Title: Collaborative Expedition Workshop
1Collaborative Expedition Workshop 35Design
Workshop to Frame National Dialogue on
Intelligent Information Use in Manufacturing and
Implications for e-Government
- September 14, 2004
- National Science Foundation
- Room 555, Stafford II
- Ballston, VA
- The Collaborative Expedition Workshops (CEW)
serve individuals and policy-makers from all
sectors government, business, and non-government
organizations to practice an emerging societal
form that advances realization of the
citizen-centric government goal of the
President's Management Agenda. - Each workshop organizes participation around a
common purpose, larger than any institution,
including government. By learning how to
appreciate multiple perspectives around the
potentials and realities of this larger
"purpose", subsequent actions of individuals
representing many forms of expertise, can be
expressed more effectively in their respective
settings. - The monthly workshops seek to advance the quality
of citizen-government dialogue and collaborations
at the crossroads of intergovernmental
initiatives, Communities of Practice, Federal IT
research and IT user agencies in order to advance
collaborative innovations in government and
community services such as emergency
preparedness, environmental monitoring,
healthcare and law enforcement.
- A key finding of last year, was the need to apply
emerging technologies (web services, grid
computing, and semantic web) to tune up the
innovation pipeline with better linkages among
business incubators (state economic development
programs), innovation diffusion networks (SBIR,
angel investors, etc.) and business intelligence
centers with quality information about
e-government and e-commerce gaps. - Many of the agile business components surfacing
in the small business innovation world are not
easily discovered by e-government managers,
resulting in lost or delayed opportunities for
both parties. - To address this potential, a quarterly Emerging
Components Conference Series was this year. Four
national dialogue conferences have been held thus
far two at the White House Conference Center,
one at the Washington DC Convention Center and
one at MITRE. For more information see
- Workshop Sponsors
- The General Services Administration's Office of
Intergovernmental Solutions. - Architecture and Infrastructure Committee of the
Federal CIO Council. - National Coordination Office of the Interagency
Committee on IT RD (Social, Economic and
Workforce Implications of IT and IT Workforce
Development (SEW) Coordinating Group). - All value this "frontier outpost" to open up
quality conversations, augmented by information
technology, to leverage the collaborative
capacity of united, but diverse sectors of
society, seeking to discover, frame, and act on
national potentials.
- Past Workshop Archives, Collaborative Pilots, and
Related Resources - http//ua-exp.gov
- http//colab.cim3.net
- http//web-services.gov
- http//componenttechnology.org
- http//www.gsa.gov/intergov
- http//www.itrd.gov
- Upcoming Events
- September, 20-22, 2004, Enterprise Architecture
Conference, September 21, 215-330 p.m., Session
3-5 Best Practices for Adopting Service-Oriented
Architectures. - October 19, 2004, Collaborative
Expedition-Emerging Technology Workshop 36 at
the NSF. Evolving a Multi-Stakeholder Process for
Identifying Emerging Technology Using Ontology
and Taxonomy Best Practices Introduction to
Tiger Teams and Sprints. - October 25, 2004, Fifth Emerging Technology
Components Conference, Hosted at MITRE. - See Componenttechnology.Org for details.
- November 16, 2004, Collaborative
Expedition-Emerging Technology Workshop 37 at
the NSF.
- To help our Enterprise Architecture, Emerging
Technology, and Federal Networking and
Information Technology Research Development
(NITRD) communities understand the broad
implications of Intelligent Information Use in
Manufacturing - What lessons from the manufacturing sector offer
valuable context for intergovernmental agreements
around knowledge sharing and enterprise
innovations? - What is unfolding at the frontier of this
important Information Space today? - What are the strategic priorities and
relationships that can frame the planning for
national dialogue around this strategic
opportunity? - Who needs to be included in this dialogue?
- What are the implications for Intelligent
Information Use in Manufacturing, in light of the
global build-out of cyber-infrastructure?
- Continued
- What environmental, trade, and corporate (both
tangible and intangible assets) governance
mechanisms are inextricably linked to this global
connectedness? - Will automated integration be achieved as trusted
relationships mature? - What are the implications and challenges likely
to arise for US industry (regulated and
non-regulated), financial institutions,
shareholders, state economic development
programs, and global intermediaries? - How can we anticipate the realistic scenarios
needed to form sound alliances and manage risk?
