Title: The International University: An Analytical Framework
1The International University An Analytical
AIEA Conference 2007
- Richard Edelstein
- Global Learning Networks
2Idea for this session
- A more comprehensive, institutional view of
international dimension of the university - Strategic focus of discussion
- Identification of current dilemmas
3Idea for this session
- Case Studies
- A view from Paris
4From the Periphery to the Center
- Top 10 list of institutional priorities
- Creation of Vice-Provost/Dean Position
- Faculty Engagement in Leadership
- Increased visibility
- Trustees and Presidents seek action
- The World is Flat
5International Engagement as Institutional Change
- Sociological and Organizational View
- Strategic Theory
- Sociology of the University
6What does success look like?
- What purposes and objectives?
- Teaching/Learning
- Research and Knowledge Creation
- Economic/Enterprise Development
- Service to Local, State, National and Intl.Comm.
- What Type of Institution?
- Prestige/Rank
- Private or Public or Religious Affiliation
- Research, Teaching, Professional Schools, Big
7Why a Conceptual Framework?
- For Strategic Thinking
- For Organization and Program Design
- For Assessment and Evaluation
8Conceptual Framework - International Intensity
and Breadth
Strategic Intent
International Intensity/ Breadth
Organizational Structure/Culture
Faculty Intellectual Capital
Comm. /Learning Technology
Intl. Partnerships/ Networks
9Strategic Intent
Competitive Analysis
Intellectual Capital Scholarship/Research
Program/Teaching Reputation/Selectivity
Strategic Plan
Intl. Visibility/Brand
Geographic/Social Profile
Institutional Identity/Culture
Intl. Network Strength
Leadership/ Governance Type
Visiting Intl Students and Returning Study Abroad
Can Include alums from Partner institutions
International Students
Intl Alumni Alums Abroad
Exchange Students
International Learning Context
Visiting Faculty/Scholars
International Officers/Staff
International Faculty
Faculty Search Criteria
Extensive Experience Abroad/Foreign Nationals
Foreign Language Culture
- World Geography
- World History
- Globalization Post-Modernism
- Political-Economy
- Capitalism/Political Theory
- Technology Society
- Foreign Lang. Req.
- Social Anthropology
- Cross-Cultural Communication
- Intercultural Competence
- Leadership, Education, Work Social Status
- World Religions
Field Studies
Teaching Method
- Guest Lectures
- Peer Teaching
- Simulations
- Co-Teaching
- Team Teaching Across Institutions
- Joint lectures/ seminars
- Groupware
- Video
- Email
- Simulations
- Internet2 Options
- Asynchronous utilities
- Shared data and references
- Study Abroad
- Internships/Work
- Research Project
- Exchanges
- Service Learning
- Team Projects
- International
- Competitions/
- Events
13Organizational Structure/Culture
Leadership Decision Processes
Faculty Governance
International Advisory Board
Centrality International Initiatives
Centralized/ Decentralized?
Leading Departments/Schools
Interdisciplinary Centers/Institutes
Alumni Community/ Corp. Outreach
Campus Culture Traditions/Values
14International Partnerships/ Networks
Global Network
Inst. Alliance(s)
Joint Research
Joint Degrees
Increased Intensity of Effort
Joint Seminars Courses
Double Degrees
Exchanges Students/Faculty
15International Partnerships/ Networks
Inst. Alliance(s)
Courses, Schools Campuses Abroad
Joint Degrees
Joint Research
Joint Seminars Courses
Double Degrees
Study Abroad
Hosting Courses/ Delegations
Exchanges Students/Faculty
16Faculty/Intellectual Capital
Excellent Programs/Teaching
Centers/Poles of Excellence Scholarship/Research
Faculty Opinion Leaders
Faculty Stars
17Communications/Learning Technology
Tech Support/ Training
Internet Speed/Capacity
Communications Platform
Network Robustness
Groupware/ Applications
Teaching/ Research Activity
18Intervening Variables
Discipline/Profession Field of Study
Faculty Departmental Buy In
Geographic Situation
Faculty with International Competence
Financial Resources
Level Undergrad or Grad
Education Phil. and Method
19Discussion Questions
- Does the concept of a Global University have any
meaning or substance? - How do you define success of International/Global
development or integration for a university and
how can this be measured or assessed? (Are the
concepts of "International Intensity and Breadth"
and "Centrality of International Initiatives"
20- What are the primary obstacles/challenges faced
by Chief International Officers in the current
context of rapidly expanding initiatives and "buy
in" across the campus? - Are strategic plans for international development
helpful? How can the strategic planning process
and setting of objectives best be managed given
multiple and sometimes conflicting interests
across the campus?
21- Are major institutional initiatives to establish
presence, partnerships and even campuses and
research/degree programs abroad bearing fruit? - What are the decision criteria for embarking on
a major project abroad and what are the necessary
conditions for success? - What motivates Presidents, Deans and Trustees to
want to be a "global university?"