Part II Planning Chapter 4 The Global Environment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Part II Planning Chapter 4 The Global Environment


Unwritten rules and codes of conduct that prescribe how people should act in ... than folkways (e.g., theft and adultery), and they are often enacted into law. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Part II Planning Chapter 4 The Global Environment

Part II PlanningChapter 4 The Global
Learning Objectives
  • After studying the chapter, you should be able
  • 1.Explain why the global environment is becoming
    more open and why barriers to the global transfer
    of goods and services are falling, increasing the
    opportunities, complexities, and challenges that
    managers face.
  • 2.Identify each of the forces in the global task
    environment, and explain why they create
    opportunities and threats for global managers.

Learning Objectives (contd)
  • 3.Describe the way in which political and legal,
    economic, and sociocultural forces in the general
    environment can affect managers and the way in
    which global organizations operate.
  • 4.List the impediments to the development of a
    more open global environment.

Chapter Outline
I. The Changing Global Environment
II. The Global Task Environment
International Management
III. The Global General Environment
IV. Choosing a Way to Expand
  • Impediments to an Open Global Environment

I. The Changing Global Environment
  • Global Organization
  • An organization that operates and competes in
    more than one country
  • The Challenges of Global Competition
  • Establishing operations in a foreign country
  • Obtaining inputs from foreign suppliers
  • Managing in a foreign culture
  • The global environment is open
  • Managers need to learn to compete globally.

The Global Environment
Figure 6.1
1. Declining Barriers to Trade and
  • 1.1 Tariff (??)
  • A tax that government imposes on imported or,
    occasionally, exported goods.
  • Intended to protect domestic industry and jobs
    from foreign competition
  • Other countries usually retaliate their own
    tariffs, actions that eventually reduce the
    overall amount of trade and impedes economic

1. Declining Barriers to Trade and Investment
  • 1.2 Free-Trade Doctrine(????)
  • The idea that if each country specializes in the
    production of the goods and services that it can
    produce most efficiently, this will make the best
    use of global resources
  • If India is more efficient in making textiles,
    and the United States is more efficient in making
    computer software, then each country should focus
    on their respective strengths and trade for the
    others goods.

2. Declining Barriers of Distance and
  • Distance (??)
  • Markets were essentially closed because of the
    slowness of communications over long distances.
  • Culture (??)
  • Language barriers and cultural practices made
    managing overseas businesses difficult
  • Changes in Distance and Communication
  • (????????)
  • Improvement in transportation technology and
    fast, secure communications have greatly reduced
    the barriers of physical and cultural distances.

3. Effects of Free Trade on Managers
  • 3.1 Declining Trade Barriers (???????)
  • Opened enormous opportunities for managers to
    expand the market for their goods and services.
  • Allowed managers to now both buy and sell goods
    and services globally.
  • Increased intensity of global competition such
    that managers now have a more dynamic and
    exciting job of managing.

3. Effects of Free Trade on Managers
  • 3.2 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
  • Abolishes 99 of tariffs on goods traded between
    Mexico, Canada and the United States
  • Unrestricted cross-border flows of resources
  • Increased investment by U.S. firms in Mexican
    manufacturing facilities due lower wage costs in
  • Opportunities and Threats
  • The opportunity to serve more markets
  • Increased competition from NAFTA competitors

II. The Global Task Environment (??????)
  • 1. Suppliers and Distributors
  • 2. Customers and Competitors

Forces in the Global Task Environment
Figure 6.2
? 4.1 ??????????

????? ????? ?????
The Global Task Environment
  • 1. Suppliers and Distributors (???????)
  • 1.1 Suppliers
  • Managers buy products from global suppliers or
    make items abroad and supply themselves.
  • A common problem is developing a network of
    global suppliers to keep costs down and quality
  • Global outsourcing
  • The purchase of inputs from foreign suppliers, or
    the production of inputs abroad, to lower costs
    and improve product quality or design the
    finished goods become global products.

  • 1. Suppliers and Distributors (???????)
  • 1.2 Distributors
  • Each country often has a unique system of
    distribution with custom and legal restraints.
  • Managers must identify the hidden threats and
    problems in foreign distribution systems before
    attempting to compete in those markets.

2. Customers and Competitors (??????)
  • 2.1 Customers
  • National markets are now merging into a huge
    global market with the same basic consumer and
    business goods.
  • Creates large opportunities for expansion
  • Products must be customized to fit different
  • 2.2 Competitors
  • Global competitors present new threats
  • Increased competition abroad as well as at home.
  • Strong local competitors
  • Entry of foreign competitors into home markets

III. The Global General Environment??????
  • 1. Political and Legal Forces
  • 2. Economic Forces
  • 3. Changes in Political and Legal and Economic
  • 4. Sociocultural Forces

Forces in the Global General Environment
Figure 6.3
? 4.2 ????????????
??? ????
????? ????? ??????
??? ???
?? ??
1. Political and Legal Forces
  • 1.1 Representative Democracy (?????)
  • A political system in which representatives
    elected by citizens and legally accountable to
    the electorate form a government whose function
    is to make decisions on behalf of the electorate
  • Usually has a number of safeguards such as
    freedom of expression, a fair court system,
    regular elections, and limited terms for
  • Possesses a well-defined legal system and
    economic freedom.

