Title: The New Settlement
1The New Settlement in Hebron March, 2007
2Hebron Protocol 17/1/1997Between Israel and the
Palestinian Authority divided the city
H1 Area Palestinian control 18 km2 130,000
Palestinians H2 Area Israeli control 4
km2 35,000 Palestinians 600 Israeli Settlers
3The Settlements In Hebron
Over 600 Settlers in the middle of a Palestinian
City, spoiling the lives of Thousands of
30 Families
70 People
200 Students
40 Families
4A letter from the legal adviser of the ministry
of defense, 31/1/07
The assumption according to which it was
possible to maintain ordinary Palestinian
daily-life in the area, side by side with Israeli
daily-life, contradicts the separation principle,
which is the basis of the security plan for the
defense of the area.
5Movement Restrictions
- Near the Settlement
- Over 1,500 shops closed
- Almost 900 apartments empty
No Cars
No Walking
6New Settlement
Givat Haavot
Tomb of the Patriarchs
Prayers Rd
7New Settlement
- As a result
- Thousands of Palestinians under severe movement
restrictions - Hundreds of soldiers to protect another large
area in Hebron - Rising the tension in the whole area
8Hundreds(!) of Settlers
9Connecting to Electricity
Bringing Water
10Yeshiva Students in the House
School Children Studying inside
11The House is BIG (c. 4000 sq. meter)
Constant Presence of Soldiers Inside the House
to Protect the Settlers
12Despite army and police restrictions, Peace Nows
protesting in Hebron, 25/3/07
13- More Details on Settlements see
- www.peacenow.org.il