Fractals. Geostatistics. Time series analysis. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fractals. Geostatistics. Time series analysis.


... on treating heterogeneous property distributions as stationary, correlated, ... Multifractality and spatial statistics Cheng QM COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES 25 (9) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fractals. Geostatistics. Time series analysis.

Fractals. Geostatistics. Time series analysis.
  • Edith Perrier, IRD France,
  • Visiting scientist at UCT,
  • Applied Maths Dept., room 417.1, Ext. 3205,
  • E-mail
  • Web site where to download previous lectures
    lect.ppt (or if links included)

Time series and functions f(t)
  • A time series plot of a sequence of measures x0,
    x1, x2, x3, ..consists of plotting the points
  • (0, x0), (1, x1), (2, x2), (3, x3), ...
  • fIRgtIR
  • t-gtf(t), graph
  • often a function of time

Fractal curves as functions differentiable only
on a set of points of measure 0
  • Pathogical curves Weierstrass described a
    function that was continuous but
    nondifferentiable -- no tangent could be
    described at any point. Cantor showed how a
    simple, repeated procedure could turn a line into
    a dust of scattered points, and Peano generated a
    convoluted curve that eventually touches every
    point on a plane. Whereas one can show that for
    ordinary function f 0,1-gtIR with a continuous
    derivation, the graph of f is a regular
    1-dimendional set, the Cantor graph has a non
    integer fractal dimension as well as the von
    Koch, Peano (Hilbert) curves.
  • (http// Hermite described these
    new functions as a "dreadful plague" and Poincaré
    wrote "Yesterday, if a new function was
    invented it was to serve some practical end
    today they are specially invented only to show up
    the arguments of our fathers, and they will never
    have any other use".
  • http//
    Talks in Financial and Insurance Mathematics,
    Summer Term 2002

Weierstrass function
Exercise try different values for s
Run Mathematica
Web Example
Weierstrass graph fractal dimension
  • Hints from Falconer (1990) p.148
  • Recent paper from Hunt (1996)
  • The Weierstrass nowhere differentiable function,
    and functions constructed from similar infinite
    series, have been studied often as examples of
    functions whose graph is a fractal. Though there
    is a simple formula for the Hausdorff dimension
    of the graph which is widely accepted, it has not
    been rigorously proved to hold. We prove that if
    arbitrary phases are included in each term of the
    summation for the Weierstrass function, the
    Hausdorff dimension of the graph of the function
    has the conjectured value for almost every
    sequence of phases. The argument extends to a
    much wider class of Weierstrass-like functions.

Temporal auto-correlations
We might expect a fractal graph with
( Proof using Box Counting
It is reasonable to expect a signal with a power
spectrum ( Proof using
Fourier transforms)
Falconer, 1990, p.158)
  • Geostatistics is a collection of statistical
    methods which were traditionally used in
    geo-sciences. These methods describe spatial
    autocorrelation among sample data and use it in
    various types of spatial models. Geostatistical
    methods were recently adopted in ecology
    (landscape ecology) and appeared to be very
    useful in this new area.
  • Regionalized random function Z(X) with
    assumptions of ergodicity (a single sample would
    reflect the statistical character of the random
    variable) thus stationarity (statistical
    homogeneity where on smaller subparts, we have
    the same RF with different realizations)
  • First moment mean m(x)EZ(X),
  • Second order moments variance varZ(X)E(Z(X)-m(
    x))2 and covariance C(x,xh)E(Z(X)-m(x))(Z(xh)
  • Spatial autocorrelation can be analyzed using
    correlograms, covariance functions and variograms

Spatial autocorrelations
  • Correlogram is estimated using equation
  • where indexes -h and h refer to sample points
    located at the tail and head of vector h z-h and
    zh are organism counts in samples separated by
    lag vector h summation is performed over all
    pairs of samples separated by vector h Nh is the
    number of pairs of samples separated by vector h
    M-h and Mh are mean values for samples located
    at the tail and head of vector h s-h and sh are
    standard deviations of samples located at the
    tail and head of vector h.
  • Other measures of spatial dependence are
    covariance function
  • and variogram (semivariogram)
  • The correlogram, covariance function, and
    variogram are all related. If the population mean
    and variance are constant over the sampling area
    (there is no trend) then
  • where C(0) is the covariance at zero lag
    variance squared standard deviation.
  • Fromhttp//
    ol/lec3/geostat.html Alexei A. Sharov, Department
    of Entomology at Virginia Tech.

