Title: Visual Express
1Visual Express
2MSVCR80D.dll not found
Project?Project Properties
3MSVCR80D.dll not found
Configuration Properties
Embed Manifest? No
Manifest Tool
Input and Output
4Redirect Input
Configuration Properties
In Command Arguments write "lt filename.txt"
This will the program think that the file is the
keyboard. This way you don't have to type in the
input over and over again ... and it has and EOF
at the end of the file.
5Debugging Operations
Run to the next break point
Stop the debugger
- Step Into a function
- Move to the next line
- Step out of a function
Add / Remove / Toggle Breakpoints
6Starting To Debug
The yellow arrow indicates where you are in the
The autos window shows you the variables that the
debugger thinks are relevant for the current line
of code.
The locals window shows you the variables of the
local scope
The watch window shows you the variables that you
want to watch. Type in the name of the variable
and see its value.
10Break Points
A break point tells the program to stop at this
line of code
You add a break point by clicking on the gray
column on the left
11Break Points
The program will stop at the break point