Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) DTD and the OCVE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) DTD and the OCVE


parts don't share visual characteristics, such as typeface or layout with the ... even though events have visual properties, modeling symbols places too much ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) DTD and the OCVE

Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) DTD and the OCVE
  • Perry Roland
  • Digital Library Research Development Group,
    Alderman Library, University of Virginia
  • http//

Purposes of the DTD
  • encoding
  • interchange

  • not necessarily an input code, but still human
    readable (and understandable!)
  • declarative preferable to procedural
  • formal verifiable
  • explicit context independent
  • flexible allows selective feature encoding, can
    be constrained, separates visual, gestural, and
    analytical domains
  • extensible for unknown uses, future development
  • of particular interest musical form, text,
    critical apparatus

  • comprehensive generalized
  • software independent
  • N(N-1) vs. N2 translators

lt!ELEMENT mei (meihead, work)gt lt!ELEMENT
meicorpus (meihead, mei)gt lt!ELEMENT meihead
(meiid, filedesc, projectdesc?, editorialdecl?,
profiledesc?, revisiondesc?,
sourcedesc)gt lt!ELEMENT work (front?,
(musicgroup), back?)gt lt!ELEMENT group
((workgroup), (workgroup))gt lt!ELEMENT music
(mdiv)gt lt!ELEMENT mdiv (score?,
parts?)gt lt!ELEMENT score (div, (section,
ending, div) (measure?, (pbsb)?))gt lt!ELEM
ENT parts (part)gt lt!ELEMENT part (div,
(section, ending, div) (measure?,
(pbsb)?))gt lt!ELEMENT section (div, (section,
ending, div) (measure?, (pbsb)?) staff
app)gt lt!ELEMENT app (rdg, rdg)gt lt!ELEMENT
rdg (div, (section, ending, div)
(measure?,(pbsb)?) staff app)gt lt!ELEMENT
ending (div, (section, ending, div)
(measure?,(pbsb)?) staff
app)gt lt!ELEMENT measure (((staff (beam
beatrpt btrem chord ftrem note pad
rest space tuplet) layer (msrest
msrpt multirest multirpt)?)), ossia, (annot
arpeg beam2 bend dir dynam gliss
hairpin harm lyrics midi mordent
octave pedal phrase reh slur
tempo tie trill turn), (curve line
symbol ))gt
Document element
  • mei (meihead, work) encodes a single work
  • separates document into data and meta-data parts,
    allowing meta-data to be shared with other
    internal and external entities
  • name cannot be changed in order to assure an
    absolute minimum level of MEI compliance

Alternate document element
  • meicorpus (meihead, mei) encodes multiple mei
    instances where each requires a header of its own
  • also provides header for entire file
  • name cannot be changed in order to assure an
    absolute minimum level of MEI compliance

meihead element
  • encodes bibliographic (descriptive,
    administrative, and technical) meta-data for the
  • filedesc element contains data, such as title,
    agent, and publication status, and access data,
    such as vendor, price, and rights management
    info, for the file
  • sourcedesc element contains descriptions of each
    source for the file. source elements employ the
    same bibliographic elements as filedesc, but also
    include physical description elements, such as
    medium, dimensions, provenance, inscription,
    condition, etc.

work element
  • the "thing" being encoded
  • may include not just music notation, but also the
    textual matter often found in a critical or
    historical edition, composer's textual notes,
    advertisements, etc.
  • name cannot be changed in order to assure an
    absolute minimum level of MEI compliance

Work-level text
  • front and back child elements provide basic
    logical and presentational text markup
  • accommodating text gives control of the text and
    notation to MEI, which embedding notation in
    another markup scheme, such as TEI, will not do

music element
  • encodes the musical, as opposed to the textual,
    content of the work
  • contains highest-level indication of the
    structure of the composition one or more
    discrete, linear segments, called mdiv ("musical
  • generic mdiv elements may be typed symphonies,
    for example, usually consist of movements while
    operas are made up of acts

group element
  • facilitates creation of a collection of work
    elements that share a bibliographic header a
    collection of songs by different composers issued
    under a single title, for example
  • basic meta-data for each work may be encoded in
    its own front matter or in source elements in the
    file header
  • use meicorpus element when a complete
    bibliographic header is required for each member
    of a collection

mdiv element
  • may contain one or both of two possible
    organizing views score and parts
  • score element contains a time-oriented view of
    the composition a full score
  • parts element contains part elements each of
    which represents a performer's view

mdiv element, con't.
  • score and parts views are intended to accommodate
    different methods of organizing the markup no
    particular presentation is implied, software may
    render a collection of parts as a score or a
    score as a collection of parts
  • it is not always possible or desirable to
    generate one view from the other. A great deal of
    complexity can be eliminated by separating score
    and part markup.

part element
  • has all the encoding features of a full score
    content models of score and part elements are
  • voice-leading should be recorded at the event
    level using the next or prev attributes

part element, cont.
  • use part elements when
  • there is no score, only a collection of parts
  • parts don't share visual characteristics, such as
    typeface or layout with the full score or with
    each other
  • score has non-aligning bar lines
  • accommodating rendering software that requires
    staff-by-staff encoding

section element
  • score or part may be divided into linear segments
    or sections
  • ?sections usually function as scoping mechanisms
    for clef signs, key and meter signatures, and
    expression marks
  • minimize the need for backward scanning to
    establish context when the starting point for
    access is not at the beginning
  • when a section contains sections, the expan
    attribute on the outer section element may be
    used to encode the performance order of the inner

section element, con't.
  • may also be used for user-defined, that is,
    analytical or editorial, purposes
  • may be arbitrarily nested to any level

app and ossia elements
  • an app element contains at least one alternative
  • each rdg may be linked to a source description in
    the header
  • rdg may contain app so that variants of variants
    may be described
  • each rdg may be assigned an order, e.g. for
    selection or rendering purposes, other than the
    encoded order
  • ossia performs a similar function at the measure
    level, however, it represents an alternative
    present in the source being transcribed.

ending element
  • specialized form of the section element that may
    not be recursively nested

measure element
  • contains events, not symbols
  • even though events have visual properties,
    modeling symbols places too much emphasis on
    presentation and makes the markup less useful as
    a general "music" (as opposed to "notation")
    markup scheme
  • is a linking element that connects the MEI
    document to an external electronic object, i.e.,
    image, or to another location within the current
    MEI instance

Control events
  • control events, such as dynamics, ties, phrase
    marks, pedal marks, etc. depend on other events
  • do not fit the principal hierarchy of sections,
    measures and staves
  • multiple control events of the same type, i.e.,
    pedal indications, may be associated with the
    same set of events, i.e., notes

staff element
  • may be used to indicate division of the measure's
    contents into multiple data streams
  • ltmeasuregt
  • ltstaff def"1"gtltnote /gtltrest
  • ltstaff def"2"gtltnote /gtlt/staffgt
  • lt/measuregt
  • does not necessarily indicate layout!
  • in a staff-by-staff encoding, staff may contain
    measure elements
  • ltstaffgt
  • ltmeasure n"1"
  • ltmeasure n"2"
  • lt/staffgt
  • ltstaffgt
  • ltmeasure n"1"
  • ltmeasure n"2"
  • lt/staffgt

Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) DTD and the OCVE
  • Perry Roland
  • Digital Library Research Development Group,
    Alderman Library, University of Virginia
  • http//
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