John Deere 10 Side-Mounted Mower Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMH91145)

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John Deere 10 Side-Mounted Mower Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMH91145)


John Deere 10 Side-Mounted Mower Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMH91145) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: John Deere 10 Side-Mounted Mower Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.OMH91145)

K 4
O M H 9 1 1 4 5
To the purchaser
Location reference Right -hand' ' and left
-hand' sides are de - te rmined by facing in the
direction the mower Wlll travel when in use. C
lockwise refers to parts turning to the I'ight
like the hands of a clock.
This manual contains the necessary infor-
mation to operate, lubricate, adjust, service,
as- semble and install your new John Dee re mower.
lt you Should find that you require information
not covered in this manual, consult your John
Dee re dealer. He will be glad to answe r any
ques - tion that may arise regarding the ope
ration and service of the mower. He has trained
mechanics who are kept informed on the best
methods of John Dee re mower se rvicing and can
give you prompt know-how se rvice in the lie Id
or in his shop.
' 'Counte rclockwise ' refers to parts turning
to the left.
Serial number When ordering parts, refe r to the
model and serial number. By doing so, you will
assist your John Dee re dealer in giving you
prompt, efficient service.
Keep your mower a John Deere mower Should your
mowe r require replacement parts, go to your
John Dee re deale r whe re you Will receive
genuine John Dee re parts accept no substitute
s. John Dee re parts bit properly and insure
satisfactory service because they are made from
the original patterns and from the same mate rial
as used in new machines.
The se rial number plate is located on the
front of the cutte r bar yoke. Record the serial
number and purchase date in the spa ces provided
be low. Serio I no.
Dae purchsed
Contents Page
Specifications . ............ Operation . .....
, .. , ..... , , ..
Adjustment and service ............
8 18 Installation . .......... , .. , .. ,
. 20 Special equipment ... ... .......... 87
Assembly . .....
Safety suggestions . .
Lubrication ...................
Length of cutter bar . . .. 5-, 6-, 7-, OI 9-fO
C ranks haft speed ... ..... . . . ... 800
rpm Conne eting rod bearings . . . . . Strai flit
Type of power . . ... Pose r take-off on t ractOP
Type of drive .. . ...... . .. V-belt or chain
Knife .. . .... ,. , , . .. , . 3 - 1,4 -inch
stroke 1000 strokes per minute
Mounted on tractor
Tractor hook-up
Approximate shipping weight with T-foot cutter
bar .................... 650 pounds
Rear drive shaft bearings .... Tapered rolle r
Front drive shaft bearings ... Tapered roller
For tractors ........ Listed on pages 34-77
Crankshaft main bearings . .. Tapered
roller (Spe ci fications and design sub je ct to
change, xifñouf itofzce.)
  • W1

1000 rpm PTO
J a hn 0 eere I g fiide-Mo un ted /4 ower h tto
ched to a J ahn De ere 30 20 how-Cro p .ti ity
Brae tnr
https// Hello dear
friend! Thank you very much for reading. Enter
the link into your browser. The full manual is
available for immediate download. https//www.ebo
On the following pages, you will find inlor ma-
tion on how to operate your John Deere Mower.
Read and follow these instructions carefully for
dependable , economical service.
Various mowing conditions require different
mowing speeds. Best results will be obtained by
running the tractor at the travel speed that will
meet crop and field conditions, or the speed
where the smoothest mowing action results.
Preoperation inspection Do not start tractor
until mower has been carefully checked for
correct assembly and in- stallation. 5ee that all
nuts are tight and cotter pins spread. Be certain
all moving parts work freely and are properly
lubricated. Check to see that the powershaft
telescopes freely.
Operate tractor engine to obtain the SAE rated
PTO speeds. Running the engine at slow speed
reduces the knife speed and may cause the knife
to clog where cutting is heavy. Where difficult
conditions make it necessary to slow down the
travel epeed of tractor, shift to a lower gear
rather than retard the engine speed. By shifting
to a lower gear, the engine will maintain its
rated speed, which will keep the knife running at
the proper speed for best results.
CAUTION Protect against the risk of personal
injury and machine damage by operating implement
only on rpm PTO for which it Is designed or
converted. A 540 rpm Implement should be operated
only on a 540 rpm PTO. A 1000 rpm implement
should be operated only on a 1000 rpm PTO.
Do not engage PTO with engine running at high
epeed. to do so may cause undue wear or pos-
sible breakage.
