Title: CSI 789002 Quantum Computation
1 Quantum Computation
Dr. Richard B. Gomez rgomez_at_gmu.edu
Introduction to Quantum Computing
Lecture 3
George Mason University School of Computational
2 Quantum Computing Quantum Mechanics
OverviewWhats Quantum Mechanics All About?
3Quantum ComputingReview of Fundamental Quantum
4Classical vs. Quantum Computing
- For any digital computer, its set of
computational states is some set of mutually
distinguishable abstract states - The specific computational state that is in use
at a given time represents the specific digital
data currently being processed within the machine - Classical computing is computing in which
- All of the computational states (at all times)
are pointer states of the computer hardware - Quantum computing is computing in which
- The computational state is not always a pointer
5What is Quantum Computing?
- Non-pointer-state computing
- Harnesses these quantum effects on a large,
complex scale - Computational states that are not just pointer
states, but also, coherent superposition of
pointer (observable) states - States having non-zero amplitude in many pointer
states at the same time! Quantum parallelism - Entanglement (quantum correlations)
- Between the states of different subsystems
- Unitary (thus reversible) evolution through time
- Interference (reinforcement and cancellation)
- Between convergent trajectories in pointer-state
6Why Quantum Computing?
- It is, apparently, exponentially more
time-efficient than any possible classical
computing scheme at solving some problems - Factoring, discrete logarithms
- Simulating quantum physical systems accurately
- This application was the original motivation for
quantum computing research first suggested by
famous physicist Richard Feynman in the early
80s - However, this has never been proven yet!
- If you want to win a sure-fire Nobel prize find
a polynomial-time algorithm for accurately
simulating quantum computers on classical ones
7Status of Quantum Computing
- Theoretical experimental progress is being
made, but slowly - There are many areas where much progress is still
needed - Physical implementations of very small (e.g.,
7-bit) quantum computers have been tested and
work as predicted - Scaling them up is difficult
- There are no known fundamental theoretical
barriers to large-scale quantum computing - Guess It will be a real technology in 20 yrs.
or so
8Early History
- Quantum computing was largely inspired by
reversible computation work from the 1970s - Bennett, Fredkin, Toffoli, Margolus
- Early quantum computation pioneers (1980s)
- Early models not using quantum parallelism to
gain performance - Benioff 80, 82 - Quantum serial TM models
- Feynman 86 - Q. models of serial reversible
circuits - Margolus 86,90 - Q. models of parallel rev.
circuits - Performance gains w. quantum parallelism
- Feynman 82 - Suggested faster quantum sims with
QC - Deutsch 85 - Quantum-parallel Turing machine
- Deutsch 89 - Quantum logic circuits
9More Recent History
- There was a rapid ramp-up of quantum computing
research throughout the 1990s - Some developments, 1989-present
- Refining quantum logic circuit models
- What is a minimal set of universal gates for QC?
- Algorithms Shor factoring, Grover search, etc.
- Developing quantum complexity theory
- What is the ultimate power of quantum
computation? - Quantum information theory
- Communications, Cryptography, etc.
- Error correcting codes, fault tolerance, robust
QC - Physical implementations
- Numerous few-bit implementations demonstrated
10Quantum Logic Networks
- Invented by Deutsch (1989)
- Analogous to classical Boolean logic networks
- Generalization of Fredkin - Toffoli reversible
logic circuits - System is divided into individual bits, or qubits
- 2 orthogonal states of each bit are designated as
the computational basis states, 0 and 1 - Quantum logic gates
- Local unitary transforms that operate on only a
few state bits at a time - Computation via predetermined seq. of gate
applications to selected bits
11Gates without Superposition
- All classical input-consuming reversible gates
can be represented as unitary transformations - E.g., input-consuming NOT gate (inverter)
in out0 11 0
13Toffoli Gate (CCNOT)
A B C A B C0 0 0 0 0 00 0 1
0 0 10 1 0 0 1 00 1 1 0
1 11 0 0 1 0 01 0 1 1 0
11 1 0 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 1
14The Square Root of NOT
- If you put in either basis state (0 or 1) you get
a state that appears random when measured - But if you feed the output back into another N1/2
without measuring it, you get the inverse of the
original value! - How is thatpossible?
0 (50)
0 (50)
1 (50)
1 (50)
0 (50)
1 (50)
0 (50)
1 (50)
15Key Points to Remember
- An abstractly-specified system may have many
possible states only some are distinguishable - A quantum state/vector/wavefunction ? assigns a
complex-valued amplitude ?(si) to each
distinguishable state si (out of some basis set) - The probability of state si is ?(si)2, the
square of ?(si)s length in the complex plane - States evolve over time via unitary (invertible,
length-preserving) transformations - Statistical mixtures of states are represented by
weighted sums of density matrices ?????
