Title: Literature Festival Upper Sec Set Text Debate
1Literature FestivalUpper Sec Set Text Debate
2Key principleSee the Lit Fest not as an event
but as a platform for culture change!
3Suggested structure
- Intra-class debate
- Divide class of 40 into 8 teams of 4-5 students
- 4 rounds team 1 vs team 2 team 3 vs team 4
team 5 vs team 6 team 7 vs 8 - Semi-final e.g. winners of round 4 compete
- Finals e.g. winners of semi-final compete
- Winner of Finals represent the school in the Lit
Fest - Inter-class debate week
4But this takes up curriculum time!!!
Integrate this into your curriculum plan Use
this as an opportunity for student-centered
learning! Sec 4 students Revision of set
text Sec 3 students Research on set
text Outcome Written essays to be compiled for
the class debate presentation
5Suggested structure for curriculum integration
The whole team is responsible for researching the
particular theme/topic. e.g. 1 2 Character 3
4 Theme 5 6 style 7 8 setting Each
team will speculate on 2-3 possible questions
that may be asked in the debate. They are to
prepare essays in answer to the debate questions
they raise. One week before each debate round,
the teacher will provide the topic.
- Students work in teams to conduct in-depth
research on a particular aspect of their set text
e.g. character, theme etc
- Students collaborate their research can be
compiled into a booklet for the whole class
- Public speaking students get a chance to argue
persuasively before an audience
- Essay writing skills students practice
argumentative skills
7Back to the Lit Fest - preparation
Sample text
This house believes that the techniques used by
Harper Lee in writing To Kill a Mockingbird
effectively encourage readers to re-examine their
points-of view and attitude towards human
Suggested method of preparation
Point 1 Underline Question keywords
Point 2 If there are more than 2, divide into
primary and secondary and the argument
8Back to the Lit Fest - preparation
Point 3 Identify 5 to 8 points for each
primary/secondary component
Point 1 Symbolism
The symbol is effective because
Mockingbird the killing of that which is
Point 4 (Important!!!) Link the point to the
argument repeat question keyword if needed
(e.g. effective)
9Back to the Lit Fest - preparation
Point 5 Organize points and argument into an
essay structure
Introduction summarize first three points,
reiterate stand
Speaker 1
Para 1-2 Points 1-2 Point (primary
Secondary) Evidence Elaboration (links to
Para 3-4 Points 3-4 Point (primary
Secondary) Evidence Elaboration (links to
Speaker 2
Para 5-8 Points 5-8 Point (primary
Secondary) Evidence Elaboration (links to
Speaker 3
Rebuttal para the alternative view and why its
Conclusion an insight into the topic overview
reiteration of stand