Mower crankshaft speed shoula never exceed 825
rpm. An average of 800 rpm (1600 strokes per
minute) is ideal. The knife has a 3-1/4-inch
stroke. Turning corners This mower will cut neat,
square corners. It 1s seldom necessary to raise
the cutter bar at corners. Turn quickly when near
the end of cut, using brake to pivot right-hand
wheel of tractor.
Start tractor engine and while idling, slowly
engage PTO. Let mower run slowly for a while
and observe Rnife and other moving parts to see
that they operate freely and normally. Check
tractor levers and controls to see that they op-
erate the mower properly.
After mower has been in full speed operation for
one hour , disengage the PTO and shut off tractor
engine. Check mower to see that all nuts and
bolts are tight.
When turning corners to the left, run tractor in
low gear. The cutter bar awings around faster
when turning in this direction and this, of
course, increases the possibility of striking an
unnoticed fence post or some other obstacle.
Field operation Operating speed Under most
conditions, the tractor can be driven at 4 to 5
miles per hour without causing undue wear on
mower. Avoid excessive speeds. Reasonable speeds
result in more accomplished by the end of the day.
Gummytra6h oncut0erbar To remove gummy trash that
packs on wearing plates and guards, operate
slowly and pour water on bar. Do not allow trash
to harden.
Min es per ho u t 2 2 2'/ 2'/ 27z 27z 27z 2/ 3 3'/ 5
5-FootCut 5-FootCut 5-FootCut 1-1/4 1-1/4 1 3 8 1 1 2 1-5/8 1-7/8 2 Z-1/8 2-1/4 2-1/2 2 8 2 4 2- 3
6-FootCut 6-FootCut 6-FootCut 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-7/8 1-7/8 1-7/8 2 2-1/8 2-3/8 2-1/2 2-3/4 3 3-1/8 3-1/8 3-1/4 3-1/4 3-1/2 3-3/4
7-FootCut 7-FootCut 7-FootCut 1 4 1-7 8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-3/8 2-1/2 2-3/4 3 Z-1/8 3-1/2 3-5/8 3-5/8 3-3/4 3-3/4 4 4-1/4
9-FootCut 9-FootCut 9-FootCut 2-1/4 2-1/4 2-a/8 2-a/8 Z-374 Z-374 Z-374 3 3-1/4 3-1/2 3-7/8 4-1/B 4-3/8 4-5/8 4-5/8 4-7/8 4-7/8 5-1/8 5-1/2
ofe ratios 3 When raising cutter bar by hand,
be cer- tain to keep fingers away from cutting
Safety spring release
A safety spring release prevents damage to the
mower by allowing the cutter bar to swing back
when an obstruction is encountered during
operation, After the safety latch releases and
the cutter bar swings back, it is not necess my
to leave the tractor seat. Just cramp the front
wheels to the left and back up the tractor until
the mower is in normal position and ttle safety
latch catches. Spring tens ion may be adjusted by
means of the adjusting nut. Do not tighten spring
more than necessary for satisfactory
operation. Transporting When moving from one
field to another, or any considerable distance ,
the cutter bar should be placed in its transport
position. Raise cutter bar to its highest pos
ition. Hook transport latch rod into eyebolt on
main frame. Raise cutter bar to an upright
position and fit other end of transport latch
rod through hole in cutter bar. Secure with tail
nut. When equipment is transported on road or
highway, use accessory lights and devices for ad-
equate warning (day and night) to other vehicles.
In this regard check local governmental
regula- tions. When not in use, transport latch
rod fits into clips on left-hand side of tFaCtOr
Storing for the winter When storing mower for the
winter, clean off the dirt, tighten loose bolts,
spread cotte i pins, and grease the knife and
wearing parts on cutter bar.
Be sure the power to cutter bar is dis- engaged
and tractor engine Is shut off before handling
cutter bar.
Order the new parts that will be needed be tore
the mower is used again.
Attaching mower to tractor
NOTE If hange r asrem bly and drive pasta have
been removed from tractor, replace as shoum on
pages 2D through 79. (See Index on page 2O.)
4. Push down on latch handles to lock mower in
5. Install remote hydraulic cylinder with
drilled pins and spring locking pins.