16System Descriptions
- Classical physics
- A system could be completely described by giving
a single state S out of the set ? of all possible
states - Statistical mechanics
- Give a probability distribution function
p??0,1 stating that the system is in state S
with probability p(S) - Quantum mechanics
- Give a complex-valued wavefunction ?? ? C,
?(S)?1, implying the system is in state S with
probability ?(S)2
17State Vectors Hilbert Space
- Let S be any maximal set of distinguishable
possible states s, t, of an abstract system A - I.e., no possible state that is not in S is
perfectly distinguishable from all members of S - Identify the elements of S with unit-length,
mutually-orthogonal (basis) vectors in an
abstract complex vector space H, i.e., the
Hilbert space - Postulate 1 The possible states ? of Acan be
identified with the unitvectors of H
18Hilbert Space
- A Hilbert space is a vector space in which the
scalars are complex numbers, with an inner
product (dot product) operation ? HH ? C - See Hirvensalo p. 107 for definition of inner
product - x?y (y?x) ( complex conjugate)
- x?x ? 0
- x?x 0 if and only if x 0
- x?y is linear, under scalar multiplication
and vector addition within both x and y
Another notation often used
19Review The Complex Number System
- It is the extension of the real number system via
closure under exponentiation. - (Complex) conjugate
- c (a bi) ? (a ? bi)
- Magnitude or absolute value
- c2 cc a2b2
The imaginaryunit
Real axis
20Review Complex Exponentiation
- Powers of i are complex units
- Note
- e?i/2 i
- e?i ?1
- e3? i /2 ? i
- e2? i e0 1
21Vector Representation of States
- Let Ss0, s1, be a maximal set of
distinguishable states, indexed by i. - The basis vector vi identified with the ith such
state can be represented as a list of numbers - s0 s1 s2 si-1 si si1
- vi (0, 0, 0, , 0, 1, 0, )
- Arbitrary vectors v in the Hilbert space can then
be defined by linear combinations of the vi - And the inner product is given by
22Diracs Ket Notation
- Note The inner productdefinition is the same as
thematrix product of x, as aconjugated row
vector, timesy, as a normal column vector. - This leads to the definition, for state s, of
- The bra ?s means the row matrix c1 c2
- The ket s? means the column matrix ?
- The adjoint operator takes any matrix Mto its
conjugate transpose M ? MT, so?s can be
defined as s?, and x?y xy.
23Distinguishability of States
- State vectors s and t are (perfectly)
distinguishable or orthogonal (write s?t) iff
st 0. (Their inner product is zero.) - State vectors s and t are perfectly
indistinguishable or identical (write st) iff
st 1. (Their inner product is one.) - Otherwise, s and t are both non-orthogonal, and
non-identical. Not perfectly distinguishable. - We say, the amplitude of state s, given state t,
is st. Note amplitudes are complex numbers.
24Probability and Measurement
- A yes/no measurement is an interaction designed
to determine whether a given system is in a
certain state s. - The amplitude of state s, given the actual state
t of the system determines the probability of
getting a yes from the measurement. - Postulate 2 For a system prepared in state t,
any measurement that asks is it in state s?
will return yes with probability Prst
st2 - After the measurement, the state is changed, in a
way we will define later.
25A Simple Example
- Suppose abstract system S has a set of only 4
distinguishable possible states, which well call
s0, s1, s2, and s3, with corresponding ket
vectors s0?, s1?, s2?, and s0?. - Another possible state is then the vector
- Which is equal to the column matrix
- If measured to see if it is in state s0,we have
a 50 chance of getting a yes.
- Given any set S of system states (whether all
mutually distinguishable, or not), - A quantum state vector can also be translated to
a wavefunction ? S ? C, giving, for each state
s?S, the amplitude ?(s) of that state. - When s is another state vector, and the real
state is t, then ?(s) is just st. - ? is called a wavefunction because its time
evolution obeys an equation (Schrödingers
equation) which has the form of a wave equation
when S ranges over a space of positional states.
27Linear Operators
- V,W Vector spaces.
