CS 582 CMPE 481 Distributed Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CS 582 CMPE 481 Distributed Systems


Explicit communications property ... modeling of relative and temporal event ordering. Properties of Distributed Systems (cont. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CS 582 CMPE 481 Distributed Systems

CS 582 / CMPE 481Distributed Systems
  • Spring 2004 - 2005
  • Shahab Baqai

Administrative Information
  • Lecture TR at 1015 1130 hours
  • Homeworks Maybe
  • selected paper(s) review.
  • Usually due in 1 week.
  • Project
  • Three projects
  • 2 extra days for emergencies
  • Exams
  • Mid-Term Exam 11th lecture
  • Final Exam
  • Web page http//suraj.lums.edu.pk/cs582s04
  • Evaluation
  • HW/Quizzes 10
  • Project 30
  • Mid Final 60

Academic Integrity
  • Permitted Collaboration
  • encouraged and allowed at all times
  • Examples
  • Discussion of material covered during lecture /
  • Discussion of the requirements of an assignment
  • Discussion of the use of tools or development
  • Discussion of general approaches to solving
  • Discussion of general techniques of coding or
  • Discussion between a student a TA or instructor

Academic Integrity
  • Collaboration Requiring Citation
  • must be able to explain the solution
  • properly credit contribution, just like citing a
    reference in a paper
  • Examples
  • Discussing the key to a problem
  • Discussing the design of a programming project
  • Assistance in debugging code
  • Sharing advice for testing
  • Research from alternative sources

Academic Integrity
  • Non-permitted Collaboration
  • submissions must represent original, independent
  • Examples
  • Copying solutions from others
  • Using work from past quarters
  • Studying another student's solution
  • Debugging code for someone else
  • Cut paste of solution/code from Internet

  • The course will focus on the principles
    underlying modern distributed systems such as
    networking, naming, security, synchronization,
    concurrency, fault tolerance, etc. along with
    case studies.
  • Text and reference books
  • CDK Distributed Systems - Concept and Design,
    G. Coulouris, J, Dollimore, and T. Kindberg,
    Addison-Wesley, 3rd Edition, 2001.
  • DS Distributed Systems Principles and
    Paradigms, A. Tanenbaum and M. van Steen,
    Prentice Hall, 2002.

  • Introduction
  • Communications
  • Naming
  • Security
  • Distributed File Systems
  • Synchronization
  • Concurrency Control
  • Distributed Transactions
  • Replication Consistency
  • Fault Tolerance
  • Advanced topic Distributed Multimedia Systems

Class Overview
  • Definition and Motivation of Distributed Systems
  • Properties of Distributed Systems
  • Challenges of Distributed Systems
  • Design Principles of Distributed Systems
  • Distributed System Architecture and Model

  • A system is
  • an autonomous whole
  • an owner of a set of resources
  • something that can perform information processing
  • something that may be able to communicate with
    other systems
  • A distributed system
  • a system
  • is composed of other systems
  • requires explicit communication among the
  • its components have a common goal set
  • Asynchronous system
  • Concurrency
  • No global clock
  • Independent failures

Definition(s) of a Distributed System
  • A distributed system is
  • one in which hardware or software components at
    networked computers communicate and coordinate
    their actions only by passing messages CDK
  • collection of independent computers that appears
    to its users as a single coherent system. DS
  • several computers doing something together
    multiple components, interconnections and shared
    state Schroeder
  • fundamental properties are fault tolerance and
    parallelism Mullender
  • one that stops you from getting any work done
    when a machine youve never heard of crashes
  • A set of communicating autonomous entities
    functioning together to achieve a common goal
  • Collection of computer nodes connected by a
    network running software that makes it function
    as one system.

