Strategies for Numeracy Across the Curriculum - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Strategies for Numeracy Across the Curriculum


... comprehend modern writing such as that which appears in the daily newspapers. ... Make mathematics an integral part of daily instruction. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Strategies for Numeracy Across the Curriculum

Strategies for Numeracy Across the Curriculum
  • Presented by Michelle Walker-Glenn
  • Thursday, Dec. 4, 2008

  • Workshop Objectives and Expectations
  • Introduction
  • Rationale and Definition Numeracy
  • Numeracy Strategies Across the Curriculum
  • Leadership Strategies for Numeracy Across the

Workshop Objectives
  • Familiarize participants with Strategies for
    Numeracy Across the Curriculum
  • Understand the rationale for emphasizing numeracy
    across the curriculum
  • Understand the relationship between numeracy and
  • Develop a working definition of numeracy
  • Receive overview training on specific numeracy
    strategies that can be used by teachers in all
    content areas
  • Develop training strategies to introduce school
    staff and administration to the implementation of
    numeracy strategies

Why is Numeracy Important?
  • To function in todays society, mathematical
    literacy (what the British call numeracy) is as
    essential as verbal literacy. These two kinds of
    literacy, although different, are not unrelated.
    Without the ability to read and understand, no
    one can become mathematically literate.
    Increasingly, the reverse is also true without
    the ability to understand basic mathematical
    ideas, one cannot fully comprehend modern writing
    such as that which appears in the daily
  • -- National Research Council, 2001

Mathematical literacya serious problem in the
  • 78 of adults cannot explain how to compute the
    interest paid on a loan
  • 71 cannot calculate miles per gallon on a trip
  • 58 cannot calculate a 10 tip for a lunch bill
  • (Philips, 2007)

U.S. Department of Education 2008The Final
Report of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel
  • Childrens goals and beliefs about learning are
    related to their mathematics performance.
    Experimental studies have demonstrated that
    changing childrens beliefs from a focus on
    ability to a focus on effort increases their
    engagement in mathematics learning, which in turn
    improves mathematics outcomes When children
    believe that their efforts to learn make them
    smarter, they show greater persistence in
    mathematics learning. Teachers and other
    educational leaders should consistently help
    students and parents to understand that an
    increased emphasis on the importance of effort is
    related to improved mathematics performance.

U.S. Department of Education 2008The Final
Report of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel
  • Mathematics performance and learning of groups
    that have traditionally been underrepresented in
    mathematics fields can be improved by
    interventions that address social, affective, and
    motivational factors. Recent research documents
    that social and intellectual support from peers
    and teachers is associated with higher
    mathematics performance for all students, and
    that such support is especially important for
    many African American and Hispanic students.

U.S. Department of Education 2008The Final
Report of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel
  • The achievement gap between students of
    differing ethnic and socioeconomic groups can be
    significantly reduced or even eliminated if
    low-income and minority students increase their
    success in high school mathematics and science
  • (Evans et al., 2006)

Effort Based vs. Ability Based Approach
  • Effort makes a difference. Academic ability can
    be grown. It is not how smart the child is, but
    how hard he or she works that determines success.
    All students are held to high expectations and
    offered opportunities to take challenging
  • Students learn at different rates and may not
    reach proficiency at the same time. A mistake is
    not an inability to perform, but a learning
    opportunity . For that reason, students may re-do
    work and retake tests.
  • Effort based teachers are not necessarily
    unrealistic about their students capabilities,
    but they are unwilling to give up on them.
    Students are provided extra helpduring school,
    in the summer, and before-and after-school.
  • Students of high ability receive the highest
    marks and are selected to take the most
    challenging courses. Students perceived with less
    ability are put in classes with lower
    expectations. Any academic deficiencies students
    have are attributed to low ability.
  • Since time is the constant in learning, students
    that fail to finish assignments, score well on
    tests, or learn key concepts by the due dates
    receive failing marks with no second chances.
  • Extra help opportunities are entirely the
    responsibility of the student. If they take
    advantage of them, thats good but no structure
    exists to ensure that students who need extra
    help get it.

