Title: How to improve market surveillance in Europe
1How to improvemarket surveillance in
- ... to complete the success of the
- New Approach concept in the electrotechnical area
Paul Romanus, convenor of CCAF/WG on ST 3
2Table of contents
CENELECs view How to improvemarket
surveillance in Europe?
- Introduction to CCAF
- New Approach principles
- Current market situation
- CCAF proposals
- Outcome with or without actions
- Conclusions and recommendations
3CENELECs view How to improvemarket
surveillance in Europe?
1. Introduction to the CENELEC Conformity
Assessment Forum (CCAF)
4Introduction to CCAF
CENELEC is the European Committee for
Electrotechnical Standardization
- it is an independent non-profit organization
founded in 1973 - it has been officially recognized by the European
Commission as the competent standardization body
in its field (e.g. LVD, EMC) - the CENELEC members are the electrotechnical
committees of 23 European countries - CENELEC has 12 Affiliates and 32 co-operating
5Introduction to CCAF
CENELECs objectives are
- CENELEC aims at developing electrotechnical
standards as a basis for a European market
without internal barriers for electrotechnical
goods and services. - CENELEC supports, and co-operates with, the IEC
for the development of international standards in
the context of the WTO/TBT Agreement. - CENELEC also promotes the development of
harmonized conformity assessment procedures.
6Introduction to CCAF
The CENELEC structure
TBs Technical bodies MRAs Mutual
Recognition Agreements
7Introduction to CCAF
The concept of CCAF is based on the following
- CENELECs objectives are to create and maintain
European standards in the electrotechnical field - CCAF intends to be the focal point for conformity
assessment as far as CENELEC standards are
concerned - CCAF constitutes a formal link between
standardization and the certification schemes in
the CENELEC area
8Introduction to CCAF
The CCAF Mission Statement is
- to advise CENELEC GA on conformity assessment
policy matters in the electrotechnical standards
- to co-ordinate resolution of identified
conformity assessment activity problems linked to
the application of CENELEC standards
- to liaise with regional and international bodies
active in conformity assessment matters
- to facilitate exchange of information on related
policy issues
9Introduction to CCAF
CCAF members are
- 1 delegate from each interested CENELEC NC
- 1 delegate from each MRA who signed an MoU with
CENELEC - 1 delegate from the corresponding MRA-AC
- invited delegates with advisory role from the
European Commission, the EFTA Secretariat, UNICE/
ORGALIME and ANEC - observers from the Affiliates, co-operating
partners and CEN
10Introduction to CCAF
CCAF Strategic Targets
ST 1. Establish co-ordinated approach to the
interpretation of electrotechnical standards
used for European market
ST 2. Open dialogue exchange of information
with the European Commission in relation to
conformity assessment matters
ST 3. Investigate means of giving support to the
total market surveillance on the European market,
taking into account voluntary and regulatory
aspects, as far as CENELEC standards are concerned
11Introduction to CCAF
CCAF Strategic Targets
ST 4. Monitor communication link with CEN
concerning CEN/CENELEC European Mark
ST 5. Support activities aimed at strengthening
value of peer assessment, particular in the
framework of accreditation
ST 6. Facilitate availability of information on
conformity assessment activities
ST 7. Exchange information with IEC/CAB
12Introduction to CCAF
CCAF Strategic Targets
ST 8. Establish maintain communication channel
with ETSI on areas of mutual interest related to
conformity assessment
ST 9. Maintain communication channel with CEN on
areas of mutual interest related to conformity
ST 10. Monitor with CENELEC NCs political aspects
of ISO/CASCO matters
ST 11. Prepare annual report to CENELEC AG in the
light of CCAFs advisory role
13Introduction to CCAF
CCAF Strategic Target n3
To investigate means of giving support to the
total market surveillance on the European market,
taking into account voluntary and regulatory
aspects, as far as CENELEC standards are concerned
14CENELECs view How to improvemarket
surveillance in Europe?