Definition of a Distributed System
A distributed system organized as
middleware.Note that the middleware layer
extends over multiple machines.
Why Build Distributed Systems?
  • inherently distributed
  • people, information, etc.
  • performance/cost
  • users requires more CPU cycles e.g. interactive
  • network bandwidth growth gtgt CPU clock speed
  • concurrency
  • Modularity
  • standard interfaces
  • DCE, CORBA, and COM are examples
  • expandability
  • incremental growth
  • Availability
  • partial failure
  • load sharing
  • Scalability
  • Ideally no limit
  • no qualitative change as the system scales
  • careful design required to scale to very large
    numbers of componentse.g. naming, addressing,
  • Reliability

Examples of Distributed Systems
  • Internet
  • Heterogeneity
  • Scalability
  • Fault tolerance
  • Intranet
  • Security
  • Availability
  • Resource sharing
  • Mobile and ubiquitous computing
  • Location hand-off management
  • Service discovery integration management
  • Disconnected operation support
  • Security

Properties of Distributed Systems
  • Fundamental property of distributed systems
  • Separation
  • Derived properties
  • Isolation property
  • Explicit communication property
  • Location property
  • Heterogeneity property
  • Multiple authority property
  • Concurrency property
  • Incremental change property
  • Partial failure property

Properties of Distributed Systems (cont.)
  • Isolation property
  • explicit access potential for control over
    accessibility of components
  • Explicit communications property
  • components have disjoint storage explicit
    communications between components
  • communication mechanism between components
  • Location property
  • components are potentially separable
  • requires explicit communications
  • possibility of relocation - location change

Properties of Distributed Systems (cont.)
  • Heterogeneity property
  • implication of diverse implementation technology
  • mechanism to accommodate heterogeneous components
  • Multiple authority property
  • implication of multiple autonomous management or
    control authorities
  • mechanism to make systems consistent
  • multiple security domains
  • Concurrency property
  • timely parallel activity to occur
  • Synchronization
  • modeling of relative and temporal event ordering

Properties of Distributed Systems (cont.)
  • Incremental change property (extensibility)
  • potential to add or remove components
  • Partial failure property
  • potential to continue after failure of individual
  • failure recovery and fault modeling

Challenges of Distributed Systems
  • Heterogeneity
  • Openness
  • Scalability
  • Concurrency
  • Security
  • Distribution Transparency

Challenges of Distributed Systems (cont.)
  • Heterogeneity
  • Applies to
  • Networks
  • interfaces, protocols
  • Hardware
  • data representation
  • Operating systems
  • system calls
  • Programming languages
  • data representation
  • Support for heterogeneity
  • Middleware
  • Virtual machine/mobile code
  • Java

Challenges of Distributed Systems (cont.)
  • Openness
  • Criteria to determine the extensibility or
    re-configurability of a system
  • Be able to interact with services from other
    components, regardless of heterogeneity of the
    underlying environment
  • Key factors to openness coherence
  • public interfaces to key functions
  • uniform communication mechanism and public
    interfaces for access to shared resources
  • conformance test of components to integrate
  • Implementing openness
  • provide only mechanisms, not policies
  • Examples
  • level of consistency for client-cached data
  • operations for mobile code download
  • network QoS requirement adjustment
  • level of security

Challenges of Distributed Systems (cont.)
  • Scalability
  • Said to be scalable if a system
  • remains effective in the presence of a
    significant increase in the number of resources
    users CDK
  • can handle the addition of users and resources
    without suffering a noticeable loss of
    performance or increase in administrative
    complexity Neuman
  • Scalability components Neuman
  • size scalability
  • geographic scalability
  • administrative scalability
  • Design considerations for scalability
  • cost of physical resources
  • performance loss
  • software resource shortage
  • performance bottleneck

Challenges of Distributed Systems (cont.)
  • Scalability (cont.)
  • Techniques for scaling
  • Distribution
  • distribute data and computations across multiple
  • Replication
  • replicate data to multiple sites
  • caching
  • make copies available locally
  • Scalability trade-offs
  • consistency vs. global synchronization

