Title: Introduction to Renewable Natural Resources
1Introduction to Renewable Natural Resources
2Plato Human intellect ponders a physical reality
(nature) to which the intellect is not connected.
3Aristotle There exists a fundamental connection
between thinker intellect and the physical
reality that the thinker ponders.
4Only a mountain has lived long enough to listen
objectively to the howl of a wolf. Aldo Leopold,
Sand County Almanac
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6Principal Issues in Renewable Natural
Resources 1. sustainability management
approaches 2. conservation vs. preservation
wise use 3. rights of nature
7Maximum Sustainable Yield the highest rate at
which a renewable resource can be used without
reducing its supply.
8Maximum Economic Yield the rate of resource use
that maximizes the difference between production
(revenue) and harvest costs.
9Optimum Yield maximum sustainable yield as
modified by any relevant economic, social or
ecological factor.
10Principal Issues in Renewable Natural
Resources 1. sustainability management
approaches 2. conservation vs. preservation
wise use 3. rights of nature
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18McEvoy, A.F. 1987. Toward an interactive theory
of nature and culture Ecology, production, and
cognition in the California fishing industry.
Environmental Review 11289-305.
19United Nations' "Law of the Sea" (1979)
establishes the 200-mile limit Inshore fishery
small boats seasonal harvest long
experience Offshore fishery large, high-tech
year-round harvest recent development
20 Progressive model agency Canadian Department of
and Oceans (DFO) total allowable
catch catch rate fish caught
fishing effort
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22McEvoy, A.F. 1987. Toward an interactive theory
of nature and culture Ecology, production, and
cognition in the California fishing industry.
Environmental Review 11289-305.
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26Resources that are needed by all but whose
productivity is diffuse rather than concentrated,
low or unpredictable in yield, and low in unit
value tend to be kept as communal property with
relatively equal, although not unrestricted,
access by group members. Smaller, easier
divisible and more highly productive areas maybe
owned and inherited by individuals. Netting,
27Maximum Sustainable Yield the highest rate at
which a renewable resource can be used without
reducing its supply. Maximum Economic Yield the
rate of resource use that maximizes the
difference between production (revenue) and
harvest costs. Optimum Yield maximum
sustainable yield as modified by any relevant
economic, social or ecological factor.
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