Title: CSCI 4260MATH 4150
1CSCI 4260-MATH 4150
2Directed Graphs
- So far we have been mostly concerned with
undirected graphs - Today, we will focus on directed graphs
(u,v) is an arc the order is important u is
adjacent to v v is adjacent from u
3Indegree vs. Outdegree
- Indegree of v id(v) u u is adjacent to
v - Outdegree of v
- od(v) u u is adjacent from v
For any directed graph G (V,E)
5Orienting an undirected graph, underlying graph
G is the underlying graph of H
H is an orientation of G
Note that H does not have the arcs (u,v) and
(v,u) simultaneously
6Connectivity in directed graphs
- Our paths are now directed.
- Weakly connected the underlying (undirected)
graph is connected - Strongly connected there is a directed u-v path
AND a directed v-u path for all u,v - In this case, we say the graph is strong.
7Some basic properties
- In the next few theorems, we will see the
directed version some earlier ones.
8(Warm-up) Theorem
- If a digraph D contains a u-v walk of length l,
then D contains a u-v path of length at most l
- A digraph is strong iff it contains a closed
spanning walk
- A non-trivial, connected graph D is Eulerian iff
od(v) id(v) for every vertex v.
11Eulerian ? od(v) id(v) ?v
12od(v) id(v) ?v ? Eulerian
- Pick an initial vertex u and find the longest
trail T - T must be closed, i.e a circuit.
- Suppose T does not contain all edges
- Let D D T
- There must be a vertex w on T that is incident to
an edge not in T - Note that od(v) id(v) for all v in D
- Apply the same argument, there must be a circuit
starting from w - But then T can be made longer a contradiction!
- A non-trivial (undirected) graph G has a strong
orientation iff G contains no bridge.
14Strong orientation ?no bridge
- Take the contrapositive
- If there is bridge,
15No bridge ? Strong orientation
- Remember, no bridge means that every edge is on a
cycle - The main idea is to cover the graph with cycle
and to choose an orientation for each cycle - Lets prove this formally
- A tournament is an orientation of a complete
graph - Think of it as a real tournament
- Vertices teams
- All teams play with each other
- u ? v means u won the game
- A transitive tournament is defined as arc (u,v)
and (v,w) ? arc (u,w)
- A tournament is transitive iff it has no cycles
18Transitive ? no cycles
- Suppose a transitive tournament has a cycle
19No cycles ? Transitive
- If (u,v) and (v,w) are arcs in T
- (w,u) can not be an arc in T
- This means (u,w) is an arc
- If u is a vertex of maximum outdegree in a
tournament T, then d(u,v) ? 2 for every vertex
Max outdegree vertex, degree k
- If A is the team that won most matches,
- For any team B
- Either A defeated B or
- A defeated a team that defeated B
- Every tournament contains a hamiltonian path
- Suppose not. Take the longest path. There must be
some vertex not on it
Cant have these red edges
- In every tournament, we can find a sequence of
teams a,b,c,d, where a beat b, and b beat c, and
so on
27But who is the best?
Remember transitive ? no cycles
- Every vertex in a non-trivial strong tournament
belongs to a triangle
- U ??? and W ???Why?
- There must be an arc from w to some vertex in U
- A nontrivial tournament T is strong iff T is
31Hamiltonian ? Strong
32Strong ? Hamiltonian
- Let C be the maximum length cycle and for
contradiction assume that there exists a vertex
v that is not on C
33Case I
Cant happen
34Case II ?
So, its the same case
35Case II
It must be that v is either adjacent to or
adjacent from all vertices on C.
36Cycle C
U ??
W ??
Why must this edge exist?
Can you find a bigger cycle?
- Transitive tournaments have an absolute winner
- Strong tournaments have hamiltonian cycles
- Hence are not transitive
- Read sections 7.3 and 7.4 in the book
- Its fun
- Project proposal deadline is coming soon!
- Next Thursday there will be an overview lecture,
given by your TA - Come prepared
39Next few weeks
40HW2 is out today
- You can discuss the problems with a single
classmate - You have to put her/his name on your solution
- You have to write your solutions independently
- The school is enforcing a very strict cheating
policy. - Basically, any type of cheating is reported all
the way up to the dean - So, please dont!