2. The New Approach principles
15The New Approach principles
Single European Market
- Free movement of goods is the corner stone of the
single market - Mechanisms to achieve this aim are based on
prevention of trade barriers, mutual recognition
and technical harmonization - The single market could not have been achieved
without new regulatory techniques based on the
New Approach
16The New Approach principles
The Council Resolution of 7 May 1985 (1)
on the New Approach to technical harmonization
and standardization Introduction
- reduce possible barriers to trade
- refer to European standards
- adopt a European policy in terms of conformity
17The New Approach principles
The Council Resolution of 7 May 1985 (2)
- legislative harmonization is limited to essential
requirements that products placed on the
Community market must meet, if they are to
benefit from free movement within the Community - European directives set the essential requirements
18The New Approach principles
19The New Approach principles
The Council Resolution of 7 May 1985 (3)
- the technical specifications of products meeting
the essential requirements set out in the
directives are laid down in harmonized standards
20The New Approach principles
21The New Approach principles
The Council Resolution of 7 May 1985 (4)
- application of harmonized or other standards
remains voluntary, and the manufacturer may
always apply other technical specifications to
meet the requirements - products manufactured in compliance with
harmonized standards benefit from a presumption
of conformity with the corresponding essential
22The New Approach principles
23The New Approach principles
The Council Resolution of 7 May 1985 (5)
- to adopt a European policy in terms of integrated
quality assurance and modern conformity
assessment techniques - each NA directive describes the range and
contents of possible conformity assessment
procedures and the conditions under which the
manufacturer can make his choice - Notified Bodies perform conformity assessment
tasks if the relevant directive requires a 3rd
party intervention
24(No Transcript)
25The New Approach principles
The Council Resolution of 7 May 1985 (6)
- market surveillance is an essential tool for the
enforcement of New Approach directives - market surveillance is the responsibility of the
public authorities. Citizens are entitled to an
equivalent level of protection throughout the
single market, regardless of the origin of the
product - Member State authorities need to have the
necessary resources, technical competence and
professional integrity for their surveillance
activities - market surveillance is important for the interest
of economic operators, because it helps to
eliminate unfair competition
26(No Transcript)
27The New Approach principles
NA pillars and their stakeholders
28The New Approach principles
Market surveillance
- means vigilant and proactive screening of
products on the market to guarantee a high level
of protection for the final consumer - safeguards the correct functioning of the
European single market - the New Approach can only be successful with
adequate market surveillance
29CENELECs view How to improvemarket
surveillance in Europe?
- 3.
- Current market situation
30Current market situation
Market picture
- More than 50 000 categories of electrotechnical
products involved - Market surveillance demands a wide range of
competences - Market surveillance varies from country to
country - Lack of coherence of market surveillance
throughout Europe
31Current market situation
Legislative impact
- Throughout Europe, the perception of the
activities of the law enforcement authorities is
very weak - The insufficient level and lack of coherent
market surveillance permits non conforming
products to enter the market and move freely
across borders
32Current market situation
Sales and investments
- Unfair competition from non complying products
limits the opportunity of sales of safe products - Reputable manufacturers are discouraged from
investing in qualified workmanship for product
33Current market situation
Consumer interests
- The consumer is unable to differentiate between
compliant and non compliant products - Adequate market surveillance is essential to
ensure that the expectations of the consumer are
met - Inadequate market surveillance damages the
consumers confidence in Community legislation
34Current market situation
Current market surveillance does not fulfil the
requirements of the stakeholders. Thereforeit
must be considered to beinadequate for its
intended purpose.
35CENELECs view How to improvemarket
surveillance in Europe?
36CCAF proposals
- Results of an enquiry amongst CENELEC members and
CBsin the electrotechnical area - Need for a level playing field for market
surveillance based on a harmonized approach and
taking into account the existing efforts in the
different Member States - Lack of political awareness of the importance of
market surveillance - Market surveillance is the responsibility of all
Member States and concerns all market players - CENELEC has the expertise and mechanisms for
providing the necessary support regarding the
correct use of standards for market surveillance
37CCAF proposals
- To offer CENELECs expertise to establish tools
for the use and application of European standards
in the context of market surveillance - To promote the concept of a Guide to the
achievement of a harmonized approach to market
surveillance, developed jointly by the Notified
Bodies, Member States Authorities and CENELEC - To adopt the principle of a targeted approach
by experts to improve the use of available
budgets for market surveillance - 4. To support the development of a Europe-wide
Market Surveillance information and communication
38CCAF proposals - detailed (1)
The CENELEC expertise
- CENELEC technical bodies can provide the
necessary tools to achieve equal level of
competence that increases confidence in market
surveillance activities, through the development
of - - compliance criteria for the conformity
assessment bodies involved - - assessment procedures and methods
- CENELEC Guide 26 provides a fast track
procedure that can be used for the handling of
interpretations in the context of market
surveillance - CENELEC members can provide support and training
at national level to the experts regarding the
correct application of standards
39CCAF proposals - detailed (2)
Guide to the achievement of a harmonized Market
Surveillance Approach
- The Guide is intended to achieve a harmonized
approach by the National Authorities and
delegated Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs)
operating in the market surveillance sector - The Guide will determine the principles on how to
prepare, perform and report market surveillance
activities on a European scale that delivers a
more effective market surveillance system in
support of the New Approach
40 CCAF proposals detailed (3)
The targeted approach to market surveillance
- Presumption of conformity with the essential
requirements of a product is demonstrated by
testing to the whole standard before the product
is placed on the market - For Market Surveillance purposes, partial testing
by experts within National Authorities and
delegated Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) can
be used to detect the non-compliance of a product - The expert will decide on the tests and their
order depending on the type of product
41CCAF proposals detailed (3 ctd)
Delegated Conformity Assessment Bodies
- The activities of National Authorities should be
supported by delegated CABs with expertise in
product assessment in the market surveillance
sector - These delegated CABs will be appointed according
to their expertise in the sector - They have to be assessed and accredited by their
National Authority -
42CCAF proposals detailed (4)
To support the development of a Europe-wide
Market Surveillance information and communication
- Improve market intelligence, monitoring and the
exchange of information amongst all market
players, including the consumer - Increase awareness of the importance of market
surveillance at the political and market level,
including towards the EU candidate countries - Build a new culture of co-operation that improves
the efficiency of market surveillance activities
43CENELECs view How to improvemarket
surveillance in Europe?
