Title: Please Turn Off Pagers and Cell Phones
1Welcome To DrinkACT.com
Join The Bevolution
Please Turn Off Pagers and Cell Phones
2 Secrets of Success
- Right Place - Right Time
- Recognize
Fastest Growing Home Based Business In The World
- Write Questions Down
- Q A - After the Presentation
5Have Things CHANGED In This Country in the Last
15-20 Years?
6Residual Income
7Now Is the Time to Take 100 Control of Your
Life Financially!
8Would You Be Financially Independent With an
EXTRA 5,000 Per Month?
9AmericaThe Land of Opportunity
Retire Flat BROKE!
10(No Transcript)
11- Bill Gates (53)
- Paul Allen (25)
- Michael Dell (11)
- Anthony Cox (10)
- Ellison Lawrence (23)
- Ralph Loren (1)
12Learn One Simple ThingDo It Over .and Over
13Would You Like To Be Able To Retire By Choice In
2-3 Years?
14- BREAKTHROUGH Financial Vehicle
- Unshakable Belief
- You MUST Take Action
15A.C.T Staggering Growth
- 16 Million Sold First 26 Months
- 150,000 Dealers Joined
- 647 Billion Global Beverage Industry
- Energy Drinks Grew 61 in 2006
- Best Business Opportunity
16- You Feel In 10 Minutes
- Lasts 4 To 6 Hours
- Only 5 Grams of Sugar
- Only 24 Calories
- Guarana Seed Safer Caffeine
- No Artificial or Chemicals
- No Aspartame
- NOTHING Bad For You
Wholesale 1.90
17- First Day You Feel It!
- Second Day You Love It!
- Third Day You Tell Your Friends!
18Unique Business Model
- FREE Dealership FREE Website
- Factory Direct At Wholesale
- NO Large Up Front Purchases
- NO Stocking Inventory
- Commissions Almost Double the Industry
Standard - Easy Qualifications
- Residual Income True Retirement
19M2C Global - Manufacturing Giant
- Located In Dallas Texas
- 140,000 sft.
- 13 Years in Business
- Can Ship 30 Million A Day
- Partner With AL Global In California
- Marketing/Operations
20- Costco
- Eckerds
- Walgreens
- 7 Eleven
- SAMs Club
- Traders Joe
- Over 50 Direct Sales Companies
21Manufacturer 2 Consumers Direct at 40 to 70
Off RetailFREE A.C.T. Dealership Business Model
22Three Product Packages
- 2 Cases (48 cans) - 70
- Variety Pack - 315
- ΒΌ Pallet - 27 Cases - 825
24Active Dealer Commission Cycles
1. 240 BV left and 240 BV right 25 2. 240 BV
left and 240 BV right 25 3. 240 BV left and
240 BV right 25 4. 240 BV left and 240 BV
right 25 5. 240 BV left and BV 240 right
10,000 A.C.T Points Up to 1750 a week
Place a 40 BV order for the monthHave two
personally sponsored dealers with a 40BV order
25Bronze Dealer Commission Cycles
1. 240 BV left and 240 BV right 50 2. 240 BV
left and 240 BV right 50 3. 240 BV left and
240 BV right 50 4. 240 BV left and 240 BV
right 50 5. 240 BV left and BV 240 right
10,000 A.C.T Points Up to 3,150 a week
- One time 240 BV Requirement First 30 days can
be cumulative. - Have a standing 40 BV Schedule Delivery order
- Have two personally sponsored dealers with a
40BV order
26Silver Dealer Commission Cycles
1. 240 BV left and 240 BV right 50 2. 240 BV
left and 240 BV right 50 3. 240 BV left and
240 BV right 50 4. 240 BV left and 240 BV
right 50 5. 240 BV left and BV 240 right
10,000 A.C.T Points Up to 5,000 a Week 10
Matching Bonus
- One time 240 BV Requirement First 30 days can
be cumulative. - Have a standing 40 BV Schedule Delivery order
- Have 6 Bronze dealers (4 left and 2 right)
27Matching and Car Bonuses
1. Silver Dealer - 6 Bronze Dealers ( 4 and 2)
10 1st generation matching 2. Gold Dealer - 9
Bronze Dealers ( 6 and 3) 10 2nd generation
matching 3. Platinum Dealer - 12 Bronze Dealers (
8 and 4) 10 3rd generation matching 4.
Diamond Directors - 25,000 a week - 400 car
bonus 5. Executive Diamond Director - 50,000 a
week 1,000 car bonus
28Best Way For Maximum Income and Bonuses
- 240 BV Career Pack
- 40 BV Scheduled Delivery
- Sponsor Two Dealers That Do The Same
- Duplicate This Process
- M2C - SOLID 300 Million Company
- AL Global - Multi-Million Operation Partner
- A.C.T Works
- FASTEST Growing Industry
- Rewriting The Business Rules
- Easy Qualifications For 50,000 a Week
- Rapid Growth USA and International
- Lifetime Residual Income
31Quick Start Training
- 240 BV Cumulative In 30 Days
- After 30 Days Must Make a Whole 240 BV Purchase
- Set Your 40 BV Scheduled Delivery
- Set Your Left and Right Binary Default
- Have Accurate Shipping Address
- How to Drop Sponsor and Keep Sponsorship
- How To Build Your Two Teams
- Talk to Everyone Internet Retail Outlets
- Give Out Cans as Samples
- Participate in Conference Calls and Regional
32M2CSuccess.com Marketing System
- It Makes The Presentation For You
- 4 Capture Pages
- Business Page
- Audio Presentations and Conference Calls Audio
- Business Info
- Product Info
- Testimonials
- Autoresponders Indefinite Automated Follow Up
- Sign Up At www. actmillionaire.com