E. Sequence Alignment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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E. Sequence Alignment


Part I: Overview and foundation: A. Central Dogma, B. Accessing Databases, C. ... If A is homologous to B, and B to C, then A must be homologous to C, even if ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: E. Sequence Alignment

E. Sequence Alignment
  • Part I Overview and foundation A. Central
    Dogma, B. Accessing Databases, C. Data Mining,
    D. Tree of life.
  • Part II Gene Sequence E. Sequence Alignment, F.
    Blasting NCBI Tutorial, G. SNP Video, H.
    Methods for Manipulating DNA and RNA Ch 8. MBoC
    pp 469-513, I. Hidden Markov Model Handouts,
    J. Gene Finding Handout, K. Microarray Analysis
    Ch 4 and Ch 5 DGPB
  • Part III Gene Regulation
  • L. Cell Chemistry and Biosynthesis Ch 2 MBoC,
    M. Proteins Ch 3 MBoC, N. DNA and Chromosomes
    Ch 4 MBoC, O. From DNA to Protein Ch 6. MBoC,
    P. Control of Gene Expression Ch 7 MBoC
  • Part IV Proteonomics
  • Q. Introduction Ch. 6 DGPB, R. Subcellular
    Localization Handout, S. Structural Prediction
    Handout, T. Protein Interaction Handout, U.
    Mass Spec Proteomic Informatics Handout
  • Part V Whole Genome Perspective
  • V. Protein and Gene Networking Handout Some
    parts of Unit Three DGPB
  • Part V Applications and Conclusion
  • W. Cancer Ch. 23 MBoC, X. Pathogens Ch. 25
    MBoC, Y. Case Studies Some Parts of Unit Four
    DGPB, Z. Future Directions Handout

E. Sequence Alignment
  • E. Sequence Alignment
  • E.1. Sequence Similarity
  • E.2. Dynamic Programming
  • E.3. Blasting and (Psi-Blast)
  • Reading
  • The NCBI BLAST education pages (all three
  • Altschul, et al on PSI-BLAST and on improving
    PSI-BLAST (using ROC curves)

E. Sequence Alignment Purpose of Sequence
Alignment and Blasting
  • What is an alignment, and why might it be
  • An alignment is a mapping from one sequence to
    another, identifying elements that are likely to
    have arisen from a common ancestor
  • A good alignment is an indication of homology
  • Alignments are NOT exact matches. We will need a
    method to find good alignments in a database...

E. Sequence Alignment Phylogenetic Tree
E.1 Sequence Similarity Similarity vs. Homology
Paralogs vs. Orthologs
  • Homology is an evolutionary relationship that
    either exists or does not. It cannot be partial.
  • An ortholog is a homolog with shared function.
  • A paralog is a homolog that arose through a gene
    duplication event. Paralogs often have divergent
  • Similarity is a measure of the quality of
    alignment between two sequences. High similarity
    is evidence for homology. Similar sequences may
    be orthologs or paralogs.

E.1 Sequence Similarity How do we compute
  • Similarity can be defined by counting positions
    that are identical between two sequences
  • Gaps (insertions/deletions) can be important
    abcdef abcdef abcdef
    abceef acdef a-cdef

E.1 Sequence Similarity Not all mismatches are
the same
  • Some amino acids are more substitutable for each
    other than others. Serine and threonine are
    more alike than tryptophan and lysine.
  • We can introduce "mismatch costs" for handling
    different substitutions.
  • We don't usually use mismatch costs in aligning
    nucleotide sequences, since no substitution is
    per se better than any other.

E.1 Sequence Similarity Many possible alignments
to consider
  • Without gaps, there are are NxM possible
    alignments between sequences of length N and M
  • Once we start allowing gaps, there are many
    possible arrangements to consider abcbcd
    abcbcd abcbcd
    abc--d a--bcd ab--cd
  • This becomes a very large number when we allow
    mismatches, since we then need to look at every
    possible pairing between elements there are
    roughly NM possible alignments.

E.1 Sequence Similarity Avoiding random
alignments with a score function
  • Not only are there many possible gapped
    alignments, but introducing too many gaps makes
    nonsense alignments possible
    s--e-----qu---en--ce sometimesquipsentice
  • Need to distinguish between alignments that occur
    due to homology, and those that could be expected
    to be seen just by chance.
  • Define a score function that accounts for both
    element mismatches and a gap penalty

E.1 Sequence Similarity Match scores
  • Match scores are often calculated on the basis of
    the frequency of particular mutations in very
    similar sequences.
  • We can transform substitution frequencies into
    log odds scores, which can then be added together.

