Title: Heuristic Optimization Athens 2004
1Heuristic OptimizationAthens 2004
- Department of Architecture and Technology
- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Víctor Robles
- vrobles_at_fi.upm.es
- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Víctor Robles (coordinator)
- María S. Pérez
- Vanessa Herves
- Universidad del País Vasco
- Pedro Larrañaga
3Course outline and Class hours
- Day 1 / 1000-1400 / Víctor
- Introduction to optimization
- Some optimization problems
- About heuristics
- Greedy algorithms
- Hill climbing
- Simulated Annealing
4Course outline and Class hours
- Day 2 / 930-1330 / Víctor, María
- Learn by practice Simulated Annealing
- Genetic Algorithms
- Day 3 / 930-1330 / Vanessa
- Learn by practice Genetic Algorihtms
- Day 4 / 1000-1330 / Pedro
- Estimation of Distribution Algorithms
5Introduce yourself
- Name
- University / Country
- Optimization experience
- Expectations of the course
- A optimization problem is a par
- being the search space (all the possible
solutions), and a function, -
- The solution is optime if,
- Combinatorial optimization
- Systematic search
7State space landscape
- Objective function defines state space landscape
8Some optimization problems
- TSP Travel Salesman Problem
- The assignment problem
- SAT Satistiability problem
- The 0-1 knapsack problem
- Important tasks
- Find a representation of possible solutions
- To be able to evaluate each of the possible
solutions ? fitness function or objective
- A salesman has to find a route which visits each
of n cities, and which minimizes the total
distance travelled - Given an integer and a n x n matrix
- where each is a nonnegative integer. Which
cyclic permutation of integers from 1 to n
minimizes the sum ?
10TSP representations
- Binary representation
- Each city is encoded as a string of log2n bits.
- Example 8 cities ? 3 bits
- Path representation
- A list is represented as a list of n cities. If
city i is the j-th element of the list, city i is
the j-th city to be visited - Adjancecy representation
- City j is listed in position i if the tour leads
from city i to city j - (3 5 7 6 4 8 2 1) ? tour 1-3-7-2-5-4-6-8
11The assignment problem
- A set of n resources is available to carry out n
tasks. If resource i is assigned to task j, it
cost - units.
- Find an assignment that
minimizes - Solution permutition of the numbers
- The satisfiability problem consists on finding a
truth assignment that satisfied a well-formed
Boolean expression - Many applications VLSI test and verification,
consistency maintenance, fault diagnosis, etc - MAX-SAT Find an assignment which satisfied the
maximum number of clauses
- Data sets in conjunctive normal form (cnf)
- Example
- Literals
- Clauses
- Representation? Fitness function?
14The 0-1 knapsack problem
- A set of n items is available to be packed into a
knapsack with capacity C units. Item i has value
vi and uses up ci units of capacity. Determine
the subset of items which should be packed to
maximize the total value without exceding the
capacity - Representation? Fitness function?
- Faster than mathematical optimization (branch
bound, simplex, etc) - Well developed ? good solutions for some problems
- Special heuristics
- Greedy algorithms systematic
- Hill-climbing (based on neighbourhood search)
16Greedy algorithms
- Step-by-step algorithms
- Sometimes works well for optimization problems
- A greedy algorithm works in phases. At each
phase - You take the best you can get right now, without
regard for future consequences - You hope that by choosing a local optimum at each
step, you will end up at a global optimum
17Example Counting money
- Suppose you want to count out a certain amount of
money, using the fewest possible bills and coins - A greedy algorithm would do this would beAt
each step, take the largest possible bill or coin
that does not overshoot - Example To make 6.39, you can choose
- a 5 bill
- a 1 bill, to make 6
- a 25 coin, to make 6.25
- A 10 coin, to make 6.35
- four 1 coins, to make 6.39
- For US money, the greedy algorithm always gives
the optimum solution
18A failure of the greedy algorithm
- In some (fictional) monetary system, krons come
in 1 kron, 7 kron, and 10 kron coins - Using a greedy algorithm to count out 15 krons,
you would get - A 10 kron piece
- Five 1 kron pieces, for a total of 15 krons
- This requires six coins
- A better solution would be to use two 7 kron
pieces and one 1 kron piece - This only requires three coins
- The greedy algorithm results in a solution, but
not in an optimal solution
- Develop a greedy algorithm for the knapsack
problem. Groups of 2 persons
20Local search algorithms
- Based on neighbourhood system
- Neighbourhood system
- being X the search space, we define the
neighbourhood system N in X -