Effort Based vs. Ability Based Approach
  • Students can be motivated to come to the belief
    that their effort is worthwhile, even if they do
    not believe it at the time they enter school.
  • Students are provided with extensive and specific
    feedback through the learning process to make
    connections in their understanding and continue
    to learn.
  • Teachers explicitly teach students how to exert
    effective efforts in learningstudy skills, time
    management, problem solving, and note-taking.
  • Students have the responsibility to motivate
    themselves. If they do not believe they can do
    well in school, they probably wont.
  • Feedback to students is limited, often occurring
    only in the form of a numerical grade or letter
  • Teachers assume that students should have these
    skills by the time they reach their classroom.
  • Taken from Masters for Motivation by Jonathan
    Saphier. Chapter 5 in On Common GroundThe Power
    of Professional Learning Communities by Dufour,
    Eaker, Dufour

3 Reasons Why Numeracy is Important
  • Economy/Employability
  • I advise my students to listen carefully the
    moment they decide to take no more mathematics
    courses. They might be able to hear the sound of
    closing doors.
  • --James Caballero, 1991
  • National Security
  • National Security Agency
  • Democracy
  • To develop an informed citizenry and to support
    a democratic government, schools must graduate
    students who are numerate as well as literate.
  • --Lynn Arthur Steen, 1999

Why is Numeracy important for ALL students?
  • A strong grounding in HS mathematics through
    Algebra II or higher correlates powerfully with
    access to college, graduation from college, and
    earning in the top quartile of income from
  • The correlation is even stronger for African
    American and Hispanic students!

Transforming Traditional Mathematics Instruction
intoInstruction with an Emphasis on Mathematical
What is Numeracy?
  • At homeness with numbers
  • Appreciation of mathematics
  • Confidence in math
  • Reason
  • Mental math ability
  • Use symbols
  • Sense of numbers
  • Use mathematical models
  • Interpret data
  • Read and interpret graphs

Verbal Literacy and Numeracy
SREBs Definition of Numeracy
  • The ability to interpret and understand numeric
    symbols and relationships
  • The ability to communicate and represent
    mathematical concepts in a variety of ways
  • The development of mathematical culture and way
    of thinking and looking at the world in a
    mathematical way
  • Appreciation for aesthetics, history and
    application of math
  • Source SREB, 2007

Activity Defining Numeracy
  • What are some characteristics of a numerate
    person (student)?
  • What are some examples of innumeracy in our
  • What does good teaching of numeracy look like?
  • What does poor teaching of numeracy look like?

Adding It Up (National Research Council)
  • UNDERSTANDING (conceptual understanding)comprehen
    sion of mathematical concepts, operations, and
    relations, knowing what mathematical symbols,
    diagrams and procedures mean.
  • COMPUTING (procedural fluency)Skill in carrying
    out procedures such as adding, subtracting,
    multiplying and dividing flexibly, accurately,
    efficiently, and appropriately.
  • APPLYING (strategic competence)Ability to
    formulate, represent, devise strategies and solve
    mathematical problems using concepts and
    procedures appropriately.
  • REASONING (adaptive reasoning)Capacity for
    logical thought, reflection, explanation, and
    justification, extending something known to
    something not yet known.
  • ENGAGING (productive disposition)Habitual
    inclination to see mathematics as sensible,
    useful, and worthwhile, coupled with a belief in
    diligence and ones own efficacy. Mathematics is
    useful and doable if one works at it.

Adding it UpNational Research Council(2001)
UnderstandingConceptual Understanding Strand
Understanding Conceptual Understanding Strand
1/2 of 1/3
ComputingProcedural Fluency Strand
  • 1/2 x 1/3 1/6

ApplyingStrategic Competence Strand
  • Charles went to the kitchen and saw that there
    was some pudding left in the pan. He noticed that
    about 1/3 of the pudding was left in the pan. He
    ate 1/2 of the remaining pudding. What fraction
    of the original pudding did he not eat?

ReasoningAdaptive Reasoning
  • 1/2 plus 1/3 does not equal 2/5.
  • Explain why this statement is true.
  • OR
  • "Five out of four people have trouble with
  • (Steven Wright)
  • Explain how this quote is an example of irony.

EngagingProductive Disposition Strand
  • What good are fractions?

Why Teach Numeracy Across the Curriculum?
  • Learning is about making connections
  • Brain research supports the need for connected

Organization of Guidebook
  • Introduction
  • Rationale and definitions
  • Strategies for Improving Numeracy Across the
  • Seven strategies
  • Leadership for Numeracy Across the Curriculum
  • Leadership activities, self-assessements,
    planning tools

What can all teachers do NOW to enhance Numeracy?
  • Be a good role model. Showcase the way you use
    mathematics in your professional life as well as
    your specific content area.
  • Make mathematics an integral part of daily
    instruction. Strive to make a connection during
    each class.
  • Provide time in class for students to work on
    mathematics that relates to instructional
    objectives for your content area.
  • Incorporate logical reasoning and problem
    solving opportunities daily, as it relates to
    your content.
  • Provide resources for students such as
    calculators, rulers, scale models, graphic
    organizers, charts, graphs, statistical data,
    etc., to enable students to experience
    mathematical connections to various topics across
    the curriculum.
  • Create and/or gather samples of mathematical
    connections to your specific content area. Share
    newspaper articles, magazine articles, and
    professional journal articles that show how
    mathematics is utilized in your academic
  • Allow students choice about their completion of
    assignments that incorporate mathematics and
    problem solving.
  • Source Adapted from SREB, 2003

