Title: Systems Analysis
1Systems Analysis Design
- Systems Analysis determining the requirements
for a system - What the system must do.
- Systems Design designing a system that meets the
requirements - How the system will do it.
- The phrase Systems Analysis and Design refers
to an ordered process for the development of
2Why do we need Systems Analysis Design?
- Large numbers of IS projects fail
- A study of well run organisations
- 10 of IS projects 100 over budget.
- A study of 600 companies
- 30-35 of IS projects are runaways
- A study by Yourdon (1992)
- 50 of IS projects at least 1 year late 100
over budget. - And worse
- Projects are frequently abandoned only when funds
are nearly exhausted.
3The Results
- Lost credibility
- Wasted funds
- Lost business opportunity
- Low morale
- Possible bankruptcy
4Why do projects fail?
- Working without a clear set of specifications
- Premature coding Lack of planning
- Lack of user involvement/agreement
- Poor estimation of resources required
- Poor documentation of decisions
- Lack of quality assurance
- Staff turnover
- Over-manning in a crisis
- Inadequate knowledge of tools and or techniques
5But also
- Requirements change throughout development
- (Scope Creep)
- Productivity levels vary widely
- Estimation techniques are poorly developed
- IS staff have distinct personality profiles (too
6Can We Improve?
- Building IS systems has a short history,
- Maybe we just need to learn how to do IT!
7Successful Projects
- The success of a project is measured by its
ability - To meet the expressed requirements
- To meet the needs of the client/user
- To be completed on time and within budget.
- Applying rigor to development projects
- Researching successes and failures
- Collecting statistics
- Applying sound System Analysis and Design
Principles - Use of Modeling Techniques
- Use of Methodologies
9The System Development Process
10The System Development Process is a set of
activities, methods, best practices,
deliverables, and automated tools that
stakeholders use to develop and maintain
information systems and software. A System Life
Cycle divides the life of an information system
into two stages, systems development and systems
operation and support.
11(No Transcript)
12- A system development life cycle (SDLC) is a
logical process by which systems analysts,
software engineers, programmers, and end-users
build information systems and computer
applications to solve business problems and
needs. - Also called an application development life cycle
or systems development process
13An example of a system development life
cycle Planning Analysis Design Build I
mplement Operate Here the phases provide
the input to the next phase and feedback to one
another. There are many other SDLCs.
14Systems Development Methodologies A systems
development methodology is a very formal and
precise system development process that defines a
set of activities, methods, best practices,
deliverables, and automated tools that system
developers and project managers are to use to
develop and maintain information systems and
15Principles of System Development Get the
owners and users involved. Use a
problem-solving approach. Establish phases
and activities. Establish
standards. Justify systems as capital
investments. Dont be afraid to cancel or
revise scope. Divide and conquer.
Design systems for growth and change.
16Systems Development Framework.
- A Systems Development Framework provides a
generalised view of the systems development
process. - Identifies the necessary building blocks to
successfully build systems.
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18What is a Methodology?
- The process used to develop information systems
is called a methodology. - Methodologies are derived from a logical system
problem-solving process. - Often referred to as
- System Development Life Cycle
- AND Systems Development Framework.
19- Methodologies provide developers with
- Phases, activities or steps to assist with
project management and timing of tasks - Tools Techniques which provide methods of
documenting and analysing requirements and
designs - Deliverables to identify what must be produced
during each activity in the development process.
Deliverables are completed at the end of each
activity - Individual and Group Roles for each Activity
- Quality Standards.
20- Why Do Companies use Methodologies?
- Methodologies ensure that a consistent,
reproducible approach is applied to all projects. - Methodologies reduce the risk associated with
shortcuts and mistakes. - Methodologies produce complete and consistent
documentation from one project to the next.
21Software Development Methods
- Various commercial methods are available for
systems development - BSP Business Systems Planning
- SADT Structured Analysis and Design Technique
- SSADM Structured Analysis And Design Method
- SALD Structured Analysis and Logical Design
- JSD Jackson System Development
- IE Information Engineering
- SSM Soft Systems Methodology - Lancaster
- RAD Rapid Applications Development
- OOA Object Oriented Analysis
- And many others
22Some Limitations?
- Some methods may not cover all phases of the
Systems Development Process. - For example
- analysis and design.
- analysis, design and implementation.
- IE
- planning, analysis, design and implementation.
23The Good News!
- Most methods are suitable for small, medium and
large projects.
24- Models
- Are a representation of reality
- Analysts describe information system requirements
using a collection of models - Complex systems require more than one type of
model - Models represent some aspect of the system being
25Reasons for ModelingFigure 5-2
Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World,
2nd Edition, Satzinger, Jackson, Burd
26- Types of Models
- Different types of models are used in information
systems development - Mathematical - formulas that describe technical
aspects of the system - Descriptive - narrative memos, reports, or lists
that describe aspects of the system - Graphical - diagrams and schematic
representations of some aspect of the system
27- Logical models show what a system does.
- Independent of implementation
- Referred to as essential models, conceptual
models or business models. - Mainly used in requirements definition
- (Models used in this subject will mostly be
logical models)
28- Physical models show how ( what) a system does.