NOTE.- Adjust remote hydraulic c ylinder for
full stroke (see yaur tractor aperator's
manuals. Be sure oil lines are cannected to the
tractor so cutter bar i raised when control
lever is ac- tivated. 6. Loosen ring nut on oil
line clamp and in- sert oil lines in recess in
clamp. Tighten wing nut.
  1. Open the latches in mower mounting hooks by
    pulling up on handles until they lock open.
  2. Position the tractor so the two balls in the
    hanger are adjaeent to, and in line with, the
    mounting hooks.

3. Take hold of the transport latch rod with the
left-hand and take hold of the back side of the
cutter bar with the right-hand then pivot
the mower up until the weight of the mower rests
on the balls in the hanger.
7. Start tractor engine and lower the cutter bar
far enough to place a one- inch block of wood
between cutter bar lift arm and main frame.
CAUTION Keep hands and fingers away be from
front of cutter bar,
8. Raise cutter bar slowly until lift arm con-
tacts block of wood. Raise cutter bar farther and
shut off tractor engine. Attach inner shoe float
spring clev is to hanger with drilled pin and
spring locking pin.
  1. Start tractor engine. Lower cutter bar and remove
    block of wood. Shtit off tractor engine.
  2. (Moreas using front PTO onl y) Remove universal
    joint shield. Compress lock pin and connect
    universal joint to sp1ined shaft on rear drive
    assembly. Replace shield, being certain the
    flat washers lay on top or slots in shie ld.

  • Ope ratiOn 5
  • Removing mower from tractor
  • S. Start tractor engine. Love r cutter bar, Stop
    tractor engine and remove block of wood.
  • Raise cutter bar by hand and attach trans- port
    latch rod,
  • Loosen ring nut on oil line clamp and re- move
    oil lines.
  • Remove remote hydraulic cylinder from mower.

1. Place a one - inch block of wood between
cutter bar lift arm and main frame.
2. Start tractor engine and raise cutter bar
slowly untillift arm contacts block of wood.
Raise cutter bar farther until inner shoe float
spr ing adjusting bolt protrude s out of
adjusting bracket (all tension removed from
springs). ishut off trac- tor engine. Disconnect
float spring from hanger. Replace drilled pin
and spring locking pin in clev is ,
9. Open the latches in mower mounting hooks by
pulling up on handles until they lock open,
10. Talce hold of the transport latch rod with
the left- hand and take hold or the back side of
the cutter bar with the right-hand then rock
the mower to free mounting hooks mom hanger.
3. (More re ussup ft ont PTO out y) nemove
universal joint shield. After mower is removed,
replace shield for sale keeping.
CAUTION Keep hands and f(ngers away , from front
of cutter bar.
4. Disconnect universal joint.
11. Lower the cutter bar to ground.
12. Back tractor away from mower.
safety suggestions
When transporting the mower on a road or highway
at night or during the day, use acces- sory
lights and devices for adequate warning to the
operators of other vehicles. In this regard check
local governmental regulations. Various safety
lights and devices are available from your John
Deere dealer. Always disengage power to cutter
bar and shut off the tractor engine before
cleaning a clogged cutter bar. CAUTION Protect
against the risk of per- sonal injury and machine
domege by operating Implement only on rpm PTo
peed for which It Is designed or converted,
Operate a 540 rpm implement only on a 540 rpm
PTO. Operate a 1000 rpm Implement only on a f000
rpm PTO. lNfPORTANT Inexperience and lack of
know-how in repair and maintenance can re- sult
in personal injury as well as equipment
damage. Know what to do and how to do it be-
fori attempting a lob. CAUTION Always
disengage PTO and shut off tractor englne before
dlsrrountlng from trac- tor.
The safety of the operator was one of the prime
considerations of John Deere engineer s when this
mower was designed. Shielding, simple
adjustments, and other safety features were built
into the mower wherever possible. However,
investigation or thousands of acci- dents shows
that careless use of machinery causes nearly
1/3 of all accidents. Study these suggestions
carefully and insist that they be followed by
those working with you and for you. All machinery
should be operated only by re- sponsible persons
who have been delegated to do sO. Never clean,
oil or adjust the mower when it Clothing worn
by operator should be fairly tight and belted.
Loose jackets or sleeves should never be worn
because of the danger of getting into moving
parts. Be cure powershaft shield and all drive
belt shields are in place and in good condition
before starting. Make eertain everyone is clear
of the mower and tractor before starting so no
one can be struck by moving parts.
