Title: CS 3240: Languages and Computation
1CS 3240 Languages and Computation
- Mapping Reducibility and Time Complexity
2TMs and Computation
- TMs can do more than just accept and reject
strings - They can perform functions
- Definition A function f? ? ? is a computable
function if there is some TM M that, on every
input w, halts with f(w) on the tape
- The copying TM
- Start with w on the tape, halt with ww on the
tape - Summation
- Takes input ltm,ngt and returns value of mn
- Finding intersection of two DFAs
- Start with ltA,Bgt on the tape, where A and B are
DFAs, halt with ltCgt on the tape, where L(C)
L(A) ? L(B)
4Mapping Reducibility
- Definition Language A is mapping reducible to
language B, written A?mB, if there is a
computable function f? ? ?, where for every w, - w ? A iff f(w) ? B
- The function f is called the reduction of A to B.
5Why m?
- In some sense, if A m B, then A is no more
powerful than B - For example, we can map from CFGs to decidable
languages, but not vice versa - Example
- We can easily map any CFG C to ACFG
- f(w) ltC,wgt
- w ? C iff ltC,wgt ? ACFG
6Mapping Reductions Decidability
- Theorem If A ?m B and B is decidable, then A is
decidable. - Proof Let M be a decider for B and let f be a
reduction from A to B. - Consider the following TM, N
- N On input w
- Compute f(w)
- Run M on f(w) and report Ms output
- Then N decides A
7Mapping Reductions Undecidability
- Corollary If A ?m B and A is undecidable, then
B is undecidable. - We have been using this corollary implicitly
- We showed that HALTTM is undecidable by
contradiction - Now lets show its undecidable using mapping
reduction - Need a function that takes input ltM,wgt
- Halts if M accepts w, and loops if not
9Mapping from ATM to HALTTM
- F On input x
- If x ? ltM,wgt for some TM M, output x
- Otherwise, construct the following TM
- M On input x
- 1. Run M on x
- 2. If M accepts, accept
- 3. If M rejects, enter a loop
- 2. Output ltM,wgt
- If M accepts w M halts on w, otherwise M loops
or generates a string not in HALTTM - I.e., ltM,wgt?ATM iff ltM,wgt?HALTTM
10HALTTM is Undecidable
- We just showed that ATM m HALTTM
- Since we know ATM is undecidable, we can conclude
that HALTTM is undecidable
11Reductions TM-recognizability
- Theorem If A ?m B and B is Turing-recognizable,
then A is Turing-recognizable. - Proof (same as decidable proof) Let M be a
recognizer for B and let f be a reduction from A
to B. - Consider the following TM, N
- N On input w
- Compute f(w)
- Run M on f(w) and report Ms output
- Then N recognizes A
12Applications of Mapping Reductions
- If A ?m B and B is decidable, then A is decidable
- If A ?m B and A is undecidable, then B is
undecidable - If A ?m B and B is Turing-recognizable, then A is
Turing-recognizable - Equivalently, A ?m B
- If A ?m B and A is not Turing-recognizable, then
B is not Turing-recognizable
13Reductions non-TM-recognizability
- Corollary If A ?m B and A is not
Turing-recognizable, then B is not
Turing-recognizable. - Question Which language that have we seen is
not Turing-recognizable? - Answer ATM
- Theorem EQTM is neither Turing-recognizable nor
co-Turing-recognizable. - Proof
- Reduce ATM to EQTM, or equivalent reduce ATM to
EQTM. - Reduce ATM to EQTM, or equivalent reduce ATM to
15Time Complexity
16Complexity of Algorithms
- Among decidable problems, we still have levels of
difficulty for algorithms - We may consider an algorithm more difficult for a
variety of reasons - Takes longer to execute
- Requires more memory to execute
- Time complexity Given an algorithm and an input
string, how long will the algorithm take to
17Time Complexity
- Definition Let M be any deterministic Turing
machine that halts on all inputs. The running
time or time complexity of M is the function
fN?N, where f(n) is the maximum number of steps
that M uses on any input of length n.
18Big-O Notation
- Definition Let f and g be two functions from N
to R (the set of positive real numbers). Then
f(n)O(g(n)) if positive integers c and n0 exist
such that for every n n0, f(n) c g(n). In
this case, we say that g(n) is an upper bound for
f(n) - Remark
- Time complexity is most concerned with behavior
for large n - For polynomials, we can drop everything except
nk, where k is the largest exponent
19Big-O Notation and Logarithms
- With big-O notation, the base of the logarithm is
not important! - Recall logbn logxn / logxb
- logbn O(logxn) for every x gt 0
- 5n5 log3n 3n2log2log2n O(n5 log n)
20Exponential time
- What about f(n) 2O(log n)?
