Title: Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund
1Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund
- 2009 Pre-application
- Workshop
- Presented by
- Keystone Library Facilities Advisor Diana Megdad
- with
- Connie Cardillo, Grants and Contracting Manager
2Edward G. Rendell Governor
Gerald L. Zahorchak Secretary of Education
3Office of Commonwealth Libraries Mary Clare
Zales, Deputy Secretary Bureau of Library
Development Jim Hollinger, Director Division of
Library Improvement
4- The Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation
Fund Grant Program for Public Library Facilities,
awards -
- matching grants
- to municipalities
- to improve the physical facilities
- of state-aided public libraries.
5- Since the first awards in 1994-95,
- Grant recipients have made their facilities
- safer,
- more functional and
- better able to provide access to
- patrons with disabilities.
6Improved library buildings have a positive
effect on the community and lead to
increased library materials circulation, improved
and updated technology and increased programming
for all age groups.
7- Keystone is funded through a portion of the
- Realty Transfer Tax revenues
- The total amount awarded for 2008 was
- 2,774,469 for 9 projects in seven counties.
- Of this total, 117,709 was for mini-grants.
8Mini GrantsMatching grants up to 75,000
- Priorities
- Projects to make public library facilities
accessible to persons with disabilities. - Non-routine maintenance of public library
facilities - Building addition or remodeling to improve
library service to general public (total project
not to exceed 200,000) -
9Mini Grant Projects
10Major Projects Matching grants up to 500,000
- Priorities
- Major construction to make libraries accessible
to persons with disabilities. - New building construction, additions or
remodeling to improve library service to general
public - Non-routine maintenance
11Major Grant Projects
- October 2008 Workshops
- December 2008 Register for January Webinar
- January 2009 Webinar
- January 30, 2009 Letter of Intent is Due
- February 2009 Notification of Letter to Proceed
or Regret - June 30, 2009
Full Application is Due -
an original and 4 copies - with
all supporting documentation -
by 500 pm -
- .
13- August 2009 Review Teams Meet
- September 2009 Bureau of Library Development
- Reviews
Recommendations - October 2009 Library Commissioner Reviews
- Late 2009/Early 2010 Notifications Letters Sent
to All - Applicants
- Spring 2010 Agreements Written with the
Sponsoring Municipality and Sent Through
Signature Process - Spring/Summer 2010 Agreements Fully Executed and
Projects May Begin after Receipt and Approval of
Bid Specifications. - Projects must start within 90 days of the fully
executed contract. - Bid Specifications must be received within those
90 days.
14- The grants are awarded on a competitive basis
- by the Office of Commonwealth Libraries,
- which is guided by its needs assessment,
- funding priorities and grant award criteria.
- see page 7-9 in application
- Applications are reviewed and ranked by outside
readers and the Office of Commonwealth Libraries
staff. - These recommendations and the availability of
funds then determine what projects are funded
15Important Tip
- Do Not Put Your Project In Jeopardy
- No part of the project (Keystone or match)
- may be started prior to the fully executed
- contract and approval of bid
specifications. - Do not hire a contractor, advertise bids or
- purchase any items prior to the fully
executed - contract and bid approvals
16 Eligibility
- Municipal applicant must sponsor a
state-aided public library - If a state-aided library is supported by a school
district, a municipality in the school district
may apply on behalf of the district for that
- In the case of shared facilities,
Keystone Fund grants and related matching
funds may only pay for the portion of the
building to be used as a state-aided public
library or public library system facility.
17NEW Procedures for 2009 Round
- Letter of Intent (see application page 4,10,15)
- Required Attendance at Pre-Application Workshop
or Webinar (see application page 15) - Written Estimates (see application page 27)
- Line of Credit Limits (see application page 23,
26) - Current and Anticipated
- Yearly Budget (see application page 26)
- LEED minimum standards/energy efficiency for
lighting/HVAC (see application page 29)
18- Letter of Intent
- (see see application page
15) - Due January 30, 2009
- Requires estimated cost
- (this is not the written estimate that the
full application requires) -
- Signatures
- Date that PHMC review was requested and
19- Determination as to whether an applicant receives
a Letter to Proceed is based on completeness of
the Letter, whether the project meets a priority
and whether a basic level of planning has been
undertaken as shown by - estimated project cost provided
- attendance at workshop or webinar
- all signatures provided
- historic review requested
- You must receive a Letter to Proceed in order to
submit a full application
20PHMC Letter
- Pennsylvania Historical and
- Museum Commission Review
- Required for every proposed project, mini
- as well as major no exceptions
- Go to www.phmc.state.pa.us/
- On the left hand side, select
- Preservation Programs
- Then select Project review on the left and
- then Environmental Review Submission
Form on the right hand side.