IMPORTAHT Nlake th is mazzu a I your guide and
adviser and do what it recommends, regardless of
what may have been your prac- tice with other
makes of mow- acs, or the suggestidcts that
may be made to you by well- meaning friends or
neighbors. When uaing thla mower with other
equipment, epocial serv- icing of the equipment
may be required. This inforrriation will be given
to you in the instruc- tion book accorripanying
the other equiprrient.
All lubrication points will be found in the toI -
lowing lubrication chart. CAUTION DI sengoge PTO
and shut off tractor engine before lubr
lcoting the mower. Bearings Lubricate all grease
fittings thoroughly with SAE multtpurpose grease
until grease oozes out of bearing. This assures
that the bearing is full and also flushes out
dlrt that may have accumu- lated tn the bearing.
However, avoid excessive lubrication. Excessive
lubricant that has dropped onto belts should be
wiped off immediately to avold belt
slippage. Lubrication of cutter bar and
knife Lubrtcate cutting parts thoroughly with SAE
30 otI except when worlctng in dry, dusty, ana
sandy soil condition then do not lubrtcate at
all. Lubrication of linkages When lubricating the
mower, make a practice of putting a few drops of
SAE 30 oil on all clev- ises, linkages, and other
movtng parta. Thls will make them work easier and
prolong thel r ltte. Lubrication of drive
chain (For mowers using s4o rpm front PTO out
y) For optimurrt chain life, lubricate drtve
chain regularly wtth light machine ot1. A paint
brush is a good instrument tor applying o11.
and service
Thts portion of your operator's manual con- tains
Instructions which, when performed, will help
to keep your mower performing economi- cally and
efficiently. Use this part of your manual as a
reference for adjusting and servicing your mower.
For additional service and genuine parts, see
your John Deere dealer. Cutter bar
adjustments Grass board and stick
I?nife alignment and outer shoe Stripper
plate adjustment
Befare starting the mower in the field, it may be
necessary to level the outer shoe by lining up
the ledger plate on outer shoe with ledger plates
on the cutter bar. This may be lnspected by
sighting down the cutter far trom the outer shoe
end. Adjustment is accomplished by loosening
nuta A, then removing or adding shlms, as
neces- sary, under the back edge of the cutter
bar. Addi- tional shims can be obtained from
your John Deere dealer. After adjusting level of
outer shoe, position stripper plate by loosening
nuts ''B' so bottom edge of atrippe r plate just
clears knife sections. This adjustment will
prevent plugging at the outer 8hoe. The subsoles
under inner and outer shoes should the adjusted
to regulate the height of cut for different
field conditions. They can be ad- justed to set
bar to cut aa high as 3 inches. Be certain to
adjust cutter bar to the same height at both
ends. On rough or stony land, the cutting
parts should be protected by adjusting the
subsoles to raise cutter bar.
The grass stick Is adjustable for tall and
short crops. To adjust, change location of bolt
''A' In grass board. A heavy coil .spring
prevents breakage when the grass board is cramped
sideways. Spring 'B' ' should be adjusted so
grass board is flexible however, ' 'B'' should
be tight enough so Inner end ot grass board
cannot swing past 1tp on outer shoe at C
. Adjustable subsoles
adjuB tments rind se
ice! 9
Cutter bar tilt adjustmerit
Cutter bar should be run level with the ground
whenever possible. Should it be necessary to
change tilt of cutter bar for short cutting, or
when cutting in hay that is lodged, cutter
bar can be tilted by means of an adjusting bolt
lo- cated on front of mower frame. Tighten the
two nuts after adjustment has been made.
With mower on level ground approximately 80 to
100 pounds (measured with a hand scale) should
be required to lift inner shoe .
_at_' SPRING
NOTE.- Shield should be renoeed be fore mab-
ia..g adjus tment. CAUTION Excessive ti It'ng
down will result in poor operation. Float
springs There should be enough tension on the
inner and outer shoe float springs so cutter bar
will rise easily and float rather than drag. If
there is not enough tension, the bar will ride
heavy on the ground and increase draft. Too much
tension will not allow the bar to follow the
ineven ground, an3 may hold it up after it has
risen over a mound or other obstruction.
0 dler r/to e hoof sp tin g
To adjust the inner and outer shoe float
springs, thread adjusting bol' in or out as nec-
essary to obtain correct spring tension. Tighten
lock nut after adjustment has been made.