- n 2log_2 n ? nc 2O(log n) ? 2O(log n) nO(1)
- An algorithm takes exponential time if its
complexity is O(ank), where kgt0 - An algorithm takes polynomial time if its
complexity is O(nk) for some k gt 0
21Small-o Notation
- Definition Let f and g be two functions from N
to R (the set of positive real numbers). Then
f(n)o(g(n)) - limn??(f(n)/g(n)) 0
- i.e., for any positive real number c, a number
n0 exists such that for every n ? n0, f(n) lt c
22Big-O Versus Small-o
- If f(n) o(g(n)) then f(n) O(g(n)), but the
reverse is not always true - Big-O is like less than or equal while small-o
is like strictly less than - Example
- f(n) O(f(n)) for every function f
- f(n) ? o(f(n)) for every function f
- Inequality of big-O needs to hold for some
positive constant c, but inequality of small-o
must hold for every positive constant c
23Analyzing algorithms
- We examine an algorithm to determine how long it
will take to halt on an input of length n - The amount of time to complete is called the
algorithms complexity class - Definition Let tN?N be a function. The time
complexity class, TIME(t(n)), is - TIME(t(n))L L is a language decided by a
O(t(n))-time Turing machine
24Importance of model
- The complexity of our algorithms depends on
assumptions about our data other model
assumptions - The complexity of an algorithm can vary depending
on the machine we use - We assume reasonable encoding of all numbers
- Any integer of value v should take O(log v) space
25Machine-dependent complexity
- Example, let Lw w is a palindrome
- How long will it take us to decide L on a
standard TM? - Go back and forth crossing off matching symbols
at beginning and end - O(n2)
- How long will it take us to decide L on a 2-tape
TM? - Copy string
- Compare symbols reading forward on tape 1 and
backward on tape 2 - O(n)
26Complexity relationships
- Theorem Let t(n) be a function, where t(n) ? n.
Then every t(n) time multitape TM has an
equivalent O(t2(n)) time single-tape TM - Proof idea Consider structure of equivalent
single-tape TM. Analyzing behavior shows each
step on multi-tape machine takes O(t(n)) on
single tape machine
27Equivalent machines
28Simulating k-Tape Behavior
- Single tape start string is
- w...
- Each move proceeds as follows
- Start at leftmost slot
- Scan right to (k1)st to find symbol at each
virtual tape head - Make second pass making updates indicated by
k-tape transition function - When a virtual head moves onto a , shift string
to right
29Proof of theorem
- Analyzing simulation of k-tape machine
- Each step on single-tape machine has two phases
- Scan tape
- Perform operations
- How long does first phase take?
- Length of string on tape
- Each portion has O(t(n)) length (this occurs if
tape heads only move right)
30Proof of theorem (cont.)
- How long does second phase take?
- Perform k steps
- Each step may require a right shift
- Each step takes O(t(n)) time
- Total of k steps is O(t(n)) because k is a
constant - Whats the total time?
- O(t(n)) steps each take O(t(n)) time
- Total time is O(t2(n))
31Determinism vs. non-determinism
- Definition Let P be a non-deterministic Turing
machine. The running time of P is the function
fN?N, where f(n) is the maximum number of steps
that P uses on any branch of its computation in
any input of length n.
32Non-Deterministic Tree
33Complexity Relationship
- Theorem Let t(n) be a function where t(n)?n.
Then every t(n) time non-deterministic
single-tape Turing machine has an equivalent
2O(t(n)) time deterministic single-tape Turing
34Complexity Relationship Proof
- Proof Given a non-deterministic TM, P, running
in t(n) time, construct a 3-tape deterministic TM
that simulates P. - The height of the tree is at most t(n). Assume
the maximum number of branches in the tree is b.
Therefore, the number of leaves in the tree is
35How Many Nodes in the Tree?
- Claim The total number of nodes is less than
twice the number of leaves i.e. O(bt(n)). - (S0kn bk) / bn (1 bn1)/(1-b) / bn
- lt bn1/(1-b) / bn
- - b / (1-b)
- 2
36Complexity Relationship proof (cont.)
- Deterministic TM does a breadth-first search of
the non-deterministic TMs tree. - Total time to search tree is O(t(n)) to travel
from the root to a leaf O(bt(n)), the number of
leaves. - O(t(n)bt(n)) O(2log_2 t(n) 2(log_2 b)t(n))
37Complexity relationship proof (cont.)
- We constructed a 3-tape TM with running time
O(2O(t(n))) - Single-tape TM will take O((2O(t(n)))2)O(22O(t(n)