - spray maturing fruit
- - spray after harvest
- - post-harvest disinfection
43Vegetable Projects (2007)
- Wireworm survey
- looking at seed and table potato fields across
the province - Checking wireworm numbers and crop damage
- Need to keep Thimet ?
44Hits and Misses in the Vegetable Patch in 2007
- Miss !!
- - Early season maggot control
- Hit (Luck only)
- - Minimal problems with late season maggots
45Hits and Misses in the Vegetable Patch in 2007
- Miss !!
- - Aster yellows
- - hit carrots, coriander, zucchini, various
weeds - Hit (Luck only)
- Opportunity to assess carrot cultivars for
reaction to aster yellows - Some cultivars gt 50 grade-out others lt10
46Hits and Misses in the Vegetable Patch in 2007
- Hit/Miss
- Callisto herbicide for sweet corn.
- Safe for all cultivars
- Controls many emerged weeds and also gives some
residual control - but useless against sowthistle and volunteer
heritage tomatoes
47Hits and Misses in the Vegetable Patch in 2007
- Miss - Herbicides for control of volunteer
48Hits and Misses in the Vegetable Patch in 2007
49Vegetable Projects (200????)
- Haygrove Tunnel System
- - ca. 1 acre
- - operation and cropping potential
50Hits and Misses in the Vegetable Patch in 2007
- Hit
- Spinosad/Entrust for loopers
- Again, very effective
- 24h per-harvest
- soft product
- ?
51New in 2008 .
- Buctril in onions
- Linuron in corn
- New products for wireworms ?
- New products for maggot ?
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www.usask.ca/agriculture/plantsci/vegetable or Veg
etables Saskatchewan
56Thanks to
University of Saskatchewan Plant Sciences
57Thanks to