5. Outcome with or without actions
44Outcome with/without actions
Safety aspects increasing number of safeguard
clause notifications
45Outcome with/without actions
Safety aspects
There are large variations in notifications by
Member States
46Outcome without actions
Safety aspects
- the increase of the number of unsafe products on
the market will jeopardize progressively the
safety of the consumers - concern about the tendency of retailers whose
sales policy is based on the price of the product
rather than its quality and performance
47Outcome without actions
Economical aspects
- non-compliant products on the market constitute a
severe damage to reputable manufacturers - reduction of market share of reputable
manufacturers and reduction of their investments
in the development of good products
48Outcome without actions
Economical aspects one example...
- Compliance of electronic dimmers with EN
60669-2-1 - RF emissions (art. 26.2.2) -
temperature rise of parts in contact with cable
insulation (art. 17) - Non-compliant product using a coil with reduced
size offers - reduction of purchase price of
coil 30 - reduction of size of the
equipment - increase of capacity 30 to 50
more trendy design
49Outcome without actions
Economical aspects one example... (contd)
- The market situation of manufacturers respecting
the EN is severely damaged due to - higher manufacturing costs leading inevitably
to much higher sales prices - market value of his product damaged by unfair
selling arguments in favour of non-compliant
50Outcome without actions
At the end of the day...
- false savings will damage the economy and will
cost more money - lack of market surveillance will undermine the
credibility of the New Approach concept
51Outcome with actions
Example LVD and EMC in Finland
non compl
Increasing market surveillance testing and market
awareness reduces the ratio of non-compliant
52Outcome with actions
Adequate Market Surveillance...
- is essential for all market players
- is an equitable counterpart for the investments
made by the manufacturers in implementing
correctly the New Approach principles - fits well in the proposal to implement the New
Approach concept at WTO/TBT level(Common
Regulatory Objectives)
53Outcome with actions
The application of European standards...
- is a concrete tool for manufacturers to
demonstrate compliance of products with the
essential requirements of those European
Directives incorporating the principle of
presumption of conformity - contributes to adequate market surveillance
54CENELECs view How to improvemarket
surveillance in Europe?
- 6.
- Conclusions
- and recommendations
55Conclusion and recommandations
- What has been achieved already?
- What do we want to do now?
- and
- What can we do?
56Conclusions and recommendations
What has been achieved already?
- CENELEC members have endorsed the CCAF proposal
regarding CENELECs view on adequate market
surveillance in the electrotechnical
standardization field (June 2002) - The European Commission DG Enterprise - has
been initially informed about CENELECs
initiative (May 2002 and September 2002) - A series of recommendations have been adopted for
the practical application of CENELECs view
(October 2002 and March 2003)
56/ 61
57Conclusions and recommendations
What do we want to do?
- To develop a draft Guide to the achievement of a
harmonized Market Surveillance Approach - To involve the European Commission, the Notified
Bodies group, the Member States Authorities and
the CENELEC members in the development of the
draft Guide - The Guide should cover the following subjects
- - provide framework for use by National
Authorities- determine principles of market
surveillance on a European scale, based on
European standards- provide recommendations how
to improve communication- include tools to
increase effectiveness- assist new and candidate
EU Member countries
58Conclusions and recommendations
What do we want to do?
- To propose the establishment of a joint TF with
the involvement of ADCO and CENELEC for the
development of a Guide for the achievement of a
harmonized Market Surveillance Approach - To make proposals for the development of
competence criteria for all bodies involved in
market surveillance and for the further
development of the necessary market surveillance
tools - To implement a fast track infrastructure for the
handling of interpretations of CENELEC standards
in accordance with CENELEC Guide 26 , also in the
context of market surveillance, with due
involvement of the relevant technical body
59Conclusions and recommendations
What can we do?
- To make presentations on CENELECs view on market
- surveillance in the electrotechnical
standardization field to - help complete the success of the New Approach
concept - acknowledge that Member States are responsible
for market surveillance - offer CENELECs help and expertise as far as
CENELEC standards are concerned - recommend that CENELEC members inform their
National Authorities of CENELECs view and
corresponding proposals
60Conclusions and recommendations
What can we do?
- To promote the development of a Europe-wide
Market Surveillance information and
communication Network and to explain its benefits
to National Authorities, manufacturers and
consumers - To recommend the CENELEC members to consider
opportunities for providing training at national
level to the experts involved in market
surveillance with regard to the correct
interpretation and application of the CENELEC
Adequate Market Surveillance...
- Assures the safety of the consumer
- Enhances the realization of the Single European
Market - Respects competitiveness and the level playing
field - Establishes a fair counterpart for the
investments made by industry for the correct
implementation of the New Approach - Requires co-operation and communication between
involved market players
62Many thanksfor your attention
Central Secretariat 35 rue de Stassart B-1050
Brussels, Belgium Tel 32 2 519 68 71 Fax
32 2 519 69 19 E-mail confass_at_cenelec.org ht