Approximately 35 to 40 pounds (measured with a
hand scale) should be required to raise the outer
10 adjustments and service
  • repair
  • Snap-in gunrd platea
  • Snap-in guard plates are installed in the fol-
    lowing manner
  • Raise rear edge of worn plate with screw-
  • driver and remove by prying against lip of guard
    with punch.
  • With a punch, drive new plate forward until
  • it drops in place. IMPORTANT Do NOT force p
    lote down uritl! It 1s comp Ietely forwor d.
  • Tighten by setting guard material around
  • the rear of the plate.
  • PUftCH

The knife should move smoothly in the cutter bar
and every knife section should rest on the guard
plate to make a shear cut. This means the guards
, guard plates , wearing plates , and knife clips
must be in good condition and correctly set. If
these parts become loose or worn, the knife will
flop around in the cutter bar chewing and
tearing the crop instead of cutting
it. Guard alignment Set each guard up or down to
obtain a shear cut between the knife section and
the guard plate. Belore starting, raise the
knife holders for clearance. Bolt the guards
tight and strike them at the thick part, just
in front of the guard plates. Do not pound down
the guard lips as the knife might bind. Tighten
the bolt as each guard is aligned. Align the
guard wings also, making a smooth surface for the
knife back to work against. Disregard the
position of the guard points the guard plates
must be in line. However, the guard points should
be kept sharp. Regular guard plates Guard plates
should be replaced when worn or dull. The guard
and knife repair block, shown on page 87, is
convenient for replating all but the guards with
the snap-in plates.
Wearing plates Adjust or replace wearing plates
to take up wear on knife back and to reduce play
of knife and guards (see illustration on page
11). How- ever, do not move the knife so
Jar forward that the sections strike the guards.
Turned down edges oJ wearing plates must line up
with each other to give the knife back a straight
bearing along its entire length. Knife
clips Knife clips must hold sections down against
guard plates , but iiiust also permit knife to
slide under them without binding. Set the knife
clips after the guards are aligned. Never bend
down a knife clip when the knife is under it.
Tap the clip up or down until the knife will
just slide under it without binding. If clip is
too tight, strike it between the bolts while
the knife is under the clip. After setting the
knife clips, oil the guard plates and make
certain the knife works freely.
Selling guards da'vn
Lo as en in g in ife c I ip
settin g fi, t i ie c lip do
adjus tments and se rei ce 11 on knife back at
this point.
IMPORTANT To obtolntha best possible per-
formance of the knife, It Is very important to
maintain a minimum of clearance at all times be-
tween the knife head and guldes. Knife
e o o
e e e
New sections -p roper Lievel anal angle for good
Imp roperl y ground sect on s naFr0w b evel and
wron g angle whiCh cnanges the angIe of "s hear."
Knife head guides
If knife head develops too much sideway free
play, adjust by removing bolts "A," (see
illustration below) removing front knife head
guide, loosening bolts wearing plate snugly
there is a minimum
' 'B, and setting front against knife head so
of clearance. Tighten
bolts B.'
Sections propert y ground. Even after repeated
grind ing, proper bevel and angle are retained.
Sections ground off cen fer, dastroying the regi
ster of blade in guard.
Knife must move freel y after bolts "B" hove
been tightened.
Replace front knife head guide and set snugly
against knife head so there is a minimum of
clearance. Tighten bolts A.' ' Knife must move
freely after boJts "A" hove been tightened. IN
knife head develops too much up -and -down free
play, adjust by loosening bolts in slotted holes
in front knife head guide and moving knife head
guide snugly against knife head so there is a
minimum of clearance. Also remove one or two
shims under rear knife head guide. Tighten rear
knife head guide bolts "C" to 180 ft -lbs
torque. Knife head guides , wearing plate, and
guard plate on inner shoe must be replaced when
worn to avoid knife head breakage. Adjust
v'raring plate under rear knife head guide to
take up wear
Keep the knife straight and sharp, with the
sections firmly riveted to the knife back.
When sharpening the knife, be careful to re -
store the original shear angle and beve l of 22
degrees. Properly and tmprope rly ground knife
sections are shown above. A knife section that
has been ground several ttmes may have the
proper angle and bevel and still be unse rvice -
able because the hard cutting edge has been
ground away and the section is too short to
cut all the hay encountered. Replace worn or
broken sections. This is easiest with a guard and
knife repair block. In any event, shear off the
rivets rather than punch them out, as a punch
will enlarge the holes in the knife back. SHI
.010 SHIMS
1 2 ad)ustments and semice Removing knife Move
knife as far to the left as it will go. Loosen
jam nut and turn set screw counte r-
clockwise. Using a center punch, push pin to the
rear until It is free of connecting link. Pull
knife from cutter bar.
