Title: Sustainable Institutional Buildings: The New Landscape Architecture Facility
1Sustainable Institutional Buildings The New
Landscape Architecture Facility
T.P. Cathcart P.O.
Melby Biological Engineering Landscape
Architecture Mississippi State
2In 2002, the new Landscape Architecture facility
was completed.
3Five years in planning, it is the first MSU
campus building designed specifically to minimize
operational energy use.
4After 1 year of monitoring
- Total energy use is 15 kWh / ft2 per year.
- By comparison, 2 nearby conventionally designed
buildings use 45 and 47 kWh / ft2 per year. - The other buildings use 3 times the energy per
unit area as the buildings in the LA facility.
5The completion of the facility has made news
6Why Does This Matter?
- Reason 1
- MSU spends 700,000 per MONTH on
- its utility bill. Thats over 8M per year.
- If we could trim that bill by 2/3, we would save
over 5M each year.
7Why Does This Matter?
Reason 2 Homeland Security Sustainable
buildings are less dependent upon centralized
sources of energy. A public building that has
minimal HVAC and artificial lighting needs is
more likely to maintain function if centralized
energy is disrupted.
8Why Does This Matter?
Reason 3 Sustainability Sustainability
Meeting our needs in ways that allow our children
and grandchildren to meet their needs.
- Leaving our children a world that is less
- inhabitable than the one we were born
- into is wrong.
- Our descendents have a right to
- sufficient resources to meet their
- needs.
- They have a right to live in a world that
- has not been significantly degraded.
10We didnt use to have to worry about
sustainability? What has changed?
Projected 9-12 billion by 2050
11There are enough of us now to adversely effect
the natural systems upon which we depend.
- 7000 sq. mile dead (anoxic) zone in
- the northern Gulf of Mexico.
- World wide loss of biodiversity.
- Global warming.
What is the carrying capacity of earth?
12No one knows for sure. But
like a giraffe growing up in a garage,
we will eventually have to consider our limits
and our options.
13So how does a low energy demand building make us
more sustainable?
- Decreased demand on non-renewable resources.
- Decreased pollutant production.
- Decreased demand on electrical grid.
- Decreased production of greenhouse gases (CO2)
- Energy use at an electric power plant is 3 xs
use at the site. - The LA facility produces 600 Mtons less CO2 per
year than a conventionally designed building of
the same size..
14How did the LA facility happen?
Pete Melby I have been working together for
Eventually we wrote a book.
And the building came out of the book!
15Is building sustainably as hard as brain surgery?
Before air conditioners and central heat,
buildings used passive cooling and heating, and
it worked!
Passive means that it does not require additional
and there were many techniques that were used.
16Heat comes from the sun. In the summer, we want
to keep it out.
Use overhangs that prevent solar radiation from
striking the sides of the buildings.
17But we know that the elevation of the winter sun
at noon is a lot lower than the summer sun at
noon .
18Design the overhangs so that direct sunlight does
strike the walls (and particularly the windows)
in winter.
19The winter sunlight will pass through the window.
20Then build your floor out of a material that
absorbs and can hold a lot of heat. It will heat
during the day and
Passive Solar Heating
give the heat back at night.
21Make the walls thick with stone or brick. The
interior temperature will change very little.
Thats why caves were such popular dwellings for
ancient peoples.
22Use high ceilings to keep rooms cool (a good
technique for the south, where cooling exceeds
heating energy use).
23Open windows to enhance natural
24Not all the technologies are old.
25Windows are light years ahead of where they used
to be.
They were once unstoppable heat leaks.
Multi-paned windows using an assortment of
coatings and inert gases now have high insulation
26There are many new insulating materials and
places to use them.
Shown here is foundation insulation.
27Asphalt shingles are the norm for roofing in many
In the South, they can reach 160 F !
Heat gain through the roof can be more than half
of your cooling load.
28Reflective roofs are much better in the South.
The best and most recently introduced are both
reflective and have a high capacity to radiate
the heat back into space.
29Some of the new technologies are expensive!
30Geothermal (earth linked) Heat Pump.
The system used in the LA Facility added 350k to
the price of the 4M building. But payback time
is 10 years (much less than expected life).
31Photovoltaic system
This system was paid for by the Tennessee Valley
Authority (part of their green power
project). Payback time is 20 years (about the
same as expected life).
32MSU has a state of the art example of green
Its a product of many technologies, some old and
some new. Its also a product of human thought.
Thats probably the most important ingredient.
33We have lived by the assumption that what was
good for us would be good for the world. We
have been wrong. We must change our lives, so
that it will be possible to live by the contrary
assumption, that what is good for the world will
be good for us. And that requires that we make
the effort to know the world and learn what is
good for it. We must learn to cooperate in its
processes, and to yield to its limits.
Wendell Berry (Recollected Essays)