1. Political and Legal Forces
  • 1.2 Totalitarian Regimes (????)
  • A political system in which a single party,
    individual, or group holds all political power
    and neither recognizes nor permits opposition
  • Most safeguards found in a democracy do not
  • These regimes are difficult to do business with
    given their lack of political, legal, and
    economic freedoms.
  • Human rights issues also cause managers to avoid
    dealing with these countries.

2. Economic Forces
  • 2.1 Free Market Economy (??????)
  • Private enterprise controls production of goods
    and services.
  • Supply and demand determines production and the
    prices consumers pay.
  • 2.2 Command Economy (????)
  • The government controls all factors of production
    (private enterprise is forbidden) and it decides
    what to produce, how much, and sets prices.
  • Many countries are moving away from their failed
    command economies to a free-market orientation.

2. Economic Forces
  • 2.3 Mixed Economy (????)
  • Certain economic sectors controlled by private
    business, others are government controlled.
  • Many mixed countries are shifting toward
    free-market systems.

3. Changes in Political and Legal and Economic
  • 3.1 A worldwide shift from totalitarian regimes
    toward representative democracies.
  • 3.2 A strong movement from command and mixed
    economies toward free market systems.
  • Opened significant expansion opportunities for
    global business with many Western businesses
    investing millions in the formerly totalitarian
    countries of the now-defunct Soviet bloc and

Changes in Political and Economic Forces
Figure 6.4
? 4.3 ????????????
?? 1990
?? 2000
??? 2000
??? 2000
??? 1990
?? 2000
??? 1990
?? 1990
4. Sociocultural Forces
  • 4.1 National culture (????)
  • The set of values, norms, knowledge, beliefs,
    and other practices that unite the citizens of a
  • 4.2 Values (???)
  • Ideas about what a society believes to be good,
    desirable and beautiful.
  • Provides conceptual support for democracy, truth,
    appropriate roles for men, and women.
  • Usually not static but very slow to change.

4. Sociocultural Forces
  • 4.3 Norms (??)
  • Unwritten rules and codes of conduct that
    prescribe how people should act in particular
  • Folkwaysroutine social conventions of daily life
    (e.g., dress codes and social manners)
  • Moresbehavioral norms that are considered
    central to functioning of society and much more
    significant than folkways (e.g., theft and
    adultery), and they are often enacted into law.
  • Norms vary from country to country.

5.National Culture and Global Management
  • Management practices that are effective in one
    culture often will not work as well in another
  • Culture Shock ????
  • The feelings of surprise and disorientation that
    people experience when they do not understand the
    values, folkways, and mores that guide behavior
    in a culture.
  • Expatriate Managers ?????
  • Managers who go abroad to work for a global

IV. Choosing a Way to Expand Internationally
Four Ways of Expanding Internationally
Figure 6.6
? 4.5 ????
???? ????
??? ??
???? ? ????

IV. Choosing a Way to Expand Internationally
  • 1. Importing and Exporting ?????
  • The least risky and least complex of global
  • Exportingmaking products at home and selling
    them abroad
  • Importingselling products at home that are made

IV. Choosing a Way to Expand Internationally
  • 2. Licensing ????
  • Allowing a foreign organization to take charge of
    manufacturing and distributing a product in its
    country or world region in return for a fee.
  • Home firm does not have the risk involved with
    investing in production and distribution
  • The home firm risks exposing its technological
    know-how to its foreign partner.

IV. Choosing a Way to Expand Internationally
  • 3. Franchising ????
  • Selling to a foreign organization the rights to
    use a brand name and operating know-how in return
    for a lump-sum payment and a share of the
  • Franchiser does not have to bear any development
    costs or deal with any problems associated with
    foreign market development
  • Danger to the franchiser is loss of reputation if
    the franchisee fails to operate properly or to
    produce quality products.

IV. Choosing a Way to Expand Internationally
  • 4. Strategic Alliances ????
  • Agreements in which managers pool or share their
    organizations resources and know-how with a
    foreign company and both organizations share the
    rewards and risks of the new venture.
  • Allows firm to maintain control which is a basic
    problem with exporting, licensing, and
  • Joint venture
  • A strategic alliance among two or more companies
    that agree to jointly establish and share the
    ownership of an new business.

IV. Choosing a Way to Expand Internationally
  • 5. Wholly-Owned Foreign Subsidiary
  • ???????
  • Production operations established in a foreign
    country independent of any local direct
  • Requires a high level of investment
  • Higher degree of operational control lowers risk
    of investment
  • Offers the potential for high returns on the
  • Protects the firms technology and know-how

V.Impediments to an Open Global Environment
  • 1. Government Imposed Impediments ????
  • Administrative barriers (nontariff barriers)the
    use of policies and regulations to impede or
    block foreign competitors entry into the home
    markets of competitors.
  • 2. Self-Imposed Ethical Impediments??????
  • Reasons for not trading
  • Respect for workers rights
  • Respect for the environment
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