- Brad Angelbeck
- (847) 875-0309
- bradley_at_anet.com
2Fa Mass Additions
- FA mass additions interface
- Brad Angelbeck, Consultant
- 12 years oracle database experience
- 8 years oracle applications experience
3Mass Additons
- Main interface program for fixed assets
- Primarily used for adding assets to the system
4Uses of Mass Additions
- Create assets
- Cost adjust assets
- Create CIP assets
- Cost adjust CIP assets
- Use only with CORPORATE book
5Data Sources
- Oracle accounts payable
- Oracle projects
- Oracle ADI
- Integrated payables system
- Legacy fixed assets system
- Asset transfers ( company merger, acquisition etc
6Plan of attack
- General information
- set-up
- mass addition components, etc...
- Discuss legacy asset conversion using mass
additions. - Discuss feed from Accounts Payable using mass
additions. - Discuss missing features
7Required Setup
- Fixed assets corporate book
- Calendar
- Book controls
- Categories
- Asset keys
- Locations
- Follow oracle assets reference manual
- Mass additions create program ( in oracle
payables) - Mass additions create program ( in oracle
projects) - Mass additions prepare screen
- Mass additions posting program
- Mass additions delete program
- Mass additions purge program
10What Makes up an Asset
11What Makes up an Asset Continued...
12Database Components
- Fa_mass_additions table
- main interface table, can be used exclusively if
all assets have one and only one distribution. - fa_massadd_distributions
- secondary table, only needed if an asset has more
than one distribution.
13Database Components, cont...
- Triggers for auto population of
fa_massadd_distributions table - fa_mass_additions_insert_dist
- fa_mass_additions_update_dist
- fa_mass_additions_delete_dist
- fa_mass_additions_insert_name ( used with
distribution sets ).
14Key fields
- Represented in fa_mass_additions as numeric id
fields, NOT CHARACTER - Lookup of ID needed for
- category
- location
- asset key
- payables clearing account
- depreciation expense account
- There is no character field for category code in
mass additions table. - There is a numeric field, category_id in mass
additions table - Category_id can be looked up from the
fa_categories table
16Asset Key
- There is no character field for asset key in mass
additions table. - There is a numeric field, asset_key_ccid in mass
additions table - Asset_key_ccid can be looked up from the
fa_asset_keywords table
- There is no character field for location in mass
additions table. - There is a numeric field, location_id in mass
additions table - location_id can be looked up from the
fa_locations table
18Depreciation Expense Account
- There is no character field for depreciation
expense account in mass additions table. - There is a numeric field, expense_code_combination
_id in mass additions table - expense_code_combination_id can be looked up from
the gl_code_combinations table
19Payables Clearing Account
- There is no character field for payables clearing
account in mass additions table. - There is a numeric field, payables_code_combinatio
n_id in mass additions table - payables_code_combination_id can be looked up
from the gl_code_combinations table
20Mass Additions Accounting
- When invoiced in AP
- DR Payables Clearing Account
- CR AP Trade Account
- When added via mass additions post
- DR Asset Cost Account (from category)
- CR Payables Clearing Account
21Mass Additions Accounting ...
- When depreciated in Fixed Assets
- DR Depreciation Expense Account
- CR Total Reserve Account (from category)
22Fields with dollar values
- Cost
- fixed_assets_cost
- payables_cost
- Depreciation
- deprn_reserve
- ytd_deprn
- Salvage Value
23Posting_status field
- Used to determine if an mass addition line has
been processed. Possible values - NEW
24Queue_name field
- Used to control how the mass addition line is to
be handled by the mass additions posting program.
Possible values - NEW
25Queue_name field cont...
- More possible values
26Fields derived from category
- Depreciation method
- Asset life
- Prorate convention
- If default values from category are not desired,
an update to the asset after the mass additions
post program is needed.
27The complete process
28Set up system
- Set up Fixed Assets system
- Add code_combinations
- Add location keys
- Add categories
- Add asset keys
29Load mass additions table
- Look up key IDs, ie code_combinations,
location_id etc - can be looked-up prior to loading into
fa_mass_additions. - A shadow mass_additions table such as
convert_mass_additions can be created. - Add fields like category_code, location_code etc
to table and write separate sql to stamp the id
fields, ie location_id
30Load Mass Adds Cont...
- Insert into fa_mass_additions table using custom
program or sqlloader. - If any assets require multiple distributions, add
records to fa_massadd_distributions. - Tie-out to Legacy system by checking total cost,
depreciation reserve, YTD depreciation and
salvage value.
31Run Mass Additions Post
- Run Mass Additions Post program from application
- Check output from program to check if any errors
occurred - Fix errors in Prepare Mass Additions screen
- Re-run Mass Additions Post program
32Run Mass Additions Post ...
- The Mass Additions Post Program only prints the
mass_additions_id for erred records. Difficult
to use. - You can run a query in the Prepare Mass Additions
screen where QUEUE equals POST. This will locate
records which still have not posted.
33Run Mass Additions Post ...
- If this problem persists while you are in
production, have developers write shell script to
list asset number, invoice number etc of mass
additions reported in the report file.
34After the Mass Additions Post
- Update assets with correct depreciation method,
asset life and prorate convention ( through the
Asset Workbench screen or a custom program). - Tie-out dollars ( use Asset Additions Report )
- total cost
- total reserve
- total ytd depreciation
35Tax Book Caveat
- The mass additions interface does not support
inserting into TAX books. The Tax books can get
populated by the Mass Copy Program after your
CORP book close. But, there is no way of getting
historical depreciation methods, lives, prorate
conventions, reserve and ytd numbers into the tax
book record. This must be done manually through
the Asset Workbench or through a custom program.
- Using Mass Additions with Oracle Payables
37Key Points
- Oracle Payables has a Create Mass Additions
program which populates the fa_mass_additions
table. - Payables cannot populate all of the necessary FA
fields such as category, depreciation expense
account, descriptive flexfields etc - An invoice line interfaces into mass additions if
it is keyed to an asset clearing account and it
is flagged to interface to FA.
38Simple Transactions
- Create a new asset number
- Cost adjust an existing asset number
- Create or cost adjust a CIP asset number
- Expense the invoice line
- Delete the record in mass additions ( could
create an out of balance situation ).
39NOT SO Simple Transactions
- Split invoice line into 2 or more mass addition
lines. - Merge invoice line into one mass addition line.
41General Uses
- Interface Legacy assets
- Integrates AP and FA
- OR, Integrates PA and FA
- Interface bought/used assets
42Missing Features
- No support for TAX BOOK information
- Difficult to fix interface errors due to poor
reports - No batch functionality, users must post their
assets together.
43Keep in mind
- The Mass Additions Post program is a report set.
You can add your own cost programs to this report
set. - When interfacing legacy assets, be careful to tie
out all dollar fields throughout the entire
process. Once you run the depreciation program,
you are stuck with the results.