21- Complete this form and supply the mapping and
photographic information requested. - Also, if the building is more than 50 yrs old OR
the building is ANY age and you are building an
addition or a new library within an historic
district, you will need to complete a Historic
Resource form. - Send the forms and a cover letter with your
request for review of your project to - Bureau for Historic Preservation, PHMC,
Commonwealth Keystone Building, Second Floor, 400
North Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120-0093
22- The PHMC process may take time and may require
that you change part of your plan before approval
is granted - start early
- Include PHMCs response in your Keystone
application that is due June 30 - The date that you have sent for the PHMC review
should be placed on the Letter of Intent.
23Keystone Application Checklist
- Cover Page choose page 17 or 19 of application
- Major or mini? choose correct cover page
- Check one application priority
- Municipal address will be used for payment
- Municipal applicant needs to include state vendor
ID - Complete all sections
24- State Assurances pg 29 and 30 of
application - Must be signed and dated by
- Municipality Officer
- Library Board Official and
- System Board Official
- Give them time to read what they are signingthis
is a legal document. If something is not clear,
ask your solicitor for advice or call our office. - The state assurance page needs to be
- submitted with the authorized signature
25- Letters of Transmittal
- from
- District Library Center Administrator
- District Consultant
- System Administrator and
- Library Director
26- Narratives
- Project Description page 21 of the
application - Be clear
- Make the case why the review team should
- fund the project
- Give background
- short history of the library
- what brought you to this point?
27- Planning Process
- What planning process was involved and
- and when did it begin?
- Who was involved in the planning? at what
- point was the building consultant
brought in? - What options were considered?
- Explain the results and the
- recommendations from that process
28- Need
- Describe day to day operations and
- difficulties encountered
- How are patrons affected?
- explain and verify that action must be
taken - to spare the patrons, staff or
collection - Any hazardous conditions? be sure to
mention - any accessibility non-compliance that would
be - corrected by the project
- Pictures may be helpful
29- Describe the new facility/project and if any
- plans for technology now and in the future
- Describe the relationship between the
- municipality and the library
- How will operational costs of the library be
- affected when project is finished?
- Will Library have support for routine
- maintenance?
30- What are the goals of any capital campaign and
- how successful has it been? You may want
- to include Capital campaign literature
31- TimeLine
- It is best to include this as a separate headed
page in your application - Should show that you understand
- the Keystone timeline
- Be realistic
32- Library Building Consultant page 22 of
application - Program Statement
- Required for all construction of new
facilities, - additions and major alterations of
existing - facilities.
- Contact Commonwealth Libraries before
- assuming one is not required
- New Date of Program Statement is requested
33- Consultant should come
- before architect,
- if one is needed
- List of consultants and architects is available
on - Keystone website
34- Budget page 23 of application
- Include breakdown of total projects estimated
- expenses and income, including expected
- Keystone money
- The additional budget information (page 24)
- should be for the particular facility, not
the - main library, if a branch
- NEW projects with total costs more than
200,000, may not submit a line of credit in
excess of 50 of total project match.
35- Local Economic Conditions page 23 of
application - Do not put does not apply give short
- description
- If community is in economic distress,
- explain cause (plant closings etc)
- Any tax issues? low property values? assessment
- issues, non-taxable properties?
36- Use statistics if possible and identify sources
- of those statsreputable sources
- Population/income statistics are helpful
- maybe of elderly on fixed income or
- single provider households
- Dont be so grim that reviewers think you
- wont be able to operate the library!
- Mention if project cannot be completed
- without the Keystone grant
37- Attachments page 26 of application
- Design Plan
- Should be easy to read reviewers need to
understand what it will look like - Measurements on drawing should use a standard
scale - For some non-routine projects, a list of
specifications prepared by an engineer may be
substituted for drawings
38- Documentation of Local Match
- Keystone funds must be matched
- dollar for dollar
- Documentation must be on letterhead of financial
institution or granting agencyphotocopies of
bank statements, proofs of lines of credit etc - Since Keystone payment is on a reimbursement
basis you will need to have some cash to spend to
meet the match
39- Match may come from all sources except State- aid
or the Access Statewide card program - The municipality may also use the services of a
library building consultant, architect or
engineering firm, the acquisition of real estate
and site preparation as matching funds if
incurred up to 2 years prior to the filing of the
initial application
40- Applicant must demonstrate that the total of
local match and grant is sufficient for the total
project. - ex you are asking for a matching grant
of 500,000 for a total building project that
will cost 3 million. You need to show, not only
that you have the 500,000 match, but that you
also have another 2 million. Your documentation
should show 2.5 million - The librarys latest year-end treasurers report
must be included.
