ESI 6448 Discrete Optimization Theory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ESI 6448 Discrete Optimization Theory


Genetic algorithms. Worst-case analysis of heuristics. Greedy heuristic for IKP ... Genetic algorithms ... Genetic algorithms. For each iteration (generation) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: ESI 6448 Discrete Optimization Theory

ESI 6448Discrete Optimization Theory
  • Lecture 34

Last class
  • Improving local search
  • Tabu search
  • Simulated annealing
  • Genetic algorithms
  • Worst-case analysis of heuristics
  • Greedy heuristic for IKP
  • Tree(/matching) heuristics for STSP
  • based on triangle inequality

Improving local search heuristics
  • Tabu search
  • move to the best solution in the neighborhood
    (worse solution can be selected)
  • cycling may occur ? maintain tabu list
  • Simulated annealing
  • choose a neighbor randomly, but based on
    probability related to the value of solutions
  • in the long run, should converge to a good local
  • Genetic algorithms
  • evolve the population (set of solutions) from
    one generation to the next generation
  • mimic biological operations (crossover, mutation)

Tabu search
  • 1. Initialize an empty tabu list.
  • 2. Get an initial solution S.
  • 3. While the stopping criterion is not
    satisfied3.1. Choose a subset Q(S) ? Q(S) of
    non-tabu solutions.3.2. Let S arg min f (T)
    T ? Q(S).3.3. Replace S by S and update
    the tabu list.
  • 4. On termination, the best solution found is the
    heuristic solution.

Simulated annealing
  • 1. Get an initial solution S.
  • 2. Get an initial temperature T and a reduction
    factor r with 0 lt r lt 1.
  • 3. While not yet frozen, do the following3.1.
    Perform the following loop L times 3.1.1
    Pick a random neighbor S of S. 3.1.2
    Let ? f (S) f (S). 3.1.3 If ? ? 0,
    set S S. 3.1.4 If ? gt 0, set S S
    with probability e-?/T.3.2 Set T ? rT. (reduce
    the temperature)
  • 4. Return the best solution found.

Concepts for local search
  • Communication
  • neighborhood structure
  • possible to get from any solution S to any other
    solution S in a small number of moves
  • Diversification
  • facilitating movement between very different
    areas of the search space
  • high initial temperature in SA, long tabu list in
    TS, using random restarts
  • Intensification
  • increasing the search effort in promising areas
    of the search space
  • choosing optimally in the neighborhood, enlarging
    Q(S) temporarily

Genetic algorithms
  • For each iteration (generation),
  • Evaluation evaluate the fitness of the
  • Parent Selection select certain pairs of
    solutions (parents) based on their fitness.
  • Crossover combine each pair of parents to
    produce one or two new solutions (offspring).
  • Mutation modify some of the offspring randomly.
  • Population Selection Based on the fitness, a
    new population is selected replacing some or all
    of the original population by an identical number
    of offspring.

Worst-case analysis of heuristics
  • Integer knapsack problem (IKP)
  • STSP
  • triangle inequality
  • if ei ? E for i 1, 2, 3 are three sides of a
    triangle, then cei cej ? cek for i ? j ? k, i,
    j, k ? 1, 2, 3

j 1
ci,j ? ci,i1 cj-1,j
Worst-case analysis of heuristics
  • STSP (contd)
  • Eulerian graph a graph where the degree of each
    node is even
  • For a connected Eulerian graph and an arbitrary
    node v, it is possible to construct a walk
    starting and ending at v in which each edge is
    traversed exactly once.
  • Given a complete graph H on node set V with edge
    lengths satisfying the triangle inequality, let G
    (V, E) be a connected Eulerian subgraph of H.
    Then the original graph contains a Hamiltonian
    (STSP) tour of length at most ?e?M ce.
  • conversion of the walk into a tour by selecting
    distinct nodes plus an edge between the last node
    and the first node

Tree heuristic for STSP
  • In the complete graph, find a minimum-length
    spanning tree with edges ET and length zT ?e?ET
  • Double each edge of ET to form a connected
    Eulerian graph.
  • Convert the Eulerian graph into a tour of length
  • The tree algorithm
  • zH ? 2z

Tree/matching heuristic for STSP
  • In the complete graph, find a minimum-length
    spanning tree with edges ET and length zT ?e?ET
  • Let V be the set of nodes of odd degree in (V,
    ET). Find a perfect matching M of minimum length
    zM in the complete subgraph containing nodes in
    V only.(V, ET ? M) is a connected Eulerian
  • Convert the Eulerian graph into a tour of length
  • Christofides algorithm
  • zC ? 3/2 z

MIP-based heuristics
  • Dive-and-fix heuristic
  • take the LP sol at any node of the
    branch-and-bound tree and dive down to find a
    feasible sol
  • Relax-and-fix heuristic
  • relax less important variables and fix more
    important variables first
  • Cut-and-fix heuristic
  • using an effective strong cutting plane
    algorithm, find some integer variables to have
    values close to integer

  • For a mixed 0-1 problem,

  • Consider the problem
  • Relax
  • Fix
  • Heuristic sol

  • Consider the problem
  • Cut
  • Fix (or bound)
  • Heuristic sol

  • Improving local search
  • Tabu search
  • Simulate annealing
  • Genetic algorithms
  • Worst-case analysis of heuristics
  • Greedy heuristic for IKP
  • Tree(/matching) heuristics for STSP
  • based on triangle inequality
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