  • Invite students to incorporate data and data
    analysis as part of writing to authentic
    audiences for authentic reasons about which they
    truly care.
  • Provide students with prompt feedback about
    content as well as mathematical reasoning, when
  • Avoid teaching computation in isolation. It
    should be addressed in the context of students
    own authentic problem solving.
  • Analyze student work to determine instructional
    implications and make adjustments in instruction
    to address areas of need.
  • Look at student work with an eye for logical
    reasoning, use of multiple representations,
    incorporation of data, and use of graphs that
    make cross-curricular connections.
  • Read professional literature about incorporating
    mathematical concepts into your specific content
  • Focus on improving each students knowledge and
    ability to apply mathematical thinking and
    reasoning skills across content areas rather than
    just developing computational skills in
  • Avoid sharing any personal math phobias or a
    personal dislike of mathematics. Educators never
    boast of being illiterate, yet we often freely
    share that we are innumerate!
  • Source Adapted from SREB, 2003

Numeracy Strategies Jigsaw Activity
  • Familiarize yourself with your assigned strategy
    (10 minutes). Working with a partner or group,
    give a summary (3-5 minutes) of the strategy. Use
    chart paper if necessary. Give examples of how
    you could use this strategy in your classroom.
  • Strategy 1 p. 12
  • Strategy 2 p. 15
  • Strategy 3 p. 21
  • Strategy 4 p. 23
  • Strategy 5 p. 28
  • Strategy 6 p. 33
  • Strategy 7 p. 37

Activity Are We Implementing Across the
  • Read through the list of statements on p. 42 and
    put a check mark next to those that you believe
    are true for your school.
  • For statements marked not true, discuss the
    next steps necessary to make these into true
  • Generate a list of 3-5 immediate actions that can
    be taken to support increased numeracy across the
  • Be prepared to share your action steps with the

Activity Numeracy Survey for School Leaders
  • Complete the Numeracy Survey for School Leaders
    p. 76 without putting your name on it. Be honest!
  • Crumple survey and toss into a pile in the center
    of the room.
  • Select a survey from the pilenot your own.
  • Create human bar graph.

(No Transcript)
Closing Activity
  • Key Ideas
  • Next Steps
  • What will you do differently tomorrow morning?
  • What will you do differently next week/month?
  • What will you do differently this school year?

Homework Creating Lesson Plans with a Focus on
  • Math Teachers Work with non-math colleagues to
    develop 3 lesson plans in non-math content areas
    using the Numeracy Strategies (p. 12-37). Bring
    copies of your plans for the group and be
    prepared to share.
  • Non Math Teachers Use Numeracy Strategies (p.
    12-37) to develop 3 lesson plans that incorporate
    numeracy across the curriculum. Bring copies of
    your plans for the group and be prepared to
  • Non Teachers Complete at least 1 leadership
    activity (p. 40-82) with a team. Be prepared to
    share the results of your activity.

Homework Bring HSTW or MMGW 2008 Assessment Data
  • All Participants Bring a copy of your schools
    HSTW or MMGW 2008 Assessment Data
  • High School
  • Page 1 - Executive Summary
  • Page 2 Key Indicators of Student Achievement
  • Page 4 2008 Mean Math Scores
  • Page 7 Percent Meeting Math Goals
  • Page 11 Percent Taking HSTW Rec. Math Curr.
  • Page 15 Emphasis on Numeracy Across the
  • Page 28 Emphasis on Numeracy Across the
  • Pages 85-96 Math Demographic Data
  • Pages 216-217 Teacher Survey on Challenging
    Math Content

Extra Credit for Math Teachers
  • Review all of the questions listed on a test or
  • Identify whether each question addresses
  • Conceptual understanding
  • Procedural fluency
  • Strategic competence (applying to story problem)
  • Adaptive reasoning (justifying answers/explaining)
  • Productive disposition (what good is ___ ?)
  • Do your assessments enable students to develop
    all 5 strands of the rope?

Thank You
  • Contact Information
  • Michelle Walker-Glenn
  • A man is like a fraction whose numerator is what
    he is and whose denominator is what he thinks of
    himself. The larger the denominator, the smaller
    the fraction. Leo Tolstoy
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