E.1 Sequence Similarity Local vs. Global
  • A global alignment includes all elements of a
    sequence, and includes gaps
  • A global alignment may or may not include "end
    gap" penalties.
  • A local alignment is includes only subsequences,
    and sometimes computed without gaps.
  • Local alignments can find shared domains in
    divergent proteins and are fast to compute
  • Global alignments are better indicators of
    homology and take longer to compute.

E.1 Sequence Similarity An alignment score
  • An alignment score is the sum of all the match
    scores of an alignment, with a penalty subtracted
    for each gap.
  • Gap penalties are usually "affine" meaning that
    the penalty for one long gap is smaller than the
    penalty for many smaller gaps that add up to the
    same size.
  • a b c - - da c c e f d9 2 7 6 gt 24 - (10
    2) 12

Gap start continuationpenalty
E.2 Dynamic Programming Finding the optimal
  • Given a pair of sequences and a score function,
    identify the best scoring (optimal) alignment
    between the sequences.
  • Remember, exponential number of possible
    alignments (most with terrible scores).
  • Computer science to the rescue dynamic
    programming identifies optimal alignments in time
    proportional to the sum of the lengths of the

E.2. Dynamic programming
  • The name comes from an operations research task,
    and has nothing to do with writing programs.
  • Dynamic programming alignments are a key
    technology in bioinformatics, and you should
    understand how they work.
  • Called Needleman-Wunch or Smith-Waterman

E.2. Dynamic Programming The recurrence
  • The idea Recursion for the cost that you want to
  • Boundary Condition
  • Recurrence
  • Example Pairwise sequence alignment
  • Ci,j optimal cost for aligning sequence
    A1..i and B1..j where A and B are input
    sequences of length n and m.
  • Boundary Condition
  • C0,j Ci,0 0 for i,j 0.
  • C0,j Ci,0 cost of deletion for i,j gt 0.
  • Recurrence Si,j
  • Si-1,j-1 cost of substituting Ai with Bj.
  • Si-1,j cost of deletion
  • Si,j-1 cost of insertion

E.2. Dynamic Programming Filling up the table
  • Using the recurrence compute all Ci,j in a
    table C
  • At the same time, keep track of which case you
    use to get Ci,j in another table F
  • Use F to backtrack and construct the solution.

For backtracking
E.2. Dynamic Programming Dynamic programming
  • Each cell has the score for the best aligned
    sequence prefix up to that position.
  • Start by filling in initial gap and first element
    to first element match score
  • Use arrow to indicate path to that alignment

E.2. Dynamic Programming Continue filling in
optimalpath scores
  • For each cell, have three choices for how to get
    there from the last optimal alignment (match, gap
    sequence 1, gap sequence 2).
  • Best score(s) are selected, and arrows added
    indicated route.-5 5 0 5 -5 0-7 -5

E.2. Dynamic Programming Optimal alignment by
  • We traceback a path that gets us the highest
    score. If we don't have end gap penalties,
    then take any path from the last row or columnto
    the first.
  • Otherwise we needto include the top and bottom

E.2. Dynamic Programming How do we pick match
  • For match scores, two main options
  • PAM based on global alignments of closely related
    sequences. Normalized to changes per 100 sites,
    then exponentiated for more distant relatives.
  • BLOSUM based on local alignments in much more
    diverse sequences
  • Picking the right distance is important, and may
    be hard to do. BLOSUM seems to work better for
    more evolutionarily distant sequences. BLOSUM62
    is a good default.

E.2. Dynamic Programming Picking gap penalties
  • Many different possible forms
  • Most common is affine (gap open gap continue
  • More complex penalties have been proposed.
  • Penalties must be commensurate with match scores.
    Therefore, the match scoring scheme influences
    the gap penalty
  • Most alignment programs suggest appropriate
    penalties for each match score option.

E.2. Dynamic Programming Searching for optimal
  • One possibility is to try several different match
    score and gap penalties, and choose the best
  • In general, this is called parameter space search
    and it is important in many areas.
  • Problems
  • requires a lot computation
  • we need some principled way to compare the
  • Use significance testing to compare...