Challenges of Distributed Systems (cont.)
  • Failure handling
  • A system is considered faulty once its behavior
    is no longer consistent with its specification
  • partial failure property
  • Failure handling techniques
  • Fault detection
  • omission failure, timing failure (performance
    failure), response failure, crash failure
  • Fault masking
  • retransmission, checksum, roll-back
  • Fault tolerance
  • can detect a fault and either fail predictably or
    mask the fault from users
  • Recovery from failures
  • roll-back
  • Redundancy
  • k-resilience

Challenges of Distributed Systems (cont.)
  • Concurrency
  • Concurrent access to a shared resource may cause
    inconsistency of the resource
  • Inconsistency examples
  • lost updates
  • two transactions concurrently perform an update
  • inconsistent retrievals
  • performing retrieval operation before or during
    an update operation
  • To avoid possible problems due to concurrent
    access, operations of related transactions must
    be serialized (one-at-a-time)

Challenges of Distributed Systems (cont.)
  • Security
  • Authentication
  • verification of source
  • Authorization
  • access rights to the resource
  • Encryption and decryption
  • public vs. private key

Challenges of Distributed Systems (cont.)
  • Distribution transparency
  • abstraction concepts/mechanisms to make
    distributed systems appear as if they are a
    single united system by concealing properties
    derived from separation
  • Various forms of distribution transparency
  • Access transparency
  • Location transparency
  • Replication transparency
  • Concurrency transparency
  • Migration/Mobility transparency
  • Failure transparency
  • Performance transparency
  • Scaling transparency

Distribution transparency
  • Access transparency
  • hiding the use of explicit communications
  • no difference in access between local and remote
  • access may be restricted by controls in support
    of some policy
  • generic functions communications and security

Logical Shared Resource
Distribution transparency (cont.)
  • Location transparency
  • hiding the details of topology in a system
  • bindings between objects are independent of the
    routes connecting them
  • data is identified by logical or functional names
    rather than addresses
  • generic functions naming, addressing, and routing

Logical Shared Resource
Distribution transparency (cont.)
  • Replication transparency
  • hiding the replication of state in a system
  • increase dependability and/or performance without
    knowledge of replica visibility
  • active vs. passive replicas
  • generic functions active and passive replication

Logical Shared Resource
Distribution transparency (cont.)
  • Concurrency transparency
  • hiding the effect of parallel execution potential
  • consistency ensuring mechanisms may vary
  • generic functions synchronization, event
    ordering mechanisms, along with atomic operations

Logical Shared Resource
Distribution transparency (cont.)
  • Migration transparency
  • hiding the effect of migration or reconfiguration
    of resources in a system
  • generic functions configuration and dynamic
    reconfiguration mechanisms

Logical Shared Resource
Distribution transparency (cont.)
  • Failure transparency
  • hiding the occurrence of errors in system
    components and communications
  • restart or start the job on the replica just
    after where it stopped
  • generic functions fault management and recovery

Logical Shared Resource
Distribution transparency (cont.)
  • Performance transparency
  • hiding the performance penalty of distribution
  • exploits other forms of transparency to
    reconfigure system resources to optimize

Logical Shared Resource
Distribution transparency (cont.)
  • Scaling transparency
  • hiding the effect of changes in system size
  • allows the resizing of a distributed system to be
    independent of its structures and algorithms

Logical Shared Resource
Considerations in Distributed System Design
  • Widely varying modes of use
  • Workload
  • Connectivity
  • Timeliness
  • Wide range of system environments
  • Heterogeneity
  • Performance
  • Scalability
  • Internal Problems
  • Synchronization
  • Failure
  • External Threats
  • Security

Distributed Systems Design Principles
  • Replicate to increase availability
  • replication and consistency vs. availability
  • Tradeoff availability and consistency
  • network name service vs. bank transaction
  • Cache hints if possible
  • vital technique for high-performance distributed
    system design and implementation
  • Stashing to allow autonomous operation
  • conceal the temporal disconnection from networks
  • Exploit locality with caches
  • cache coherence protocols

