Title: Buddhism
By Amy Pendry 9I
2This is the Lotus Flower, recognised by every
Buddhist, throughout the world. Buddhism was
first originated by Siddhartha Gautama. He
originally came from Lumbini in the foothills of
the Himalayas, in what is now Nepal.
Siddhartha was brought up in the life of a
prince, so he had servants to look after him and
give him everything he wanted. Also, he was given
beautiful women to look after him. One of these
women was to be his wife in later life.Her name
is Yasodhara.
3It was predicted in Siddhrthas early life, that
he would become a world famous religious leader.
Siddhathas mother was said to have had a dream
about a baby elephant blessing her with his
trunk. This is supposed to be suspicious.
Siddhartha saw many types of men, on one of his
outings. They were a holy man, a sick man, a dead
man, and an old man.
4 Did you know? The highest goal in Buddhism is
Nibbana or Nivana. No, not the band, the state!
Pure Land
Zen Buddhists created a Tea Ceremony to focus the
Schools of Buddhism
Mahayana means Great Vehicle
Pure Land Budhism is based on devotion to Amida
Tibetan Buddhism is very colourful