- Examples TSP (2-opt), SAT, assignment and knap
21Local search algorithms
- Basic principles
- Keep only a single (complete) state in memory
- Generate only the neighbours of that state
- Keep one of the neighbours and discard others
- Key features
- No search paths
- Neither systematic nor incremental
- Key advantages
- Use very little memory (constant amount)
- Find solutions in search spaces too large for
systematic algorithms
22TSP 2 opt
New distance Old dist dist(A-D) dist(B-C)
dist(A-B) dist (C-D)
23Neighbourhood search (Reeves93)
- (Initialization)
- Select a starting solution
- Current best and
- (Choice and termination)
- Choice . If choice
criteria cannot be satisfied or if other
termination criteria apply, then the method stops - (Update)
- Re-set , and if
, perform step 1.ii. Return to Step 2
24Hill climbing
- Diferent procedures depending on choice criteria
and termination criteria - Hill climbing only permit moves to neighbours
that improve the current - (Choice and termination)
- Choose such that
- and terminate if no such can be
25Hill-climbing 8-Queens problem
- Complete state formulation
- All 8 queens on the board,one per column
- Neighbourhood move one queen to a different
place in the same column - Fitness function number of pairs of queens that
are attacking each other
268-Queens problemfitness values of neighbourhood
278-Queens problemLocal minimun
28Problematic landscapes
- Local maximum a peek that is higher than all its
neighbours, but not a global maximum - Plateau an area where the elevation is constant
- Local maximum
- Shoulder
- Ridge a long, narrow, almost plateau-like
29Random-Restart Hill-Climbing
- Method
- Conduct a series of hill-climbing searches from
randomly generated initial states - Stop when a goal is found
- Analysis
- Requires 1/p restarts where p is the probability
of success - (1 success 1/p failures)
30Hill-Climbing Performance on the 8-Queen Problem
- From randomly generated start state
- Success rate
- 86 - gets stuck
- 14 - solves problem
- Average cost
- 4 steps to success
- 3 steps to get stuck
31Hill-Climbing with Sideways Moves
- Sideways moves moves at same fitness
- Must limit number of sideways moves!
- Performance on the 8-Queen problem
- Success rate
- 6 - get stucks
- 94 - solves problem
- Average cost
- 21 steps to succeed
- 64 steps to get stuck
32Hill-climbing Further variants
- Stochastic hill-climbing
- Choose at random from among uphill moves
- First-choice hill-climbing
- Generate neighbourhood in random order
- Move to first generated that represents an uphill
- Develop a hill-climbing algorithm for the
knapsack problem. Groups of 2 persons
34Shape of State Space Landscape
- Success of hill-climbing depends on shape of
landscape - Shape of landscape depends on problem formulation
and fitness function - Landscapes for realistic problems often look like
a worst-case scenario - NP-hard problems typically have exponential
number of local-maxima - Despite the above, hill-climbers tend to have
good performance
35Simulated annealing
- Failing on neighbourhood search
- Propensity to deliver solutions which are only
local optima - Solutions depend on the initial solution
- Reduce the chance of getting stuck in a local
optimum by allowing moves to inferior solutions - Developed by Kirkpatrick 83 Simulation of the
cooling of material in a heat bath could be used
to search the feasible solutions of an
optimization problem
36Simulated annealing
- If a move from one solution to another
neighbouring but inferior solution - results in a change in value ,
the move to is still accepted if -
- T (temperature) control parameter
- uniform random number
37Simulated annealing Intuition
- Minimization problem imagine a state space
landscape on table - Let ping-pong ball from random point ? local
minimum - Shake table ?ball tends to find different minimum
- Shake hard at first (high temperature) but
gradually reduce intensity (lower temperature)
38Simulated annealing Algorithm
- current problem.initialSate
- for t1 to
- T schedule(t)
- if T0 then return
- a random neighbour of
- if then
- else with probability
39Simulated annealing Simple example
- Maximize
- x coded as a 5-bit binary integer in 0,31
- maximum (01010) ? f4100
- With greedy we can find 3 local maxima
40Simulated annealing Simple example
The temperature is not high enough to move out of
this local optimum
41Simulated annealing Simple example
Optimum found!!!
42Simulated annealing Generic decisions
- Initial temperature
- Should be suitable high. Most of the initial
moves must be accepted (gt 60) - Cooling schedule
- Temperature is reduced after every move
- Two methods
a close to 1 b close to 0
43Simulated annealing Generic decisions
- Number of iterations
- Other factors
- Reannealing
- Restricted neighbourhoods
- Order of searching