Distributed Systems Design Principles
  • Use timeout for revocation
  • resource locking, validity of cache, etc.
  • Use a standard remote invocation mechanism
  • Trust only programs on physically secure machines
  • Use encryption for authentication and data
  • Try to prove distributed algorithms
  • formal specification of operations
  • Capabilities might be useful
  • authentication and access right embedded in the
    clients request

Distributed Systems Architecture HW
Multi-processors bus-based vs.
switch-based ?not a distributed system
Distributed Systems Architecture HW (cont.)
  • Multi-computers
  • homogeneous systems
  • bus-based vs. switch-based
  • heterogeneous systems
  • node heterogeneity
  • network heterogeneity
  • ? distributed systems hide heterogeneity

Distributed Systems Architecture SW
  • DOS (Distributed Operating Systems)
  • NOS (Network Operating Systems)
  • Middleware

Distributed Systems Architecture SW (cont.)
  • Distributed operating systems a single system
  • Multi-computer OS
  • Distributed shared memory system

Distributed Systems Architecture SW (cont.)
  • Network operating systems
  • transparency via network OS services

Distributed Systems Architecture SW (cont.)
  • Middleware
  • Harmonization of pros of DOS and NOS
  • DOS transparency ease of use
  • NOS scalability openness
  • Improve distribution transparency of NOS.

Distributed Systems Architecture SW (cont.)
  • Comparison

Distributed Systems Architecture SW (cont.)
  • Client-Server Model
  • Client a process wishing to access the
    resources on a different computer
  • Server a process managing the shared resources
    which is allowed to a client
  • HTTP server vs. Web browser
  • Services provided by multiple servers
  • Functional distribution
  • Replication
  • Proxy servers and caches
  • Increase availability and performance of the
  • Peer processes
  • Processes without any distinction between clients
    and servers
  • Distribution of control and load

Distributed Systems Architecture SW (cont.)
  • Multi-tier architecture
  • Alternatives (a) thru (e)

Variations of Client-Server Model
  • Mobile code
  • Code at the client downloaded to the server
  • e.g., Applets
  • Mobile agents
  • Executing program (code and data) that goes from
    one computer to another in a network carrying out
    a task
  • e.g., worm program (Xerox PARC)
  • Network computers
  • Applications are run locally but the files are
    managed by a remote file server
  • e.g., NFS
  • Thin clients
  • executing windows-based user interface on local
    computer while application executes on compute
  • e.g., X11 Server

Variations of Client-Server Model (cont.)
  • Mobile devices
  • capable of wireless networking
  • e.g. personal digital assistants (PDAs)
  • Spontaneous networking
  • the form of distribution that integrates mobile
    devices and other devices into a given network
  • Key features
  • easy connection to a local network
  • A device brought into a new network environments
    is transparently reconfigured to obtain
    connectivity there
  • easy integration with local services
  • automatic discovery of available services with no
    special configuration
  • discovery services

Variations of Client-Server Model (cont.)
  • Spontaneous networking (cont.)
  • Issues
  • supporting convenient connection and integration
  • limited connectivity
  • how the system can support the user so that they
    can continue to work while disconnected
  • security and privacy
  • track of users location
  • Discovery services
  • to accept and store details of services that are
    available on the network and to respond to
    queries from clients about them
  • Interfaces of discovery services
  • registration service accept registration
    requests from servers, stores properties in
    database of currently available services
  • lookup service match requested services with
    available servers

Fundamental Models of Distributed Systems
  • Main consideration points
  • Interaction
  • Communication and coordination
  • Failure
  • Classification of faults and tolerance methods
  • Security
  • Classification of attacks and protection

Interaction Model
  • Process interaction in a distributed system
  • Separation transparency over a communication
  • two factors
  • Communication performance
  • Latency
  • Bandwidth
  • Jitter
  • Clock synchronization
  • Adjust clock drifts via either physical clock or
    logical clock
  • Two variants of interaction model
  • synchronous distributed systems
  • Bounded time on process execution, message
    delivery, and clock drift
  • Use timeout for detecting failures
  • asynchronous distributed systems
  • no bounds on process execution, message delivery,
    and clock drift

