1Introduction to Nanotechnology
III. TOOLS M. Meyyappan Director, Center for
Nanotechnology NASA Ames Research Center Moffett
Field, CA 94035 email mmeyyappan_at_mail.arc.nasa.
gov web http//www.ipt.arc.nasa.gov Guest
Lecturer Dr. Geetha R. Dholakia Nanoscale
Imaging Tools
2Overview of Microscopy
- Optical Microscope
- Electron Microscopes
- - Transmission electron microscope
- - Scanning electron microscope
- Scanning probe microscopes
- - Scanning tunneling microscope
- - Atomic force microscope
3Optical Microscopes
- Image construction for a simple biconvex lens
4Schematic of a Simple Optical Microscope
Important parameters Magnification Image
size/Object size Resolution Minimum distance
between two objects that can still be
distinguished by the microscope.
- Total visual magnification
5Rayleigh Criterion for Resolution
?x 0.2µ
- www.microscopy.fsu.edu www.imb-jena.de
- Please check the first web site to watch
a Java Applet on the dependence of Rayleigh
criterion on ? of incident radiation and on the
numerical aperture.
6The Electron Microscopes
- Use the wave nature of an elecron for imaging
- de Broglie ? h / mv
- ? wavelength associated with the particle
- h Planks constant 6.63 x 10-34 J.s
- mv momentum of the particle
- me 9.1 x 10-31 kg e 1.6 x 10-19 coloumb
- P.E eV mv2/2 gt ? 12.3/?VÅ
- V of 60kV, ? 0.05 Å gt ?x 2.5 Å
- Thus higher resolution than the optical
microscope is attainable - Microscopes using electrons as illuminating
radiation - TEM SEM
8Components of the TEM
- Electron Gun Filament, Anode/Cathode
- Condenser lens system and its apertures
- Specimen chamber
- Objective lens and apertures
- Projective lens system and apertures
- Correctional facilities (Chromatic, Spherical,
Astigmatism) - Desk consol with CRTs and camera
- Transformers 20-100 kV Vacuum pumps 10-6
10-10 Torr
9Schematic of E Gun EM lens
- Magnification 10,000 100,000 Resolution 1
nm-0.2 nm - www.udel.edu
10TEM Images
www.udel.edu www.nano-lab. com www.thermo.com
11Schematic of SEM
Physics dept, Chalmers university teaching
13Electron Scattering from Specimen
- Resolution depends on spot size
- Typically a few nanometers
- Topographic scan range order of mm X mm
- X rays elemental analysis
14Some SEM Images
CNT in an array
Blood platelet Dia 7?
CNT NASA nanotech group Blood cell www.
uq.edu. au
15Scanning Probe Microscopy
- 1982 Binning Rohrer, IBM Zurich.
- STM, AFM Family.
- Resolution Height 0.01nm, XY 0.1nm
- Local tip-sample interaction Tunneling
(electronic structure), Van der Waals force,
Electric/Magnetic fields. - Advantages atomic resolution, non destructive
imaging, UHV, ambient/liquids, temperatures. - Diverse fields materials science, biology,
chemistry, tribology.
16Scanning Tunneling Microscope
I ? e-2?d
- I Tunneling current ? (decay const.) ? 2m?/
h - d tip-sample distance
- www.mpi-halle.mpg.de spm.aif.ncsu.edu
17STM Operational Modes and Requirements
- Vibration isolation 0.001nm
- Reliable tip - sample positioning
- Electrical and acoustic noise isolation
- Stability against thermal drift
- Good tips
- STM Mechanical stability
- Topography (conducting surfaces and biological
samples). - ST Spectroscopy (from IV obtain the DOS).
- STP(spatial variation of potential in a current
carrying film). - BEEM (Interfacial properties, Schottky barriers).
18STM Electronics
- Current to voltage converter Gain 108-1010
- Bias Circuit
- Feedback Electronics Error amplifier, PID
controller, few filters. - Scan Electronics X -X Y -Y ramp signals
(generated by the DA card). - HV Circuit amplifies the scan voltages and the
feedback signal to 100 V from 10 V. - Data acquisition and image display
19STM Images
HOPG in ambient Geetha Ramaswamy, Thesis (1999),
Physics Dept, I.I.Sc., India
Si(7X7) UHV Courtesy RHK Tech.
20More Pictures
- Molecular resolution image of a self assembled
monolayer (SAM). -
- Geetha R Dholakia, W. Fan, M. Meyyappan,
Appl. Phys. A, 80 1215 (2005). - Quantum corral Fe on Cu(111)
- Courtesy Eigler, IBM Almaden
21Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy
- STM can also be used to obtain electronic data
about the sample - dI/dV ? DOS of sample
- For Eg Effect of Zn impurity on a high Tc
superconductor - T 250mK.
- (J.C. Davis Group, Cornell)
22Scanning Tunneling Potentiometry
STM can also be used as a local probe of
potential and electric field Geetha Ramaswamy
and A.K. Raychaudhuri, A.P.L. Vol. 75, p. 1982,
Top Topography potential distribution in the
nanoscale in a platinum film. Bottom left
Electric field near a grain boundary triple point
(TP above).
23Atomic Force Microscope
- www.fys.kuleuven.ac.be www.chem.sci.gu.edu.au
24AFM Modes of Operation
- Contact mode
- Force nano newtons
- Non-contact mode
- Force femto newtons
- Freq. of oscillation 100kHz
- Intermittent contact
- Image any type of sample.
Park Scientific handbook
25AFM Images
Mica digital instruments Grating
26Acronyms Galore !
- Based on the force or physical quantity used to
acquire the image, a number of scanning probe
microscope techniques are available - MFM Magnetic force microscopy
- EFM Electrostatic force microscopy
- TSM Thermal scanning microscopy
- NSOM Near field scanning optical microscope