Title: Simulation Industry Association of Australia
1Simulation Industry Association of Australia
- Annual General Meeting 2005
2SIAA Annual General Meeting - Agenda
- Apologies
- Previous Minutes
- Chairmans Report
- Strategic Plan
- Election of Executive Members for 2005/2006
- 2005/2006 Budget
- Members Motions
- Other Business
- Shane Arnott Boeing
- Angus Geracitano Concurrent
- Craig Hingston Concentric
- Darren McFarlane Defence - ADSO
- Peter Robinson Qantas
- Terry Stevenson Raytheon
- Bill Trestrail SGI
4Previous Minutes
- Clarifications
- Motion
- That the minutes of the previous meeting be
accepted as read. - Seconded
- Vote
5Chairmans Report - Operations Creating a basis
for growth
- Membership
- Growing
- 2004 2005 INC
- Full Members 12 16 33
- Associate Members 18 21 17
- Individual Members 20 25 25
6SIAA Members - Growing
- New Associate Members
- Agent Oriented Software
- CPE Systems
- Entertrain Interactive
- New Full Members
- Alteon
- Rockwell Collins Simulation
- Qantas
- SMA (Operations)
- Associate
7Chairmans Report - Operations
- Engagement
- Associations
- SIAA Booth at I/ITSEC
- National Centre for Simulation membership
- International Training Simulation Alliance
- European Training Simulation Association
- MIMOS (Italian Simulation Association)
- Simulation Interoperability Standards
8Chairmans Report - Operations
- Engagement (Cont)
- Defence
- Defence Simulation Forum
- SIAA VIP Cocktails at SimTecT
- Civil Aviation
- Meetings with Qantas, Alteon, Virgin Blue
9Chairmans Report - Operations
- Engagement (Cont)
- State Governments
- Queensland State Development September 2004
- NSW State Development February 2005
- Victorian Innovation July 2005
- Training Providers and Customers
- Universities and TAFES
- Hospitals, Health, Army, RAAF Simulation centres,
SIAA Members
10Chairmans Report - Operations
- Healthcare
- Attendance at DoH Skills Development Centres
Master Plan - SimTecT Health Conference in November 2005
- Established SimTecT Organising Committee
- Establishing Healthcare Simulation Society
- Need funding for a Project Officer
11Chairmans Report - Operations
- Standards
- Sub-Committee, chaired by Shane Arnott
- Philip Swadling
- Craig Pepper
- Eduardo De Souza
- Founding member of the Standards Australia IT-031
Computer Modelling and Simulation Committee - Submitted Australian DIS Enumerations document to
SISO - Establishing links with SISO
12Chairmans Report - Operations
- SimTecT 2005 Conference
- Good attendance in Sydney
- Registrations 288 full paying, 7 student, 47 day
- Workshops 187
- Exhibition booths 52
- Refereed technical paper stream
- Best Paper award to present at I/ITSEC 2005
- Best Student Papers two
- Ten-Year Anniversary CD
- SimTecT Committee
- OC Chair Mr Philip Swadling
- TC Chair Mr Paul Beckett
- Future host cities
- 2006 Melbourne
- 2007 - Brisbane
13Chairmans Report - Operations
- Professional Development
- Released SIAA Guide to Simulation Professional
Skills Development in Australia at SimTecT 2005 - Analysed the results of the professional skills
requirements survey (reported on at SimTecT 2004) - Produced a framework for development of
professional skills - Surveyed training providers for suitable courses
- Certification - released Discussion Paper July
2005 - Introduction to Simulation Workshop commenced
development - Mr Shane Garrett continued as part-time Learning
and Development Officer
14Chairmans Report - Operations
- Professional Development (continued)
- PD Sub-Committee
- Phil Wallace (Chairman)
- Jawahar Bhalla
- Elyssebeth Leigh
- Darren McFarlane
- Roger Mulligan
- Geoff Northam
- Peter Ryan
- Mark Thoresen
- Alan Ulmer
15Chairmans Report - Operations
- Student Involvement
- Scholarship concept replaced with additional Best
Student Paper awards (two awarded at SimTecT 2005)
16Chairmans Report Financial
17Chairmans Report Strategic Plan for
2005/6 Deliver value to the membership. Out
line Points
- Raise the Profile of Simulation
- Promote SimTecT 2006 and 2007
- Grow Membership in Civil Sectors
- Develop People and Skills
18Chairmans Report Strategic Plan for 2005/6
- Raise Profile
- Within Defence
- Personal Lobbying
- Introduction to Simulation presentations
- Within DITR and the Offices of State Development
- Attendance at AATOPS, Asian Aerospace and I/ITSEC
19Chairmans Report Strategic Plan for 2005/6
- Raise Profile (cont.)
