Title: Liam Weatherill
1Liam Weatherill Manager East Durham Community
2- Community Transport
- How can we help?
- Improve access to services
- Improve access to employment
- Reduce transports CO2 emissions
3What is Community Transport? Community
transport covers a wide range of transport
solutions usually developed to cover a specific
travel need, typically run by the voluntary
sector for the local community on a not for
profit basis.
4- What does that really mean?
- CT is focussed on passengers not profit
- We operate in our own communities
- We know our passengers their needs
- We understand what is needed locally
- We are governed by our service users
- We provide affordable/accessible travel
5- Who benefits from CT?
- People who find it difficult to access
other modes of transport. - People with mobility problems, those who are
vulnerable, have disabilities or who just
cannot easily get from A to B. - CT provides over 250,000 passenger journeys
in County Durham per year and over 60 surveyed
said CT or dont go
6- What makes CT a safe choice?
- All staff are CRB checked
- All staff are trained in disability issues
- Correct safety equipment is used
- Bespoke vehicles regularly inspected
- Risk assessments undertaken
- The needs of passengers is the focus
7CT Schemes County Durham
Wheels to work
Volunteer Car Schemes
DRT Dial-A-Ride
Group Hire
8Community Transport Across County Durham
Durham City
Accessible Minibus schemes Volunteer Car
schemes Wheels to Work schemes
9County Durham CT Operators ForumMembers
- CT Operators
- Minibus (Dial-A-Ride, Group Hire, DRT)
- Volunteer car schemes
- Wheels to work
- Durham County Council
- Plus, Guest speakers
10Typical Agenda
- Anchorage Systems Unwin presentation
- Round the table reports
- Durham County Council contracts
- CT Matrix (confidential)
- LTP2 - Community Transport element
11Basically, get together to..
- Share our experiences
- Voice our concerns
- Combine our strengths
- Reduce our weaknesses
- Move forward together
12- East Durham
- Community Transport
ED Youth Forum
Seaham Care Home
Travel Club
East Durham Community Transport 0191 5182633
14PATS Training
MiDAS Training
Safe/Versatile Fleet
jobCarz - Car Hire
East Durham Community Transport 0191 5182633
15- What is the aim of jobCarz?
- To Afford local people from Easington District,
who are returning to work after claiming
Incapacity Benefit, transport to access their new
workplace through the provision of a car by
16- Evidence
- Government Over 2.6 million people claim
incapacity benefit at a cost of more than 12
billion a year to the taxpayer. It is
economically rational to spend up to 62,000 on
getting the average person on incapacity benefit
into work. David Freud Future of Welfare. - Regional We will focus intervention on the
priority target groups of Incapacity Benefit
claimants and those with disabilities. Voluntary
community organisations are crucial in terms of
delivery of activity in the area of economic
inclusion. 70 of people from deprived North East
Communities have no access to a car. Regional
Economic Strategy Action Plan 2006-2011
17- More
- County Objective Our Challenge is to
develop an integrated transport system to afford
County Durham residents better access to jobs,
leisure and services throughout County Durham
and beyond. The County Durham Local Transport
Plan 2006 2011 - District There are just under 10,000 Incapacity
Benefit claimants in Easington District, an
area where 37 of all households have no access
to a car. - Only 52 of men and 62 of women both live and
work in the District with significant
out-commuting flows to other parts of Durham.
Sunderland takes one in six employed people from
the District. The Sheffield Hallam Report
18- What is jobCarz?
- A cheap car loan scheme for people who have
secured work after claiming benefits - Referrals from Jobcentre Plus, Shaw Trust,
City of Sunderland College, members of East
Durham Employment Consortium. - If accepted, they loan a Chevrolet Matiz
1.0 SE (10 in fleet) for up to 3 months with
follow up Personalised Travel Planning after
- Additionality
- Lift-share scheme Loanees encouraged to give
lifts to people to/from similar locations. - Benefit extends to whole family by affording them
inclusion and raising their self-esteem. - Awareness of barriers experienced by people
leaving benefits and joining the workforce. - Reducing the burden of benefit payments on the
local/national economy, and increasing the GVA of
Easington District.
- Reducing CO2 Emissions
- Comparing private car travel and public transport
throws up an interesting debate. In absolute
terms of reducing CO2 it is always better to use
a scheduled public transport service. This is
because when you use a car the result is an extra
journey is made and extra CO2 is emitted into the
atmosphere. - On the other hand, when you use public transport
journey by bus, coach, plane or train the journey
is always scheduled and would take place whether
or not you travelled. So in real terms there is
no additional CO2 emitted.
- Reducing CO2 Emissions
- Community Transport
- Euro 4 engines in minibuses Speed limiters
- Minibus travel reduces individual emissions
- Larger buses often run with low numbers
- CT will embrace bio-fuels, electric vehicles, etc
when they become a viable alternative. - CT provides the right vehicles for the service
- Summary
- Community Transport offers people who are
vulnerable, have disabilities or who are in some
way disadvantaged, isolated or socially excluded
the opportunity to access both affordable and
accessible transport. - Community Transport operates a quality passenger
focussed service linking local people with the
services in their communities and also offers
access to employment, training and other modes of
transport. - Community Transport uses the right vehicles for
the right jobs reducing CO2 emissions.