Title: Objectives
- Explain the two approaches to fatigue
characterization. - Explain the different assumptions underlying the
two approaches. - Identify the fatigue limit, fatigue strength, and
fatigue life from an S-N curve - Identify the three regions of behavior on a da/dn
delta K curve.
2The Three Horsemen of Engineering
- Cyclic Load/ Strain
- Extended time failure process
4Two Types of Fatigue
- High Cycle
- - Stress below yield strength
- - Macroscopically brittle
- - May be very long life
- Low Cycle
- Stress exceeds yield strength
- Very few cycles to failure
- Lots of plastic deformation
- Mean Stress
- Range
- Stress Amplitude
- R Value
6Two Engineering Approaches to Fatigue
- 1. Assume a flaw free structure
- - initiation of flaw dominant
- - safety factors to account for flaws
- 2. Assume presence of flaws of known type
- - fracture mechanics for prediction
- - measurement/ monitoring required
7High Cycle Fatigue Process
- Local yielding at a defect or in a stress
concentration (filet root, scratch, bend, hole) - Dislocation pile up/ saturation
- Crack formation
- Crack propagation (relatively little of the life)
8S-N Approach
Multiple Specimens Different Stresses Cycled to
BCC HCP Metals
9Fatigue in FCC Alloys (Al)
7075-T6 Aluminum notched, constant load
Hardrath et al, NASA TN D-210
10Effect of Notches Cold Working
11S-N Approach
- Assumes Flaw Free Structures or structures with
flaws just like the test specimens. - Implies that most of the life of a structure
occurs during crack INITIATION!
12Fatigue Limit vs. Hardness
Metals Handbook, Vol 1, ASM Int.
13Relation between rotating, bending unnotched
fatigue strength and tensile strength, for alloy
(?) steels and carbon (x) steels
14(No Transcript)
15Limitations of S-N
- Massive Scatter
- Initiation and propagation not separate
- Mechanisms change based on stress
- Low cycle plastic deformation
- High cycle purely elastic deformation
16The FCP Process
- Sharp Crack closed
- Stress opens crack
- Tip of crack blunts
- Crack closure/ sharpening
- Repeat
17The Fatigue Process
- Sharp Crack closed
- Stress opens crack
- Tip of crack blunts
- Crack closure/ sharpening
- Repeat
- Note Large load large plastic zone
- large compressive stress difficult crack
- opening on next cycle
- Thus periodic overloads during fatigue
- may actually slow the failure process
18(No Transcript)
19Load Order Is Significant
- l low load cycle h high load cycle
- hhhhhhhhlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll best
- lllhlllhlllhlllhlllhlllhlllhlllhlllh
- hhlllllllhhlllllllhhlllllllhhllllllh
- lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllhhhhhhhh worst
20Effect of Stress Level on FCP Rate
21Effect of constant Delta-K Values
22Monitor Stress Intensity and Crack Speed da/dN
Delta K
23Real Data for Stainless Steel