Interaction Model (cont.)
  • Event ordering
  • Example
  • X sends a message Meeting(m1)
  • Y reads Meeting and then replies Re
  • Z reads Meeting(m1) and Re Meeting(m2) and
    then replies ReMeeting(m3)
  • A sees m3, m1, and m2 in wrong order (due to
    independent delay)

Interaction Model (cont.)
  • Event ordering (cont.)
  • using physical time
  • not feasible in real since perfect clock
    synchronization is impossible
  • using logical time Lamport78
  • execution of a distributed system can be
    described in terms of events and their ordering
    despite the lack of accurate clocks
  • event ordering rules (partial ordering relation)
  • if e1 and e2 happen in the same process, and e2
    happens after e1, then e1?e2
  • Y receives m1 before sending m2 (logical time 2
    and 3)
  • if e1 is the sending of a message and e2 is the
    receiving of the message, then e1?e2
  • X sends m1 before Y receives m1 (logical time 1
    and 2)
  • Y sends m2 before X receives m2 (logical time 3
    and 4)

Failure Model
  • Omission failures
  • fail to perform actions a process or
    communication channel is supposed to do
  • process omission failures
  • crash halt and remain halted
  • a process crash is fail-stop if other processes
    can detect certainly that the process has crashed
  • detection by timeout in synchronous systems
  • cf. asynchronous systems
  • communication omission failures
  • fail to transport a message from a senders
    outgoing buffer to a receivers incoming buffer
  • possible causes
  • buffer overflow and/or transmission error
  • Derived failures
  • send-omission failure
  • channel failures
  • receive-omission failures

Failure Model (cont.)
  • Arbitrary failures
  • the term arbitrary or Byzantine to describe the
    worst possible failure semantics (cf. omission
    and timing failures are called benign)
  • a process arbitrarily omits intended steps or
    takes unintended steps
  • set or return wrong values
  • cant detect by timeout
  • communication arbitrary failures
  • message contents corruption or delivery of
    non-existent messages and duplicate messages
  • detect by checksums or sequence numbers

Failure Model (cont.)
  • Timing failures
  • applicable only in synchronous systems
  • time limits are set on process execution, message
    delivery, and clock drift rate
  • clock failures
  • exceeding the bounds on clock drift rate
  • performance failures
  • exceeding the bounds on the interval between two
    processing steps or message transmission

Failure Model (cont.)
  • Masking failures
  • by hiding failures or by converting them into a
    more acceptable type of failures (e.g.,
  • retransmission - masking communication omission
  • replication - masking process crashes
  • reliable communication (masking communication
    omission failures)
  • validity any message is eventually delivered
  • integrity the identical message is delivered
    exactly once
  • duplicate checking by sequence number
  • security measures against spurious message and
    replaying or tampering with messages

Security Model
  • Protecting objects
  • access right allows a specified principal to
    perform a specified operation of an object
  • principal authority (user or process) on which a
    invocation/result is issued
  • Securing processes and channels
  • to identify/defeat security threats to processes
    interaction by message exchange
  • identifying security threats
  • threats to processes message source spoofing
  • threats to channels message copying, altering,

Security Model (cont.)
  • Protection mechanisms
  • encryption scrambles a message to hide its
    contents by using secret keys shared only by
    processes involved
  • message authentication proves the identities of
  • an encrypted part included in a message
  • secure channel
  • reliable knowledge of the identity of the
    principal behind a invocation/result
  • privacy and integrity (protection against
  • prevention of message replaying or reordering
    (physical or logical time stamp)
  • e.g. Virtual Private Networks (VPN), Secure
    Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol
  • Other possible threats
  • denial of service interfering with the
    activities of authorized users
  • making excessive, invalid invocations or
    transmission -gt resource overloading,
  • e.g., pings to cnn.com
  • mobile code
  • e.g., email worm as a Trojan horse
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