NOTE When installing kni fe, be sure that set s
crew fit( into the depreosion in connecting pin.
Shielded powerahaft Three nylon retainer
bearings, one at each end of the tubular shaft
and one in the middle, hold the shield in place
on the telescoplng powe r- shaft. To remove the
retainer bearings at either end ot the tubular
shaft, ralse Ing of bearing with a prick punch
and push against lug with a screwdriver until
bearing iS removed.
To replace bearing, work bearing Into slot,
using a prick punch and a hammer. A little oil or
water will help the bearing slide In.

fowersh a It dis os setribled
R emovinq beer ipqs
Bearn ge remove d
0 e placi n9 beoring s
Lifting rod adjustment The clevis on the end of
the lifting rod should be adjusted so the outer
end of cutter bar raises s lightly before the
inner end. Screwing the clevis inward will
cause the outer end of the cutter bar to rise
sooner screwing the clevis outward will cause
the outer end of the cutter bar to rise
later. RC Tighten lock nut after adjusting.
adj ustments and werat ce 1 3 Removing drive
sprocket on front PTO
Removing drive sheave on front PTO
1. Release tension on the two V-belts. 2, Loosen
all three cap sc rews A, B," and ' 'C,
until they are free to be removed. 3. Remove cap
screws 'A and B and screw into tapped
holes in hub. Tighten until tapered hub
gradually slides off of splined PTO shaft. 4.
Remove she ave.
  1. Release chain tension.
  2. Loosen clamp bolt and remove sprocket.

Bolt and nut torque specifications Whenever
bolts are replaced, be sure high
strength bolts are replaced wtth high strength
bolts of equal or more strength.
Multiply length
of wrench by pounds of pu) I on scale to obtain
It 1s important that the bolts be kept tight at
all tt mea. Loose bolts result in breakage of
parts with resultant delays.

Check tightness of bolts pe riodically, using
bolt torque chart as a guide.
Boh 6i, torque F-L L French Self ing for Regu! or BalI Torque Ft Lb Wren ct 5e ft ing for Hi gh trength BplI
1/4 5/16 36 7/16 1/2 9/16 6 13 23 3S 6 13 23 3S 10 20 35 SS 85 10 20 35 SS 85
1/4 5/16 36 7/16 1/2 9/16 130 130
1/4 5/16 36 7/16 1/2 9/16 105 105 170 170
1/4 5/16 36 7/16 1/2 9/16 300 300
Mark on Bal t Head ndicofi n g Hi gh -Strength
14 adjusts ents and senui ce Drive belt
Front drive belt
Rear drive belt (rear power take-off)
On mowers equipped with a tail not on the ad-
justing bolt, turn nut clockwise until drive belt
can be flexed 1/2 - inch at a point midway
between the sheaves.
On mowers equipped with double nuts on the
adjusting bolt, loosen lock nut by turning counte
r- clockwise. Turn adjusting nut clockwise untit
drive belt can be flexed 1/2- inch at a point
mid- way between the sheaves. After adjustment
has been made, tighten lock nut against adjusting
Loosen bolts A in bearing housing. Loosen lock
nut B' ' and turn adjusting nut C until
drive belt can be flexed 1/2- inch at a point
mid- way betwe en the sheaves. After adjustment
has been made, tighten lock nut ' 'B' and bolts
Bear drive belt (front power take -off) Loosen
bolts A in bearing housing. Loosen lock nut B'
' and turn adjusting nut "C until drive belt can
be flexed 1/2- inch at a point mid- way between
the sheaves. After adjustment has been made,
tighten 1ock nut B' and bolts A.
adjustments and semice 15 Adjustment of bearings
"rout drive
If adjusting for wear or alter replacing drive
shaft bearings , loosen clamp bolts C' remove
cotter pin in slotted nut ' 'D and turn nut
until bearings drag slightly. If slotted nut does
not line up with hole in shaft, advance to
nearest locking position and insert cotte r pin.
