Title: Why bother with Total Comp Statements ?
1 Total Compensation
2 Our HR folks like to produce warm and fuzzy feel
good material, and
- We wanted to highlight and communicate the value
of our benefit package since it is a strategic
advantage in recruiting and retaining our
community members. -
So we got
to work -
3Value of Total Compensation Statements
- Raise awareness of the total
- monetary value of Benefits.
- Communicate how much the College values our
community members -- we are making an investment
in their health and future. - Highlight the selling and retention point of a
really strong asset for the College.
4Why put it on the Web?
- We chose an online delivery model because
- We want our employees to think of Employee
Self-Service as the place to go to access
paystubs and earnings information, healthcare and
flexible benefits, retirement information, and
now, their Total Compensation Statement. - Web access allows the statement to be
continuously updated - (in our case, data is refreshed daily).
- Eliminates costs of paper and postage.
5Butyou have to reach your Audience !
- Although we want folks to use Employee Self-
- Service, we realize this is not always
practical. - Therefore
- We wont completely abandon paper but will
continue to encourage employees to use
self-service. - The paper version will highlight the web link
- We used Oracle Reports to create a paper version
which will be available for administrators to run
by department or individual - by department when annual raise letters are sent
- by individual as needed
6Creating the Total Compensation Statement
- Created in Application Express
- Used a table build that runs daily
- Lots of functions used
- Most data from nbrjobs,pdrdedn,phrdedn
- Worked with Web Developers to create a new theme
(i.e. look)
7(No Transcript)
8Administrators View
- We wanted a way for HR Benefit Administrators to
view individual statements - Application Express made this fairly easy
9(No Transcript)
10 How secure is it?
- We needed to make sure no one could access
another persons statement - We want folks to access their Total Compensation
Statements via Employee Self-Service - My colleague came up with a plan
11WTAILOR Add column in Web Tailor Session ID
table (TWGBWSES) to capture SESSID
Null? Type - -------------------------------
--------- ----- - TWGBWSES_PIDM NOT NULL
12WTAILOR Modify Package body TWBKWBISThis
package provides the WWW Banner security and menu
- Create a global variable to capture the sessid
cookie -
- swat_cookie varchar2(4000) default 'no_cookie'
- In the function f_validuser
- swat_cookie twbkbssf.f_encode (webid
pidm) - Every update of twgbwses
- set twgbwses_swat_sessid swat_cookie
- set twgbwses_swat_sessid NULL where
applicable. - What happens now is that once a user logs into
and navigates through - self-service the sessid will be updated in
13Setting up Application Express Applications to
Authenticate with Self-Service
- pidm number(8)
- swat_sessid varchar2(50)
- procedure apex_totalcomp is
- IF NOT twbkwbis.f_validuser (pidm) THEN
- begin
- select twgbwses_swat_sessid
- into swat_sessid
- from twgbwses
- where twgbwses_pidm pidm
- exception
- when no_data_found then
- swat_sessid null
- end
14Authorization Scheme that verifies self-service
session ID
15(No Transcript)
16Getting the PIDM for use in the application
17Capturing the IP address
18Ensuring that the IP is within the Swarthmore
- Swarthmore HR wanted an online and printable
Total Compensation Statement - We decided to use Application Express for the
online statement and Oracle Reports for the
printable statement - We worked with our Web team to give the online
statement a Swarthmore Look - We found a way to make the online statement
secure and to keep it within the campus network
20Go Live Date?
- We are planning to go live with both the paper
copy Employee Self-Service link in January