Title: Masayuki ASAKAWA
1Quarkonium States at Finite Temperature
An Introduction to Maximum Entropy Method What to
do AND What not to do
Masayuki ASAKAWA
Department of Physics, Osaka University
2 Why We Started This Business
More Recently NA60
3Hadron Modification and Dileptons
Mass Shift (Partial Chiral Symmetry Restoration)
Spectrum Broadening (Collisional Broadening)
4Is Parametrization of SPF at finite T/m Easy?
Sometimes hear statements like
Finite T/m Spectral Functions are not always
given by shift broadening
5 A Good Example (for r meson)
and many more examples in many fields
Rapp and Wambach (1999)
Due to D-hole contribution, non-Lorentzian
- Lorentzian Assumption ab initio not justified
6 Spectral Function and Dilepton Production
- Definition of Spectral Function (SPF)
- Dilepton production rate, info. of hadron
modification...etc. encoded in A
Dilepton production rate
- If Smeared Source is used on the Lattice, This
Link is Lost
7 Lattice? But SPF cannot be measured ...
- Whats measured on the Lattice is
- Imaginary Time Correlation Function D(t )
K(t,w) Known Kernel
c2-fitting inconclusive !
- Measured in Imaginary Time
- Measured at a Finite Number of discrete points
- Noisy Data Monte Carlo Method
Direct Inversion ill-posed !
8 Similar Difficulties in Many Areas
- Analytic Continuation to Imaginary Time is
measured - Measured at a Finite Number of discrete points
- Noisy Data
- X-ray Diffraction Measurement in Crystallography
- Fourier Transformed images are measured
- Measured at a Finite Number of data points
- Noisy Data
- Smeared Images due to Finite Resolution are
measured - Measured by a Finite Number of Pixels
- Noisy Data
9 Example of MEM Application
Will be shown shortly
- X-ray Diffraction Measurement in Crystallography
10 MEM
- a method to infer the most statistically
probable image (such as A(w)) - given data, instead of solving the (ill-posed)
inversion problem
- Theoretical Basis Bayes Theorem
11 Ingredients of MEM
given by Shannon-Jaynes Entropy
For further details, Y. Nakahara, and T. Hatsuda,
and M. A., Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 46 (2001) 459
12 Error Analysis in MEM (Statistical)
- MEM is based on Bayesian Probability Theory
- In MEM, Errors can be and must be assigned
- This procedure is essential in MEM Analysis
- For example, Error Bars can be put to
13 Result of Mock Data Analysis
N( of data points)-b(noise level) dependence
14Statistical and Systematic Error Analyses in MEM
Generally, as we saw,
Need to do the following
- Put Error Bars and
- Make Sure Observed Structures are Statistically
- Change the Number of Data Points and
- Make Sure the Result does not Change
in any MEM analysis
15 Parameters on Lattice
- Lattice Sizes 323 32 (T 2.33Tc)
40 (T 1.87Tc) 42 (T 1.78Tc)
44 (T 1.70Tc) 46 (T
1.62Tc) 54 (T 1.38Tc) 72
(T 1.04Tc) 80 (T 0.93Tc)
96 (T 0.78Tc) - b 7.0, x0 3.5 x as/at 4.0
(anisotropic) - at 9.75 10-3 fm Ls 1.25 fm
- Standard Plaquette Action
- Wilson Fermion
- Heatbath Overrelaxation 1
41000 sweeps between measurements - Quenched Approximation
- Gauge Unfixed
- p 0 Projection
- Machine CP-PACS
16 Result for V channel (J/y)
A(w) w2r (w)
J/y (p 0) disappears between 1.62Tc and 1.70Tc
17 Result for PS channel (hc)
A(w) w2r (w)
hc (p 0) also disappears between 1.62Tc and
18 Statistical Significance Analysis for J/y
Statistical Significance Analysis Statistical
Error Putting
T 1.62Tc
T 1.70Tc
Both Persistence and Disappearance of the peak
are Statistically Significant
19 Dependence on Data Point Number (1)
Data Point Dependence Analysis Systematic
Error Estimate
Nt 46 (T 1.62Tc) V channel (J/y)
20 Dependence on Data Point Number (2)
Data Point Dependence Analysis Systematic
Error Estimate
Nt 40 (T 1.87Tc) V channel (J/y)
21 Summary and Outlook (1)
- Spectral Functions in QGP Phase were obtained
- for heavy quark systems at p 0 on large
lattices at several T - in the quenched approximation
- This result is, roughly, in accordance with
- other lattice calculations (e.g.,
Bielefeld-BNL) - and potential model analyses (e.g., C.Y. Wong)
- No finite p calculation for J/y yet
- (Two Spectral Functions, Transverse and
Longitudinal, - for J/y at finite p ) ? pT dependence of
J/y Suppression - Non-Quench Calculation Started (Swansea-Dublin)
22 Summary and Outlook (2)
- Both Statistical and Systematic Error Estimates
have been carefully carried out