E.2. Dynamic Programming The significance of an
  • Significance testing is the branch of statistics
    that is concerned with assessing the probability
    that a particular result could have occurred by
  • How do we calculate the probability that an
    alignment occurred by chance?
  • Either with a model of evolution, or
  • Empirically, by scrambling our sequences and
    calculating scores on many randomized sequences.
  • Extreme value statistics (max, not sum)

E.2. Dynamic Programming Metric-space database
  • A metric is a function with these
  • f(A, B) f (B,A)
  • f(A,A) 0
  • f(A,B) f(B,C) ? f(A,C) the triangle inequality
  • Log(n) database search for closest (inexact)
    match can be done for metrics
  • Miranker, et al. have applied this to sequence
    databases (transforming score matrix)

E.3 Blasting Why BLAST?
  • Dynamic programming solutions to alignment
    problems are relatively slow, and don't lend
    themselves to efficient database search.
  • Need some way to search a large database to find
    sequences that have an inexact match to a query
  • Competing solutions FASTA BLAST.
  • Both imperfect approximations to DP. DP finds
    some distantly related sequences the
    approximations don't
  • BLAST is more commonly used, although both are

E.3 Blasting Sequence search basics
  • BLAST/FASTA are 50-100x faster than DP
  • If searching for coding regions, always translate
    nucleotide to amino acid sequence.
  • Use appropriate substitution and gap scores
  • BLOSUM62 is good for weak protein similarities
  • Use PAM30, PAM70 or BLOSUM45 for better results
    on more similar sequences, BLOSUM80 for most
  • Use Low-complexity filters and, for human
    sequence, filter out human repeats (ALUs, etc)

E.3 Blasting How does BLAST work
  • BLAST2 (gapped BLAST)
  • Break sequence into overlapping words, by
    default of length 3. n-l1 l-size words for
    sequence of length n. ABCDE ? ABC, BCD, CDE
  • For each word, define 50 other words that are
    similar (use substitution matrix threshold T)
  • Repeat for each of the n-l1 words, giving about
    50n words (out of 2038000 possible)
  • Use a hash table to find all places in DB with
    exact match to any of those words.

E.3 Blasting Blasting Extending alignments
  • Identify database sequences that contain several
    matching words on the same diagonal (think DP
    alignments) and within a short distance.
  • Extend these short, ungapped alignments in both
    directions along the sequence so long as score of
    alignment increases.
  • Call these extended alignments HSP's for high
    scoring pairs

E.3 Blasting PSI Blast
  • Position Specific Iterated BLAST
  • Intuition substitution matrices should be
    specific to a particular site. Penalize
    alanine?glycine more in a helix.
  • Idea Use BLAST with high stringency to get a set
    of closely related sequences. Align those
    sequences to create a new substitution matrix for
    each position. Then use that matrix
    (iteratively) to find additional sequences.

E.3 Blasting Why (not) PSI-BLAST
  • If the sequences used to construct the Position
    Specific Scoring Matrices (PSSMs) are all
    homologous, the sensitivity at a given
    specificity improves significantly.
  • However, if non-homologous sequences are included
    in the PSSMs, they are corrupted. Then they
    pull in more non-homologous sequences, and become
    worse than generic

E.3 Blasting How to use PSI BLAST
  • Set initial thresholds high. Inspect each
    iteration's result for suspicious sequences.
  • Do several iterations (5), or until no new
    sequences are found
  • Even if only looking for a small set of
    sequences, make the initial search very broad
  • First, use NR with up to 5 iterations to set PSSM
  • Then use that PSSM to search in restricted domain

E.3 Blasting PSI-BLAST example
E.3 Blasting First Iteration
E.3 Blasting Second iteration
E.3 Blasting PSI-BLAST caveats
  • Increased ability to find distant homologues
  • Cost of additional required care to prevent
    non-homologous sequences from being included in
    the PSSM calculation.
  • When in doubt, leave it out!
  • Examine sequences with moderate similarity
  • Be particularly cautious about matches to
    sequences with highly biased amino acid content

E.3 Blasting Some notes on sequence-based
database searching
  • Matches of gt50 identity in a 20-40 amino acid
    region occur frequently by chance.
  • Most sequences that share statistically
    significant similarity throughout their entire
    lengths are homologous.
  • If A is homologous to B, and B to C, then A must
    be homologous to C, even if they share no
    significant sequence similarity.
  • Low complexity regions, transmembrane regions and
    coiled-coil regions often display significant
    similarity without homology
  • Screen them out of your query sequences!
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