Title: Montana State Asthma Plan
1 Montana State Asthma Plan
2 0 0 9
Montana Asthma Workgroup Meeting November 21st,
2Why have a state plan?
- Unified vision of asthma control in the state
- Outline for actions in the next 3-5 years
- Required to receive CDC funding for asthma
- Why is a state plan useful for you?
- How might you use it?
3State Plan Timeline
Thanks for your hard work in keeping this
timeline and contributing to the state plan.
Were almost done!
- Late September E-mails sent with data relevant
to each section and information about the general
format for the plan - Early October Start formulating goal(s) and
accompanying objectives and strategies over
e-mail - Late October/Early November Conference calls to
discuss a draft of our section and make revisions - Mid-November Meeting of all the state plan
workgroups and present a draft of our section to
the larger group for input. - Late November/December E-mail revised draft of
the plan and allow workgroup to provide feedback
on all sections of the plan via e-mail - January, 2009 Finalized State Asthma Plan in
place so Montana will be competitive for the CDC
4Framework for the state plan
- Developing a State Plan
- Background
- Asthma Priorities
- Goals, Objectives and Activities
- Our guidance from the CDC
- Focus on disparities, communication,
sustainability and evaluation - Make plan based on available data
5Montana State Asthma Plan Logic Model
- Surveillance Establish and maintain a
comprehensive state asthma surveillance system - Partnerships Establish and maintain effective
partnerships with stakeholders across the state - Healthcare Improve systems and quality of asthma
care in Montana - Environment Reduce exposure to
environmental irritants and allergens that cause
and/or exacerbate asthma - Schools/Daycares Increase the capacity of
Montana schools and childcare
facilities to manage asthma
- Montana Asthma
- Workgroup
- Partners
- Montana Asthma Control
Program Staff -
- Resources and time from stakeholders statewide
- Coordinated planning and implementation of state
asthma plan
- Reduce activity limitations and school/work days
missed due to asthma - Reduce direct and indirect asthma costs
- Promote policy and environmental changes to
create systems with increased capacity to manage
asthma over the long term - Increase public awareness about asthma
- Improve the quality of life for all
Montanans with asthma - Reduce geographic, racial
socioeconomic disparities in asthma
morbidity and mortality - Reduce asthma deaths
- Reduce hospitalizations
for asthma - Reduce ED visits for asthma
Surveillance and Evaluation Increase knowledge
of asthma in Montana through ongoing, systematic
data collection and program evaluation.
Underlying Themes
Communication, Sustainability and Evaluation
Montana State Asthma Plan Logic Model
Montana State Asthma Plan Logic Model
- Reduce activity limitations and school/work days
missed due to asthma - Reduce direct and indirect asthma costs
- Promote policy and environmental changes to
create systems with increased capacity to
manage asthma over the long term - Increase public awareness about asthma
- Surveillance Establish and maintain a
comprehensive state asthma surveillance system - Partnerships Establish and maintain effective
partnerships with stakeholders across the state - Healthcare Improve systems and quality of asthma
care in Montana - Environment Reduce exposure to
environmental irritants and allergens that cause
and/or exacerbate asthma - Schools/Daycares Increase the capacity of
Montana schools and childcare
facilities to manage asthma
- Improve the quality of life for all
Montanans with asthma - Reduce geographic, racial
socioeconomic disparities in asthma morbidity
and mortality - Reduce asthma deaths
- Reduce hospitalizations
for asthma - Reduce ED visits for asthma
- Reduce activity limitations and school/work days
missed due to asthma - Reduce direct and indirect asthma costs
- Promote policy and environmental changes to
create systems with increased capacity to
manage asthma over the long term - Increase public awareness about asthma
- Surveillance Establish and maintain a
comprehensive state asthma surveillance system - Partnerships Establish and maintain effective
partnerships with stakeholders across the state - Healthcare Improve systems and quality of asthma
care in Montana - Environment Reduce exposure to
environmental irritants and allergens that cause
and/or exacerbate asthma - Schools/Daycares Increase the capacity of
Montana schools and childcare
facilities to manage asthma
- Improve the quality of life for all
Montanans with asthma - Reduce geographic, racial
socioeconomic disparities in asthma morbidity
and mortality - Reduce asthma deaths
- Reduce hospitalizations
for asthma - Reduce ED visits for asthma
Surveillance and Evaluation Increase knowledge
of asthma in Montana through ongoing, systematic
data collection and program evaluation.