- A linear operator A from V to W is a linear
function AV?W. An operator on V is an operator
from V to itself. - Given bases for V and W, we can represent linear
operators as matrices. - An operator A on V is Hermitian iff it is
self-adjoint (AA), its diagonal elements are
28Eigenvalues Eigenvectors
- v is called an eigenvector of linear operator A
iff A just multiplies v by a scalar x, i.e. Avxv
- eigen (German) characteristic
- x, the eigenvalue corresponding to eigenvector v,
is just the scalar that A multiplies v by - x is degenerate if it is shared by 2 eigenvectors
that are not scalar multiples of each other - Any Hermitian operator has all real-valued
eigenvectors, which are orthogonal (for distinct
- Hermitian operator A on V is called an observable
if there is an orthonormal (all unit-length, and
mutually orthogonal) subset of its eigenvectors
that forms a basis of V - Postulate 3 Every measurable physical property
of a system is described by a corresponding
operator A. Measurement outcomes correspond to
eigenvalues. - Postulate 4 The probability of an outcome is
given by the squared absolute amplitude of the
corresponding eigenvector(s), given the state.
30Compound Systems
- Let CAB be a system composed of two separate
subsystems A,B each with vector spaces A, B with
bases ai?, bj? - The state space of C is a vector space CA?B
given by the tensor product of spaces A and B,
with basis states labeled as aibj? - E.g., if A has state ?aca0a0 ? ca1
a1?,while B has state ?bcb0b0 ? cb1 b1?,
thenC has state ?c ?a??b ca0cb0a0b0?
ca0cb1a0b1? ca1cb0a1b0? ca1cb1a1b1?
- If the state of compound system C can be
expressed as a tensor product of states of two
independent subsystems A and B, i.e.,
?c ?a??b - Then, we say that A and B are not entangled, and
they have individual states, i.e., - 00?01?10?11?(0?1?)?(0?1?)
- Otherwise, A and B are entangled (basically,
correlated) their states are not independent,
i.e., - 00?11?
32Unitary Transformations
- A matrix (or linear operator) U is unitary iff
its inverse equals its adjoint U?1 U - Some properties of unitary transformations
- Invertible, bijective (both injective and
surjective), one-to-one correspondence - The set of row vectors is orthonormal
- The set of column vectors is orthonormal
- Preserves vector length U? ?
- Therefore, also preserves total probability over
all states - Corresponds to a change of basis, from one
orthonormal basis to another - Or, to a generalized rotation of? in Hilbert
33Time Evolution
- Postulate 5 (Closed) systems evolve (change
state) over time via unitary transformations. - ?t2 Ut1?t2 ?t1
- Note that since U is linear, a small-factor
change in amplitude of a particular state at t1
leads to a correspondingly small change in the
amplitude of the corresponding state at t2 - Chaos (sensitivity to initial conditions)
requires an ensemble of initial states that are
different enough to be distinguishable (in the
sense we defined) - Indistinguishable initial states never beget
distinguishable outcomes - ?analog computing is
34After a Measurement?
- After a system or subsystem is measured from
outside, its state appears to collapse to exactly
match the measured outcome - the amplitudes of all states perfectly
distinguishable from states consistent w. that
outcome drop to zero - states consistent with measured outcome can be
considered renormalized so their probs. sum to
1 - This collapse seems nonunitary ( nonlocal)
- However, this behavior is now explicable as the
expected consensus phenomenon that would be
experienced even by entities within a closed,
perfectly unitarily-evolving world (Everett,
35Density Operators
- For a given state ??, the probabilities of all
the basis states si are determined by an
Hermitian operator or matrix ? (the density
matrix) - The diagonal elements ?i,i are the probabilities
of the basis states. - The off-diagonal elements are coherences.
- The density matrix describes the state exactly.
36Mixed States
- Suppose one only knows of a system that it is in
one of a statistical ensemble of state vectors vi
(pure states), each with density matrix ?i and
probability Pi. This is called a mixed state. - This ensemble is completely described, for all
physical purposes, by the expectationvalue
(weighted average) of density matrices - Note even if there were uncountable many vi,
the state remains fully described by ltn2 complex
numbers, where n is the number of basis states!
- Trace Tr means sum of diagonal elements
- ln of a matrix M denotes the inverse function to
exp(M). - Exponential of a matrix M is defined via the
Taylor-series expansion of the exp function.
38Pointer States
- For a given system interacting with a given
environment, - The system-environment interactions can be
considered measurements of a certain observable
of the system by the environment, and vice-versa - For each observable there are certain basis
states that are characteristic of that observable - The eigenstates of the observable
- A pointer state of a system is an eigenstate of
the system-environment interaction observable - The pointer states are the inherently stable