Examples of one-dimensional spatial distributions
with different nugget effects and corresponding
Geostatistics, estimations and kriging
  • Geostatistics changes the entire methodology of
    sampling. Traditional sampling methods don't work
    with autocorrelated data and therefore, the main
    purpose of sampling plans is to avoid spatial
    correlations. In geostatistics there is no need
    in avoiding autocorrelations and sampling becomes
    less restrictive. Also, geostatistics changes the
    emphasis from estimation of averages to mapping
    of spatially-distributed populations.
  • The value z0 at unsampled location 0 is estimated
    as a weighted average of sample values zi at
    locations i around it Weights depend on the
    degree of correlations among sample points and
    estimated point.

Variograms and fractals
  • Search for theoretical links
  • The Fractal/Facies Concept An Alternative to
    Using Variograms for Generating Subsurface
    Heterogeneity from Fred J. Molz, III,
    Environmental Engineering Science, Clemson
    University,, James W. Castle,
    Geological Sciences, Clemson University, and
    Silong Lu, Geotrans, Inc,. Past applications of
    stochastic theory in geology have been based
    mainly on treating heterogeneous property
    distributions as stationary, correlated, random
    processes, with short correlation lengths. A
    convenient way to characterize such distributions
    is through computation of a variogram, which
    should reach a sill as one approaches a
    measurement separation equal to the correlation
    length. This approach has had limited success,
    because often a sill is not reached or is poorly
    defined. An explanation for such behavior is
    given by modern fractal-based theories that
    conceptualize natural heterogeneity as
    non-stationary stochastic processes with
    stationary increments, the mathematical basis for
    stochastic fractals.
  • Multifractality and spatial statistics Cheng QM
    COMPUTERS GEOSCIENCES 25 (9) 949-961 NOV 1999.
    . In the present paper, a theoretical
    investigation is developed to illustrate (1) the
    characteristics of multifractality as measured by
    the parameter tau "(q) (2) relationships between
    multifractality and spatial statistics including
    semivariogram and autocorrelation in
    geostatistics, indexes used in lacunarity
    analysis and correlation coefficients. It can be
    shown that these statistics primarily are related
    to multifractality as determined by tau "(1).
    This is an important result because not only does
    it provide the link between multifractals and
    spatial statistics but it also shows that
    statistics based on second-order moments are
    restrictive in that they only characterize a
    multifractal measure around the mean value. In
    applications where extreme values need to be
    taken into account, the entire multifractal
    spectrum should be used rather than local
    properties of the spectrum around the mean only
    alternatively, statistics defined on the basis of
    higher-order moments can be employed for analysis
    of extreme values.
  • Even softwares
  • Management

Static patterns and dynamical processes?
Lecture series
  • Lecture 1. March. 3rd. Introduction to fractal
    geometry . Measures and power laws.
  • Lecture 2. March 5th. Definitions of non-integer
    dimensions and mathematical formalisms
  • Lecture 3. March 10th. Iteration of functions and
    fractal patterns
  • Lecture 4. March 12th. Extensions Self-similar
    and self-affine sets . Multifractals.
  • Lecture 5. March 17th. Fractals / Geostatistics
    / Time series analysis
  • Lecture 6. March 19th. Dynamical processes
    Fractal and random walks
  • Lecture 7. March 24th. Dynamical processes
    Fractal and Percolation
  • Lecture 8. March 26th. Dynamical processes
    Fractal and Chaos
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