Surveillance and Evaluation Increase knowledge
of asthma in Montana through ongoing, systematic
data collection and program evaluation.
Underlying Themes
Communication, Sustainability and Evaluation
Underlying Themes
Communication, Sustainability and Evaluation
6Acknowledgements pg 2
- Is your name listed?
- Spelled correctly?
- With the correct credentials agency?
Acronyms pg 3
- Any we have left out?
- Any we have listed but dont use?
7Asthma in MT pg 4-7
- Quick summary of asthma burden (4-6)
- Prevalence, disparities, hospitalizations,
deaths, disease severity and access to care - Focus on issues unique to Montana (7)
- Rural, frontier communities, American Indians,
healthcare in rural settings - Other data that should be included?
- Other important issues unique to Montana that
should be included?
8The Montana Asthma Workgroup pg 8-9
- Probably the least complete section
- Describes
- The formation make up of the workgroup
- How the workgroup created the state plan
- Comments on this section?
- Any ideas for re-naming the MAW?
- Personal stories to add to the introduction?
9State Plan Overview pg 10-11
- Overarching goals (prioritize?)
- Underlying themes
- Organization of the plan
- Section Goals
- Summarized by the logic model
- Comments?
10Surveillance pg 12-13
- Goal Establish and maintain a comprehensive
state asthma surveillance system - Comments?
11Partnerships pg 14
- Goal Establish and maintain effective
partnerships with stakeholders across the state
to increase the reach and impact of asthma
control effort - Comments?
12Healthcare Interventions pg 15-17
- Goal Improve systems and quality of asthma care
in Montana - Comments?
13Environmental Interventions pg 18-19
- Goal Reduce exposure to environmental irritants
and allergens that cause and/or exacerbate asthma - Comments?
14School/Childcare Interventions pg
- Goal Increase the capacity of Montana schools
and child care facilities to manage asthma - Comments?
15Integration Diagram
- Created in response to workgroup member request
to visually show that the whole state plan is
greater than the sum of its parts - Plan to write a brief description of the diagram
on this page
- Support delivery of evidence based healthcare
according to the EPR-3 Guidelines in primary
care, ED hospital settings - Decrease barriers to accessing medical care for
people with asthma - Increase access to asthma education
- Analyze existing data sources
- Improve existing and develop data sources
- Regularly communicate surveillance findings to
stakeholders - Evaluate the impact of asthma control
- Improve hospital
and ED data systems in MT - Identify sources of data related to
the cost of asthma care - Implement a clinic based asthma
- Sponsor continuing
ed for health professionals on how to
assess environmental exposures - Promote Montana Quitline to health
- Develop new
sources of data related to the impact
of asthma in MT
schools and among children in the
- Include IAQ information in
all trainings for school and child
care staff - Sponsor an IAQ training
for school maintenance staff
- Increase capacity of school nurses to
provide asthma management - Increase asthma training opportunities
resources for school child care staff - Support ongoing asthma programs that target at
risk groups
School/Child care Interventions
Healthcare Interventions
- Improve hospital
and ED data systems in MT - Identify sources of data related to
the cost of asthma care - Implement a clinic based asthma
- Sponsor continuing
ed for health professionals on how to
assess environmental exposures - Promote Montana Quitline to health
- Develop new
sources of data related to the impact
of asthma in MT
schools and among children in the
- Include IAQ information in
all trainings for school and child
care staff - Sponsor an IAQ training
for school maintenance staff
School/ Child care Interventions
Environmental Interventions
Healthcare Interventions
Healthcare Interventions
Environmental Interventions
School/Child care Interventions
Environmental Interventions
School/Child care Interventions
17Still to be added
- Conclusion
- Successes thus far-highlight
- School asthma work
- Certified Asthma Educator Initiative
- Others?
- Other issues to address in the future
- Co-morbidities
- Work related asthma
- Others?