- Implementation dependant
- Referred to as implementation models or technical
models. - Mainly used in the design phase
29Types of methodologies Model-Driven
Development (MDD) Rapid Application
Development (RAD) Commercial Off-the-Shelf
Software (COTS) or hybrids of the above
30Whitten, J. Bentley, L. Dittman, K. Systems
Analysis and Design Methods, Fifth Edition,
McGraw Hill 2000
31 Modelling is the act of drawing one or more
graphical representations (or pictures) of a
system. Modelling is a communication technique
based upon the old saying, a picture is worth a
thousand words. Model-driven development
techniques emphasize the drawing of models to
help visualize and analyse problems, define
business requirements, and design information
32Examples of Model-driven development Structured
systems analysis and design process-centered Inf
ormation engineering (IE) data-centered Object-o
riented analysis and design (OOAD)
object-centered (integration of data and process)
33Whitten, J. Bentley, L. Dittman, K. Systems
Analysis and Design Methods, Fifth Edition,
McGraw Hill 2000
34- Rapid Application Development Route
- Rapid application development (RAD) techniques
emphasize extensive user involvement in the rapid
and evolutionary construction of working
prototypes of a system to accelerate the system
development process. - RAD is based on building prototypes that evolve
into finished systems (often using time boxing) - A prototype is a smaller-scale, representative or
working model of the users requirements or a
proposed design for an information system. - A time box is a nonextendable period of time,
usually 60-120 days, by which a candidate system
must be placed into operation.
35Whitten, J. Bentley, L. Dittman, K. Systems
Analysis and Design Methods, Fifth Edition,
McGraw Hill 2000
36Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software is a
software package or solution that is purchased to
support one or more business functions and
information systems.
37Whitten, J. Bentley, L. Dittman, K. Systems
Analysis and Design Methods, Fifth Edition,
McGraw Hill 2000
38Whitten, J. Bentley, L. Dittman, K. Systems
Analysis and Design Methods, Fifth Edition,
McGraw Hill 2000
39The People The Organisation
- Identifying requirements What do they need and
where do you get the information
40The Stakeholders A stakeholder is any person
who has an interest in an existing or new
information system. Stakeholders can be technical
or non-technical workers. For information
systems, the stakeholders can be classified
as System owners System users Systems
analysts System designers System builders IT
vendors and consultants
41Systems Owners Users Anyone who may use the
system Top Level Management Middle
Management. Operational Management Operati
onal Staff.
42System Owners Top Level Strategic
Management The systems sponsors and chief
advocates. Their involvement is essential
They pay for the project and give final
approval. Responsible for funding the project
to develop, operate, and maintain the information
system. Involvement in Information Systems
Projects Concerned with policies and
plans Long term perspective See only achievement
and costs. See project in business
terms. Responsible for strategic or tactical
goals/plans. See project as an investment. Allow
access to necessary resources.
43System users The people who use or are affected
by the information system on a regular
basis. They use the system to capture, validate,
enter, respond to, store, and exchange data and
information. Types include Internal
users Clerical and service workers Technical and
professional staff Supervisors, middle managers,
and executive managers Remote and mobile users
(internal but disconnected) External users A
common synonym is client.
44Organisational Needs Information Systems
45Strategic management Determine long term
direction of the organisation. Systems designed
to support their work ESS/ DSS and MIS
relevant These systems assist with
unstructured one-off decisions that require
46Middle Management or Tactical Management Determin
e tactics to implement strategy Set operational
goals/plans. Systems must collect data to
evaluate operational goals. Systems designed to
support their work MIS and DSS are
important MIS assists monitoring and control in
Department or Organisational Units DSS support
unstructured decisions
47Operational Management Are responsible to
implement the tactics determined by middle
management. Set timetables Assign
personnel Largely concerned with regular
monitoring and reporting Problems are
recurrent Monitor day to day operations Short
term perspective Systems designed to
support their work MIS and DPS
48Operational Personnel The non managerial
layers, perform day to day tasks Work is
usually consists of performing transactions Syst
ems designed to support their work DPS
49User Responsibilities. Supply necessary
resources. Specify requirements. Supply
necessary information required for
development. Provide access to relevant
documents, equipment, staff, facilities. Note
One may not assume that a client is aware of
these responsibilities. The responsibilities of
the client/user must be defined prior to
initiating a study and should be mentioned in the
terms of reference.
50- Information Gathering
- Where does one get the information needed to
identify requirements? -
- System Owners/Users
- Major source of information source
- Responsible to supply information needed by
analyst and designer - Able to describe the system
- Identify problems, opportunities and deficiencies
- Articulate new system requirements
- Suggest other information sources
51Company Documents Forms/reports/memos obtain list
from users Current system documentation Computer
Programs and system documentation Policy and
Procedure Manuals Organisational charts, mission
and objectives Job descriptions, Polices and
procedures Other Sources Annual reports Trade
journals Vendors Training manuals and courseware
52Measuring Development Capabilities
- The Capability Maturity Model (CMM)
53The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) A
framework to assess the maturity level of an
organizations information system development and
management processes and products. Consists
of five levels of maturity measured by a set of
guidelines called the key process areas.
54- Key Process Areas
- Level 1Initial
- Level 2Repeatable
- Level 3Defined
- Level 4Managed
- Level 5Optimizing
55Level 1Initial System development projects
follow no prescribed process. Level
2Repeatable Project management processes and
practices are established to track project costs,
schedules, and functionality. Level 3Defined
A standard system development process (sometimes
called a methodology) is purchased or
developed, and integrated throughout the
information systems/services unit of the
organization. Level 4Managed Measurable
goals for quality and productivity are
established. Level 5Optimizing The
standardized system development process is
continuously monitored and improved based on
measures and data analysis established in Level
56(No Transcript)
57- This subject will focus on
- Systems Analysis
- System Design
- The Analysis-Design interface
- Methodology concepts.