Title: IFIA 40th BIRTHDAY Jubilee Event
1IFIA 40th BIRTHDAYJubilee Event
2What is IFIA?
- International Federation of Invnetors
Associations - Memeber organizations from 84 countries
- IFIA European Inventor Network from
- IFIA African Inventors Network
3The IFIA President and Secretariat
- AndrĂ¡s Vedres dr. - Budapest
4What is IFIAs ambition?
- To represent inventor interest creation friendly
environment simple and cheap IP protection - To help the utilization of inventions to
contribute to the presentation of inventions and
to the partner finding
5How IFIA represents inventor interest?
- Speaking inventor language
6IFIA collective show on international invention
exhibitions - 2007
- Invention Salon Moscow (5-8/02)
- IPTEC 07 Cannes (1-2/03)
- ITEX exhibition Kuala Lumpur (18-20/05)
- IWIS exhibition Warsaw (29-31/05)
- MIC Congress and exhibition USA (8-10/06)
- INNO Festival Merignac (21-24/09)
- World Cup of CIIs Taipei (27-30/09)
- INVENTIKA Bucharest (2-6/10)
- Yenkee Waterbury, CT USA (10-13/10)
- Kuwait Invention show Kuwait City (23-26/10)
- IENA, World Cup of CIIs Nuremberg (1-4/11)
- SME Show Belgrade (28-29/11)
7IFIA organized events - 2007
- ExCo meeting Budapest (21-23/01)
- ExCo meeting Geneva (20/04)
- Conference and Seminar about innovation and
globalization Budapest (10-12/08) - ANPII Conference Niamey (10-13/12)
8IFIA Campaigns 2008
- Protectinvention and inventors
- Be equal chance regarding innovation
- Be higher esteem of inventors
9Widening patent protection
Inventions and their protection forms
10Widening patent protection
11Widening patent protection
Patent protection for CII in all country
12World Cup of Computer Implemented Inventions
This is a world wide competition, exhibition,
and business event for Computer Implemented
Inventions (CIIs)
13Semifinal of World Cup of CIIs, Taipei
14Semifinal of World Cup of CIIs, Nuremberg
15Widening patent protection
The protection of computer implemented inventions
is not covered by laws in several countries. This
is a disadvantage for inventors, and for the
world economy as well. IFIA proposes that
countries without protection for computer
implemented inventions bring about laws in line
with the international system of protection.
16Equal chances in patenting
17Equal chances in patenting
Reduction of international IP protection expenses
18Equal chances in patenting
- IFIA called the attention of EU competent
authorities to the urgent necessity of
establishing the Community Patent. - IFIA proposed the passing of the London Agreement
by all European states. - IFIA suggested the governmental support of patent
application costs for the smalls.
19Be higher esteem of inventors
- By the IFIA Jubilee events
- First International Inventors Day, Bangkok
- First International Lady Invention Show, Seoul
- Inventors World Festival The World Largest
Invention Exhibition, Suzhou
20Without inventor no invention, without invention
no innovation and without innovation no profit