- Continued
- How can Intelligent Information Use in
Manufacturing contribute to the triple bottom
line - Environment, Social and Economic aspects
of corporate performance? - Will business incubators (state economic
development programs) and innovation diffusion
networks (SBIR, seed investment, angel investors,
etc.) have a role as frontier outposts for
Intelligent Information Use in Manufacturing? - Will frontier outposts for Intelligent
Information Use in Manufacturing be the first
adopters of open, semantic technologies (like
ontological standards or semantic web-services)
that "distill" and "apply" the smart-data,
-information and -knowledge needed by both people
and machines to solve complex problems within
their work environments? - How can the relationships, business processes,
and tools needed by diverse people to augment
their "collective intelligence" around
manufacturing be designed to support and not
hobble, people's natural forms of expertise?
- Semantics for Manufacturing
- Manufacturing paradigms have changed. Now, the
model is to design where the knowledge is,
manufacture where labor and other factors are
most economical and compete in global markets. A
key theme is the role of knowledge-based
technologies in smart products and processes. - According to Craig Schlenoff of NIST (National
Institute of Standards and Technology), the
evolution toward smart products and processes
starts with common models of data, then advances
to explicit, formal semantics (dealing with the
relationships rather than just the terminology),
to self-describing systems, and eventually to
self-integrating systems (see next slide figure). - The goal is to create autonomic and autonomous
systems that know, learn and can reason as people
do and can self-evolve. Currently, the aims of
advanced manufacturing studies are to develop
methodologies and approaches to machine learning
and rational theory construction in every area
well practiced by humans.
Source Mills Davis, TopQuadrant, Inc.,
Semantics for Manufacturing (pages 18-19) in
Next-Wave Publishing, Part 3 Revolutions in
Content, Seybold Reports, Vol. 3, No. 23 March
15, 2004. Also Invited Speaker at the Second
Annual Semantic Technologies for E-Government
Conference, September 8-9, 2004, The MITRE
Corporation, McLean, VA.
Figure 13 Systems That Know, Learn and Evolve.
This diagram depicts stages in the evolution of
intelligent products and processes.
- 830 a.m. - Check-in, Box Lunch Order
(8.00/person) and Coffee - 900 a.m. - Welcome and Introduction
- Susan Turnbull, GSA, Emerging Technology
Subcommittee, Brand Niemann, EPA, Emerging
Technology Subcommittee and Semantic
Interoperability CoP, Knowledge Management
Subcommittee, Steve Ray, NIST, Peter Yim, CIM
Engineering, Inc., Suzi Iacono, NSF, and George
Hazelrigg, NSF - 915 a.m. - Intelligent Information Use in
Manufacturing - Some Government Perspectives - Steve Ray, Chief, Manufacturing Systems
Integration Division, National Institute of
Standards and Technology, Intelligent Information
Use in Manufacturing (NIST) - George Hazelrigg, Program Director for
Manufacturing Machines and Equipment, Division of
Design, Manufacture, and Industrial Innovation
NSF, Manufacturing Research Supported by the
National Science Foundation - 1015 a.m. - BREAK
- 1030 a.m.- Intelligent Information Use in
Manufacturing - Industry Perspectives - Leo Reddy, CEO and Founder, National Council for
Advanced Manufacturing - Alexander Morgan, Principal Research Scientist,
Manufacturing Systems Research Laboratory,
General Motors - Adrian Walker, CTO, Reengineering, LLC, Semantics
and the Web e-Government Implications of Some
Emerging Technology Beyond W3C - 1200-noon - Networking Lunch
- 100 p.m.- Intelligent Information Use in
Manufacturing - Academic Perspectives - Sk Gupta, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Maryland, Improving Product
Realization Through Intelligent Information
Management - Zhi Long Chen, R H Smith School of Business,
University of Maryland, Information Technology
Information Sharing in Supply Chains - Evren Sirin James Hendler, University of
Maryland, Semantic Web and Web Services - 200 p.m. - BREAK
- 230 p.m. - Panel Session addressing some key
questions - What are the Potentials and Realities for
National Dialogue Around Intelligent Information
Use in Manufacturing? - What are the Strategic Priorities and
Relationships that We Can Build Upon? - Commitment to Action and Reflection Next Steps
Toward National Dialogue - 345 p.m. - Reflections from workshop presenters
and participants - What are the principal findings from the dialogue
around strategic priorities and relationships? - How has this "larger landscape" relative to
Intelligent Information Use in Manufacturing
influenced your perspective on actions that could
be taken toward this purpose as a strategic
leader in your setting? - 415 p.m. - ADJOURN
16Some Questions Face-to-Face Virtual Workshops
- 1. What are the Potentials and Realities for
National Dialogue Around Intelligent
Manufacturing? - a. What is the future of manufacturing for the
US? - b. What is the value of a strong manufacturing
sector to the economy of the nation? - c. Eventually when efficiency and productivity
catches up, the total size of the workforce that
needs to be involved in manufacturing (globally)
will come down (like what has happened in
agriculture) - d. What are the challenges arising for US
industry (regulated and non-regulated), financial
institutions, shareholders, state economic
development programs, and global intermediaries?