- Standards Activities
- Continue SA IT-031 participation
- Establish SISO Working Group and Secretariat
- Attend SISO SIW Conferences
- Produce SIAA Standards flyers
20Chairmans Report Strategic Plan for 2005/6
- Grow Membership in Civil Sectors
- Civil Aviation
- Establish Special Interest Group
- Transport
- Capitalise on Human Factors interest generated at
SimTecT 2005 - Healthcare
- Lobby for funding for Project Officer
- Mining
- Promote SimTecT 2007 in Brisbane
21Chairmans Report Strategic Plan for 2005/6
- Develop People and Skills
- Professional Development Program
- Development of an Introduction to Simulation in
Australia activity with a pilot to run in
September 2005. - Review of Competency Standards for the simulation
industry. - Identification of potential public funding
sources for the development of competency-based
training resources. - Conduct of a Simulation Industry/Training
Provider Forum to discuss needs and practical
strategies, in November 2005.
22Chairmans Report Strategic Plan for 2005/6
- Develop People and Skills (cont.)
- Professional Development Program (cont.)
- Development of the Intermediate and Advanced
Stages of the SIAA Simulation Professional
Development Strategy. - Publication of The SIAA 2006 Guide to Simulation
Professional Development in Australia at SimTecT
2006. - Development of the SIAA Simulation Skills
Certification Program with launch at SimTecT
2006. - Administration and review of the SIAA Simulation
Skills Certification Program through 2006. - Conduct of Introduction to Simulation in
Australia activities in early and late 2006.
23Chairmans Report Strategic Plan for 2005/6
- Develop People and Skills (cont.)
- Proactive Student Registration at SimTecT
- Promote SimTecT at Universities and TAFEs
- Student Development Scheme
- Produce Curriculum material and promote
- Seek funding for developing student material
24Chairmans Report Strategic Plan for 2005/6
- Means
- Development Budget - 120,000 for 2005/6
- More proactive, committed Executive and
Membership with delegated responsibilities - SIAA Brochure
25Chairmans Report Strategic Plan for 2005/6
- Metrics
- SimTecT
- Delegates
- VIP Attendees
- Visits and Calls
- Press coverage
- Website hits
- Membership growth
26Executive Elections
- Positions
- Executive Positions (nominated in constitution)
- Chair, Executive Committee
- Deputy-chair, Executive Committee
- Treasurer
- Executive Members
- General Executive Member
- Professional Development Officer
- Election to Executive Committee
- Member Voting Rights
- Full members each have one vote
- Vote required where italicized
- Vote for remaining nominations to executive
committee - Returning Officer
- SIAA Executive Officer (Mr Peter Hill)
27Executive Elections
28Members Motion Number of Committee Members
- Motion
- That the number of Committee Members on the Board
is 10 (excluding the Secretary) - Moved Peter Hill
- Seconded
292004/2006 SIAA Budgetary Commitments
- Operating Expenses
- Executive officer (SIAA SimTecT) 70,000
- Insurance / Fees / Expenses 25,000
- Existing budgetary commitments
- Best Paper awards 9,000
- Web-site Redevelopment 2,500
- Learning Development Officer 60,000
- Meeting costs 2,000
- SISO Working Group 7,500
- Sub-Total 81,000
- Proposed new budgetary commitments
- Student promotion 20,000
- Standards support 20,000
- Civil Aviation SIG facilitation 3,000
- Revenues
- Membership fees Interest 45,000
- SimTecT 2005 surplus 41,500
- Profit / Loss -132,500
30Members Motion - Membership Fees
- Motion
- That the new level of membership fees for the
forthcoming financial year is - Moved Peter Hill
- Seconded
31Health Care Simulation Society - Proposed
- Sub-Committee of the SIAA
- Convenor Dr Brendan Flanagan, Southern Health
- Steering Committee
- Terms of reference, governance etc
32General Business
- Appointment of the Auditor
- Move that the SIAA re-appoints Robert Mitchell
Company - Moved Peter Hill
- Seconded