Tighten clamp bott. Crankshaft WOOD BLOCK
Hear drive (front power take-off)
If adjusting for wear or afte r replacing drive
shaft bearings , remove cap and cotter pin and
tighten slotted nut until all end play has been
removed from drive shaft. This can be approxi-
mated by tightening slotted nut until bearings
drag slightty. E slotted nut does not line up
with hole in shaft, advance to nearest locking
position and insert eotter pin. Install cap. Rear
drive (rear power take-off)
If adjusting for wear or after replacing cr ank-
shaft main bearing, remove the safety release
stud, bend up tang on lockwasher and tighten'nut
"A' until all end play has been removed from
crankshaft. Check to be sure all end play has
been re- moved by using a dial indicator type
gauge. IN gauge is not available, see your
John Deere dealer for this service. After
adjustment is completed, be sure to bend down
tang on lockwasher and install safety re- ie are
stud. NOTE It is recommended that a
spanne wrench be us ed for adjusting the nut on
cranb- shalt.
trouble shooting
The majority of mower operating problems can be
traced to improper adjustment. The serv- ice
chart which follows, 1s designed to help you when
such a problem develops, by suggesting a probable
cause and the recommended solution. These
suggested remedies should be applied with
caution. Make a since re effort to understand
your mower and know why you are making
an adjustment.
In many Instances, special attachments are
available to meet various ground and crop condi-
tions however, it la suggested that when
diffi- culties are encountered, every effort be
made to overcome the difficulty before
purchasing any necessary special attachment. If
the mower ifi not adjusted properly, the special
attachment will not eliminate the difficulty.
Problem Cause Remedy Page
Heavy draft. back of lubrication. Worn knife head, guides, knlfe clips or wearing plates. Guards loose or out of line. Dull, broken, nicked, or loose sections or guards. Too much tilt of cutter bar. Lips of guards bent down too far. Knife clips binding. Lubrtcate. Adjust or replace if worn. Tighten and altgn guards. Repair or replace If neees- sary. Change angle of tllt. Align guards. Reset knife clips. 7 10-11 10 10-11 9 10 10
Side draft. Guards loose or out of line. Dull, broken, nicked, missing or loose sections or guard plates. Worn knife head, guides, knife clips or wearing plates. Knife clips not properly set. Cutter bar not cutting at Same height at both ends, Drive belts slipping. Improper tension on float springs. Outer shoe too light. Tighten and align guards. Repair or replace if neces- sary. Replace and adjust, Reset knife clips. Adjust subsoles. Adjust drive belts. Adjust float springs. A d j u s t o u t e r shoe float spring. 10 10-11 10-11 10 8 14 9 9
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trouble s hooting ) 7
Problem Cause Remedy Page
E'iating of connect- ing rod bearings on crankshaft or crankshaft main bearings. Lack of lubrication. Crankshaft bearings too tight. Crankshaft sprung. Lubricate. Adjust, See your John Deere dealer. 15
Choked down. Lack of lubrication. Guards ' nose or out of line. Too much tilt of cutter bar. Dull or worn out knife. Knife head guides improperly adjusted. Knife clips not properly set. Lips of guards bent down too far. Drlve belts slipping. Grass stlck not properly set. Lubricate. Tighten and align. Change angle of tilt. Sharper or replace knife or aecti as. just ,".rife head guides. Reset knife cllpa. Align guards. Adjust drive belts. Adust grass stick. 10 9 11 11 10 lO 14
Clogging at inner shoe. Swath not properly divided. Inner shoe too heavy. Cutting too low. Adust graas board and stick. A d j u s t i n n e r shoe float spring. Adlust inner shoe subsole. 8 9 8
Clogging at outer shoe. Stripper plate lmpmperly ad- justed. Outer shoe out of alignment. Crop hangs onto outer shoe. Outer shoe too heavy. Adjust stripper plate. Remove or add sh1ms. Install outer shoe divider. A d j u s I o ut e r shoe float sprtng. 8 8 87
itnife and knife head Worn or improperly adjusted breakage. knife head gutdes. Guards loose or out of line. Dull sections and guard plates. Nicked or broken sections. Crooked knife. Loose rivets In knife head. itnife and knife head Worn or improperly adjusted breakage. knife head gutdes. Guards loose or out of line. Dull sections and guard plates. Nicked or broken sections. Crooked knife. Loose rivets In knife head. Adjust or replace, or both. Tighten and align. Sharpen or replace. Sharpen or replace. Straightest or rep\ace. Replace and reset. 11 1P 1011 11 11 11
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