Title: Production and Cost
1Production and Cost
Hall and Lieberman, 3rd edition, Thomson
South-Western, Chapter 6
- What you will learn from this lecture
- Business firm and the time horizon related
problems - Total and marginal product
- Law of diminishing returns
- Different types of costs explicit versus
implicit costs, and fixed versus variable costs
and sunk costs - Total cost in terms of total fixed cost and total
variable cost - Marginal cost
- The least-cost rule
- Long-run average total cost curve in terms of
economies of scale, constant returns to scale,
and diseconomies of scale. - Minimum efficient scale (MES) and how many firms
will serve a market.
3Part I The Nature of Firm
- What is a business firm?
- An organization, owned and operated by private
individuals, that specializes in production - Production is the process of combining inputs to
make outputs
4The Nature of the Firm
- The firm must deal with a variety of individuals
and organizations - Sells its output to customers
- Receives revenue from them in return
- Every firm must deal with the government
- Pays taxes to the government
- Must obey government laws and regulations
- Receive valuable services from the government
- Legal systems
- Financial systems
- Where does the revenue go?
- Much of it goes to input suppliers
- The total of all of these payments makes up the
firms costs of production - Profit Revenue Costs
6Fig. 1 The Firm and Its Environment
7Part II Production
- Inputs include resources
- Labor
- Capital
- Land
- Raw materials
- Other goods and services provided by other firms
- Way in which these inputs may be combined to
produce output is the firms technology - Treated as a given
- For each different combination of inputs, the
production function tells us the maximum quantity
of output a firm can produce over some period of
8Figure 2 The Firms Production Function
9Time Horizon -- The Short Run and the Long
- Useful to categorize firms decisions into
- Long-run decisionsinvolves a time horizon long
enough for a firm to vary all of its inputs - To guide the firm over the next several years
(long run lens) - Short-run decisionsinvolves any time horizon
over which at least one of the firms inputs
cannot be varied - To determine what the firm should do next week (
short run lens)
10Production in the Short Run
- There is nothing they can do about their fixed
inputs - Stuck with whatever quantity they have
- However, can make choices about their variable
inputs - Fixed inputs
- An input whose quantity must remain constant,
regardless of how much output is produced - For example
- Variable input
- An input whose usage can change as the level of
output changes - For example
11Production in the Short Run
- Total product
- Maximum quantity of output that can be produced
from a given combination of inputs - Marginal product of labor (MPL) is the change in
total product (?Q) divided by the change in the
number of workers hired (?L)
- Tells us the rise in output produced when one
more worker is hired
12Figure 3 Total and Marginal Product
Total Product
DQ from hiring fourth worker
DQ from hiring third worker
DQ from hiring second worker
DQ from hiring first worker
increasing marginal returns
diminishing marginal returns
13Marginal Returns To Labor
- As more and more workers are hired
- MPL first increases
- Then decreases
- Pattern is believed to be typical at many types
of firms
14Increasing Marginal Returns to Labor
- When the marginal product of labor increases as
employment rises, we say there are increasing
marginal returns to labor - Each time a worker is hired, total output rises
by more than it did when the previous worker was
15Diminishing Returns To Labor
- When the marginal product of labor is decreasing
- There are diminishing marginal returns to labor
- Output rises when another worker is added so
marginal product is positive - But the rise in output is smaller and smaller
with each successive worker - Law of diminishing (marginal) returns states that
as we continue to add more of any one input
(holding the other inputs constant) - Its marginal product will eventually decline
16Part III Costs
- A firms total cost of producing a given level of
output is the opportunity cost of the owners - Explicit (involving actual payments)
- Money actually paid out for the use of inputs
- Implicit (no money changes hands)
- The cost of inputs for which there is no direct
money payment - This is the core of economists thinking about
costs - Cost is measured in dollars in this chapter
17Economic Profit vs Accounting Profit
- Accounting profit
- The businesss revenue minus the explicit cost
and depreciation - Depreciation occurs because machines war out over
time - Economic profit
- The businesss revenue minus opportunity cost
- In economics, profit is simplification of
economic profit.