17Some Questions Face-to-Face Virtual Workshops
- 1. What are the Potentials and Realities for
National Dialogue Around Intelligent
Manufacturing? (continued) - e. What are the implications of "outsourcing"
production, then pilot production, then
engineering, then design and eventually RD? - f. How could the nation capture and retain more
benefits or earlier benefits from manufacturing
research? - g. What would be a good strategy when facing
globalization? What are the implications for
Intelligent Information Use in Manufacturing, in
light of the global build-out of
cyber-infrastructure? - h. What environmental, trade, and corporate (both
tangible and intangible assets) governance
mechanisms are inextricably linked to our growing
global connectedness?
18Some Questions Face-to-Face Virtual Workshops
- 2. What are the strategic priorities and
relationships that could frame planning for
national dialogue around this strategic
opportunity? Who needs to be included in this
dialogue? - a. What lessons from the manufacturing sector
offer valuable context for intergovernmental
agreements around knowledge-sharing and
enterprise innovations? - b. How could government, academe and industry
more effectively share information on
manufacturing technology and research results? - c. In light of a distributed-intelligence
manufacturing scenario - - What are good strategies for US business?
- - What new roles and relationships among
manufacturing actors could be supported by
enterprise information integration? - - What is a US business anyway?
- d. What about employment and the job situation?
- e. What is the role of new connection-making
technologies in advancing shared understanding
among diverse groups of manufacturing domain
actors? Will automated integration be achieved as
trusted relationships mature?
19Some Questions Face-to-Face Virtual Workshops
- 2. What are the strategic priorities and
relationships that could frame planning for
national dialogue around this strategic
opportunity? Who needs to be included in this
dialogue? (continued) - f. How could we anticipate the realistic
scenarios needed to form sound alliances and
manage risk? - g. How could semantic technologies support rapid
connection-making that is valued for enhancing
capacity and discernment, as evidenced by the
increasing number of effective, but simultaneous
roles and relationships that individuals maintain
within and across manufacturing and other areas
of human endeavor? - h. What joint governance mechanisms are needed to
mature the conducive environments needed by
trusted practitioner networks of manufacturers?
How can small business innovators be included?
How could the manner in which they work
(horizontally and vertically) be transformed? - i. Will business incubators (state economic
development programs) and innovation diffusion
networks (SBIR, seed investment, angel investors,
etc.) have a role as frontier outposts for
Intelligent Information Use in Manufacturing? - j. How could Intelligent Information Use in
Manufacturing contribute to the triple bottom
line - Environment, Social and Economic aspects
of corporate performance?
20Some Questions Face-to-Face Virtual Workshops
- 3. Commitment to Action and Reflection Next
Steps Toward National Dialogue - a. What are the implications of new ways of
organizing for better problem-formulation and
action? - b. What is the role of Communities of Practice in
problem-centered development that cuts across
boundaries using web tools to support
connection-making and accelerate learning that
contributes to global competitiveness? - c. How could open dialogue with transparency of
records support understanding, trust and mitigate
risk within and across interrelated domains? - d. Will frontier outposts of early adopters
deploy open standard, semantic technologies to
"distill" the context-aware -data - information
and knowledge needed by people and machines to
solve problems within complex adaptive systems? - e. How can the tools needed by diverse people to
augment their "collective intelligence" around
manufacturing be designed to support and not
hobble people's natural forms of expertise?