Title: King Bush and the Myth of 911
1King Bush and the Myth of 9/11
- A series of paintings about
- President George W. Bush, the tragic acts of
- September 11, 2001, and the subsequent wars in
Afghanistan and Iraq. - Kevin L. Lizárraga
2In Bush We Trust
- Acrylics on Wood Panel
- 4 x 4
- I used fangs to represent death, bloodsucking,
and evil. - -Kevin L. Lizárraga
- as quoted in the Daily Sundial
- September 14, 2004
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4King Bush
- Acrylics on Wood Panel
- 4 x 4
- Although crisis situations, such as that of
September 11, are terribly tragic, these
circumstances provide the President with an
almost unlimited source of power as well as the
ability to rhetorically shape images and
construct meaning. - -Kevin L. Lizárraga
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6When Death Strikes Upon Us
- Acrylics on Wood Panel
- 4 x 4
- On the morning of September 11, 2001 the nation
woke up to - the horrific news of war on U.S. soil.
- -Kevin L. Lizárraga
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8King Bush and the Myth of 9/11
Acrylics on Wood Panel 4 x 4 Modern U.S.
Presidents have skillfully invoked the power of
myth through the media to boost their image to
a heroic status, compelling the nation to follow
their lead. -Kevin L. Lizarraga
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10The Myth of the King
- Acrylics on Wood Panel
- 4 x 4
- When death becomes opportunity.
- -Kevin L. Lizárraga
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12And We Rise
- Acrylics on Wood Panel
- 4 x 4
- As death strikes upon us, his rhetoric seems to
heal. - As we passively listen and watch in fear,
- he sends us to war for all the wrong reasons.
- -Kevin L. Lizárraga
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14Follow the Hero
- Acrylics on Wood Panel
- 4 x 4
- The New York Times portrayed Bush as Gods
messenger and as the chosen one to save the world
from the vicious and vile enemies of
civilization. - -Kevin L. Lizárraga
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16Huntem Down
- Acrylics on Wood Panel
- 4 x 4
- Slowly but surely were smoking Al Qaeda out of
their caves - so we can bring them to justice.
- -President George W. Bush as quoted in The New
York Times - Oct. 12, 2001
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18Together We Follow
- Acrylics on Wood Panel
- 4 x 4
- Through Bushs rhetoric the attacks were framed
under the umbrella of one basic binary opposition
- good vs. evil. - -Kevin L. Lizárraga
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20The Bloody, Bloody War When Death Strikes Upon
- Acrylics on Wood Panel
- 4 x 4
- supported by the collective will of the world.
- -President George W. Bush as quoted in The New
York Times - Oct. 8, 2001
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22The Bloody, Bloody War Defending the King
- Acrylics on Wood Panel
- 4 x 4
- Meanwhile American troops are still fighting and
dying in Afghanistan and Iraq, where they are
killing thousands more. - -Kevin L. Lizárraga
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24The Bloody, Bloody War We Kill, They Kill
- Acrylics on Wood Panel
- 4 x 4
- May our dead soldiers and Arab children whom we
- have slaughtered rest in peace.
- -Kevin L. Lizárraga
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26The Bloody, Bloody WarPlease Surrender
- Acrylics on Wood Panel
- 4 x 4
- This is the reality of war that the mainstream
press rarely bothers to point out. - -Kevin L. Lizárraga
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28The Bloody, Bloody War Fall of the King
- Acrylics on Wood Panel
- 4 x 4
- The Presidents actions following the attacks
will undoubtedly outlast his presidency and
impact Americans for many generations to come. - -Kevin L. Lizárraga
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30The Process
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