18The Irrelevance of Sunk Costs
- Sunk cost is one that already has been paid, or
must be paid, regardless of any future action
being considered - Should not be considered when making decisions
- Even a future payment can be sunk
- If an unavoidable commitment to pay it has
already been made
19Costs in the Short Run
- Fixed costs
- Costs of a firms fixed inputs
- Variable costs
- Costs of obtaining the firms variable inputs
20Measuring Short Run Costs Total Costs
- Types of total costs
- Total fixed costs
- Cost of all inputs that are fixed in the short
run - Total variable costs
- Cost of all variable inputs used in producing a
particular level of output - Total cost
- Cost of all inputsfixed and variable
21Figure 4 The Firms Total Cost Curves In The
Short Run
22Average Costs
- Average fixed cost (AFC)
- Total fixed cost per unit of output produced
- Average variable cost (TVC)
- Total variable cost per unit of output produced
- Average total cost (TC)
- Total cost per unit of output produced
23Marginal Cost
- Marginal Cost
- Increase in total cost from producing one more
unit or output - Marginal cost is the change in total cost (?TC)
divided by the change in output (?Q)
- Tells us how much cost rises per unit increase in
output - Marginal cost for any change in output is equal
to shape of total cost curve along that interval
of output
24Figure 5 Average And Marginal Costs In The
Short Run
25The Shape of the Marginal Cost Curve
- When the marginal product of labor (MPL) rises
(falls), marginal cost (MC) falls (rises) - Since MPL ordinarily rises and then falls, MC
will do the oppositeit will fall and then rise - Thus, the MC curve is U-shaped
26The Relationship Between Average And Marginal
- At low levels of output, the MC curve lies below
the AVC and ATC curves - These curves will slope downward
- At higher levels of output, the MC curve will
rise above the AVC and ATC curves - These curves will slope upward
- As output increases the average curves will
first slope downward and then slope upward - Will have a U-shape
- MC curve will intersect the minimum points of the
AVC and ATC curves
27Production And Cost in the Long Run
- Goal earn the highest possible profit
- To do this, it must follow the least cost rule
- To produce any given level of output the firm
will choose the input mix with the lowest cost - Firm must decide what combination of inputs to
use in producing any level of output - Long-run total cost (LRTC)
- The cost of producing each quantity of output
when the least-cost input mix is chosen in the
long run - Long-run average total cost (LRATC)
- The cost per unit of output in the long run, when
all inputs are variable
28The Relationship Between Long-Run And Short-Run
- For some output levels, LRTC is smaller than TC
- Long-run total cost of producing a given level of
output can be less than or equal to, but never
greater than, short-run total cost (LRTC TC) - Long-run average cost of producing a given level
of output can be less than or equal to, but never
greater than, shortrun average total cost (LRATC
29Plant Size
- Plant - collection of fixed inputs at a firms
disposal - Can distinguish between the long run and the
short run - In the long run, the firm can change the size of
its plant - In the short run, it is stuck with its current
plant size
30Average Cost And Plant Size
- ATC curve tells us how average cost behaves in
the short run, given plant size fixed - moving along the current ATC curve
- To produce any level of output in the long run,
the firm will always choose that ATC curve with
lowest ATC among all of the ATC curves available - move from one ATC curve to another by varying the
size of its plant - Will also be moving along its LRATC curve
- This insight tells us how we can graph the firms
LRATC curve
31Figure 7 Long-Run Average Total CostFor each
output level, firm will always choose to operate
on the ATC curve with the lowest possible cost
Use 0 automated lines
Use 1 automated lines
Use 2 automated lines
Use 3 automated lines
32Part IV Economics of Scale
- According to whether the LRATC decreases / does
not change / increase as output increases, there
are three types of issues - Economies of scale (decreasing LRATC) at
relatively low levels of output - Constant returns to scale (constant LRATC) at
some intermediate levels of output - Diseconomies of scale (increasing LRATC) at
relatively high levels of output - LRATC curves are typically U-shaped
33Figure 8 The Shape Of LRATC
Economies of Scale
Constant Returns to Scale
Diseconomies of Scale
Units of Output
34Economies of Scale
- An increase in output causes LRATC to decrease
- The more output produced, the lower the cost per
unit - LRATC curve slopes downward
- Long-run total cost rises proportionately less
than output - Increasing return to scale
- Example
35Why Should A Firm Experience The Economies of
- Gains from specialization
- greatest opportunities for increased
specialization at a relatively low level of
output - More efficient use of lumpy inputs
- Some types of inputs cannot be increased in tiny
increments, but rather must be increased in large
jumps, therefore must be purchased in large lumps - Low cost per unit is achieved only at high levels
of output - More efficient use of lumpy inputs will have more
impact on LRATC at low levels of outputs
36Diseconomies of Scale
- LRATC increases as output increases
- LRATC curve slopes upward
- LRTC rises more than in proportion to output
- More likely at higher output levels
- As output continues to increase, most firms will
reach a point where bigness begins to cause
problems - True even in the long run, when the firm is free
to increase its plant size as well as its
37Using the Theory Long Run Costs, Market
Structure and Mergers
- The number of firms in a market is an important
aspect of market structure a general term for
the environment in which trading takes place - What accounts for these differences in the number
of sellers in the market? - Shape of the LRATC curve plays an important role
in the answer
38LRATC and the Size of Firms
- Minimum efficient scale (MES) for the firm
- Lowest level of output at which it can achieve
minimum cost per unit - The output level at which the LRATC first hits
bottom - By comparing the MES (from LRATC curve) for the
typical firm and and the maximum potential
market (from the market demand curve) - we may say something about the market structure
39Two Extreme Cases - 1
- MES far smaller than market quantities demanded
- firms that are relatively small will have a cost
advantage over relatively large firms - economies of scale are exhausted rapidly
- Market should be populated by many small firms,
each producing for only a tiny share of the
market - Examples market for personal services
- Figure 9(a)
40Figure 9(a) Many Small Firms
LRATCTypical Firm
41Two Extreme Cases - 2
- There are significant economies of scale that
continue as output increases - Even to the point where a typical firm is
supplying the maximum possible quantity demanded - This market will gravitate naturally toward
monopoly - A single seller in the market
- Examples regular mail delivery, city subway
system, etc - Figure 9(b)
42Figure 9(b) Monopoly
LRATCTypical Firm
43Other Cases
- In some cases the MES occurs at 25 of the
maximum potential market - In this type of market, expect to see a few large
competitors - Significant lumpy inputs creating economies of
scale - Until each firm has expanded to produce for a
large share of the market - Figure 9(c)
44Figure 9(c)A Few Large Firms in the market
LRATCTypical Firm
45Other Cases
- When both small and large firms can have equally
low average costs with neither having any
advantage over the other - Firms of varying sizes can coexist
- Figure 9(d)
- diseconomies of scale dont set in until output
exceeds 10,000 units
46Figure 9(d)Coexistence of Large and Small Firms
LRATCTypical Firm
47The Urge To Merge
- If by doubling their output, firms could slide
down the LRATC curve in Figure 9, and enjoy a
significant cost advantage over any other,
still-smaller firm, they would - This is a market that is ripe for a merger wave
- A sudden merger wave is usually set off by some
change in the market - Market structure in generaland mergers and
acquisitions in particularraise many important
issues for public policy - Low-cost production can benefit consumersif it
results in lower prices