Title: All About Weather
1All About Weather
Presentation by Lisa Brown
2Standard Course of Study Objectives - Science
Objective (2.03) Describe weather using
measurement of temperature, wind direction and
Objective (2.04) Identify instruments used to
measure weather conditions.
Objective (2.06) Observe and record weather
observations over a period of time, relate this
to time of year and season.
3Standard Course of Study Objectives - Math
Objective (1.04) Develop fluency with multi-digit
addition and subtraction using multiple
strategies. Objective (4.01) Collect, organize,
describe, and display data.
4Weather Weather is what the air outside is
5Weather begins with energy from the sun.
6The earth moves in an orbit or path around the
sun. It takes one year or 365 days for the
earth to orbit the sun.
7In many places the weather changes from season to
8Winter is the coldest season of the year. It is
icy at times.
9In spring the warm rainy weather helps plants to
10In summer the days are often hot and sunny.
11In fall the air grows cooler. Some trees change
colors before the leaves fall off.
12The water cycle is the way water moves from the
air to land and back to the air.
13Weather conditions can be measured using tools.
This week we have used several weather tools.
14First we used the thermometer to measure the
15We used our rain gauge to measure precipitation
or rainfall.
16We used the weather vane that we made along with
our compass to measure wind direction.
17Based on our data collections this week, we will
discuss and draw conclusions about the weather.
18References www.horton-szar.net/clipart/weather2.p
hp www.physicalgeography.net www.nvtech.com www