41Anticipated Yearly Budget
- New this round (see page 26)
- Provide
- librarys latest yearly budget and
- an anticipated budget to show how income
- and expenses will be impacted by the
- project in the year following completion
of - the project
42- Deed see page 24 of application
- If the municipality holds the title, we also need
a resolution from the municipality ensuring the
undisturbed use of the facility as a public
library for 50 years or the useful life of the
project, whichever is shorter - If it is a shared facility, we need to know the
that will be used by the library - May also consider other interest in the site,
such as a lease, on a case by case basis. A 50
year (or useful life) agreement would be needed
as well as other items. If this is a
possibility, please contact Megdad as soon as
43Project Estimates
- Project total 400,000 requires written estimate
from a professional estimator - Project total under 400,000 needs written
estimate from contractor experienced in the
particular trades involved in the project - Estimates should be on estimators letterhead
- Estimate should include statement that it takes
into consideration that project may not start
until 2010 and that prevailing wage may apply if
project total is 25,000 or more
44- Zoning approval
- Should be on municipal letterhead
- Should also state if project is in compliance
with Act 2000-68, a land use amendment
45- Environment Impact Assessment
- Needed even if there will be no impact
- If project is new construction (new facility,
addition), assessment should come from a
registered engineer - Should be on agency letterhead
46- Flood Hazard Evaluation Narrative and Map
- Narrative evaluation of flood hazard potential to
site may come from municipality - Flood Hazard Boundary maps available at
municipalities and online -
47- Online go to www.msc.fema.gov go to drop down
menu for public flood maps search by librarys
address click view. - You may have to zoom in to see street level
click make a firmette drag the rectangle to
location of library on map choose page size,
choose pdf or image file, then print - Mark librarys location on the map
48Letter to Proceed
- Include a copy of the Letter to Proceed that you
received from Commonwealth Libraries - You will receive a letter to proceed, or not, by
the middle of February 2009
49 Additional
letters of Support?Pictures? Include the
completed checklist
50Full Application Submission Send original and 4
copies of application and all supporting
documents/attachments to Pennsylvania
Department of Education Office of
Commonwealth Libraries Bureau of Library
Development 333 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17126-1745 Attention Diana
Megdad, Keystone Library
Facilities Advisor
51- Send a copy of the application and supporting
documents to your district consultant AT LEAST
2 weeks prior to submission to Commonwealth
Libraries. - Show date sent to consultant on the application.
- Allow sufficient time for mailing to arrive on
time - You are welcome to drop it off at the Office of
Commonwealth Libraries on the 3rd floor of the
Forum Building by June 30, 2009 before 5pm
52Tips for a Good Application
- This is a
competitive grant - Start the application process early
- If part of a System, get their involvement early.
You will need the System Board approval. - Start good communications between library and
municipality. - Librarian should be involved. Reviewers look for
the voice of the librarian - Get on list for receipt of emailed FAQs
- Read entire application before starting and go
back through application when finished use
checklist - The description of your project should be easy to
understand pictures may be helpful - Make sure you have all your attachments and
letters of transmittal - Tabs are helpful for reviewers do not use ring
binders - Keep your District Consultant informed of your
project - and application.
- You may want to include other letters of support
- Contact Commonwealth Libraries if questions
53Lets go to the application !
http//www.statelibrary.state.pa.us/ and choose
Services and information for Pennsylvania
libraries Funding Programs and Grants Keystone
Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund
Library where you may see the application, list
of building consultants/architects, the timeline,
past projects, and also the Facilities Survey!
or just go to http//www.statelibra
54Other Resources
- Frequently Asked Questions email group
- send email request to join dmegdad_at_state.pa.us
- Past FAQs, Capital Campaign Resources
- and List of Other Funding Sources also
- available by request at the email above
- or call Diana Megdad at 717-787-3124
55The mission of the Pennsylvania Department of
Education is to lead and serve the educational
community, to enable each individual to grow
into an inspired, productive, fulfilled lifelong