- Support delivery of evidence based healthcare
according to the EPR-3 Guidelines in primary
care, ED hospital settings - Decrease barriers to accessing medical care for
people with asthma - Increase access to asthma education
- Analyze existing data sources
- Improve existing and develop data sources
- Regularly communicate surveillance findings to
stakeholders - Evaluate the impact of asthma control
- Improve hospital
and ED data systems in MT - Identify sources of data related to
the cost of asthma care - Implement a clinic based asthma
- Sponsor continuing
ed for health professionals on how to
assess environmental exposures - Promote Montana Quitline to health
- Develop new
sources of data related to the impact
of asthma in MT
schools and among children in the
- Include IAQ information in
all trainings for school and child
care staff - Sponsor an IAQ training
for school maintenance staff
- Increase capacity of school nurses to
provide asthma management - Increase asthma training opportunities
resources for school child care staff - Support ongoing asthma programs that target at
risk groups
School/Child care Interventions
18Still to be added Appendicies
- Progress toward HP 2010 goals
- Others?
- Why is a state plan useful for you?
- How might you use it?
- Support delivery of evidence based healthcare
according to the EPR-3 Guidelines in primary
care, ED hospital settings - Decrease barriers to accessing medical care for
people with asthma - Increase access to asthma education
- Analyze existing data sources
- Improve existing and develop data sources
- Regularly communicate surveillance findings to
stakeholders - Evaluate the impact of asthma control
- Improve hospital
and ED data systems in MT - Identify sources of data related to
the cost of asthma care - Implement a clinic based asthma
- Sponsor continuing
ed for health professionals on how to
assess environmental exposures - Promote Montana Quitline to health
- Develop new
sources of data related to the impact
of asthma in MT
schools and among children in the
- Include IAQ information in
all trainings for school and child
care staff - Sponsor an IAQ training
for school maintenance staff
- Increase capacity of school nurses to
provide asthma management - Increase asthma training opportunities
resources for school child care staff - Support ongoing asthma programs that target at
risk groups
School/Child care Interventions
19Other reviewers
- Who else should review this document?
- Montana Team Asthma (School section)
- Childrens Environmental Health Network
(Environment Section) - Certified Asthma Educators in the state
- Other experts/interested parties in your agency
or around the state?
- Support delivery of evidence based healthcare
according to the EPR-3 Guidelines in primary
care, ED hospital settings - Decrease barriers to accessing medical care for
people with asthma - Increase access to asthma education
- Analyze existing data sources
- Improve existing and develop data sources
- Regularly communicate surveillance findings to
stakeholders - Evaluate the impact of asthma control
- Improve hospital
and ED data systems in MT - Identify sources of data related to
the cost of asthma care - Implement a clinic based asthma
- Sponsor continuing
ed for health professionals on how to
assess environmental exposures - Promote Montana Quitline to health
- Develop new
sources of data related to the impact
of asthma in MT
schools and among children in the
- Include IAQ information in
all trainings for school and child
care staff - Sponsor an IAQ training
for school maintenance staff
- Increase capacity of school nurses to
provide asthma management - Increase asthma training opportunities
resources for school child care staff - Support ongoing asthma programs that target at
risk groups
School/Child care Interventions
- Support delivery of evidence based healthcare
according to the EPR-3 Guidelines in primary
care, ED hospital settings - Decrease barriers to accessing medical care for
people with asthma - Increase access to asthma education
- Analyze existing data sources
- Improve existing and develop data sources
- Regularly communicate surveillance findings to
stakeholders - Evaluate the impact of asthma control
- Improve hospital
and ED data systems in MT - Identify sources of data related to
the cost of asthma care - Implement a clinic based asthma
- Sponsor continuing
ed for health professionals on how to
assess environmental exposures - Promote Montana Quitline to health
- Develop new
sources of data related to the impact
of asthma in MT
schools and among children in the
- Include IAQ information in
all trainings for school and child
care staff - Sponsor an IAQ training
for school maintenance staff
- Increase capacity of school nurses to
provide asthma management - Increase asthma training opportunities
resources for school child care staff - Support ongoing asthma programs that target at
risk groups
School/Child care Interventions