Title: Mr Peter Trautmann
1Mr Peter Trautmann Chief Operating Officer Munich
2Munich Airport on its way to becoming a green
3MUC Alternative energies
4Effective emission reduction
Economic instruments to achieve climate-related
and ecological objectives Emission-charging
concept that would extend to air transportation
without distorting competition. Noise 2 on
NOx ? Preferred model 4 per each landing kg
Nox (emission value) ? Implementation by an
appropriate reduction of MTOM related charges ?
Ratio Noise Nox 80 20 ? Calculation of
the specific emission value according to ERLIG
formula regarding NOx and HC values
(Basis ICAO-databank for emission values and JP
airline fleets for registrations, aircraft /
engine types)
5Single European Sky- SESAR
Europe USA
Air Space (million km2)
ATC Service Provider (civil mil.)
Operating Systems
Programming Language
Flights (million)
ATC Cost per Flight (EUR)
Fragmented European Airspace
6Effective emission reduction
Optimal infrastructure for air transportation -
3rd runway for MUC Construction without putting
further stress on MUCs carbon footprint
7MUC Award for Innovation and Environment
We want to advance scientific debate on these
themes and subjects and want to support
innovation. Therefore, Munich Airport offers a
competitive invitation to universities and
post-grad scientists to gain an award for
innovation and environment (MUC Award) with a
sum of 10,000. Munich airport thus positions
itself as a company with sustainable business
development and an organisation that faces its
global responsibilities.
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