Title: Developing Written Calculations Multiplication and Division
1Developing Written Calculations Multiplication
and Division
- A workshop for all at
- Endon Hall Primary School
- Learning Together And Having Fun
- March 2007
- What images and emotions are racing through your
3How was it for you?
- What was Maths like for you when you were at
school? - Were you good at it?
- How do you use Maths now in your daily life?
4Why are we here?
5We can
6Programme of Workshops
- Developing Mental Strategies June 2006
- Developing Written Calculations addition and
subtraction Autumn 2006 - Developing Written Calculations multiplication
and division Spring 2007
7The Role of Written Calculations
- As calculations become more complex, written
methods become more important. - Recording in Maths is an important tool both
for furthering the understanding of ideas and for
communicating those ideas to others. - Warning The introduction of written methods
too early can undermine childrens fluency with
8What do we mean by the phrase written calculation?
- Pencil and paper procedure
- Written method
- Formal written method
- Standard written algorithm
- Personal written jottings
- A useful written method is one that helps
children to carry out a calculation and can be
understood by others.
9Why Written Calculations?
- To assist in a mental calculation by writing
down some of the numbers involved - To clarify a mental procedure for the pupil
- To help to communicate methods and solutions
- To provide a record of work
- To work out calculations which are too difficult
to be done mentally - To develop, refine and use a set of rules for
correct and efficient calculations
- The National Numeracy Strategy (now the Primary
Framework for Mathematics) emphasises the
teaching of mental calculation throughout the
Primary phase. - - To recognise when calculations can
be done in their heads. - - To choose effective and efficient
strategies to work out the answers.
- Many children have recurring difficulties with
written methods of calculation, such as
forgetting or misapplying a standard method,
working inefficiently because they do not know
number bonds or multiplication facts, or using a
written method when a mental method would be more
12When Are Children Ready For Written Calculations?
- Do they know addition and subtraction facts to
20? - Do they know multiplication and division facts?
- Do they understand place value and can they
partition numbers? - Can they add three single digit numbers
mentally? - Can they add and subtract any pair of two digit
numbers mentally? - Can they explain their mental strategies orally
and record them using informal jottings? - Do they have a good feel for number - being
able to make a good estimation of the answer?
13What do we do in school?
- Jottings, to support a mental calculation
- A record of a mental strategy, written in a way
that helps someone else to understand - Extended methods of calculation that prepare the
way for increasingly efficient written
calculations that cannot easily be done mentally
14 Reception and Key Stage 1
- Make a record in pictures, words or symbols of
addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division activities and construct number
sentences - Explain to someone else what they have done
- Interpret information that requires practical,
oral or mental calculation - Begin to read records made by the teacher
- Help work out steps in a calculation they will
later do mentally
- Fundamental, if the children are to develop the
concept of multiplication and division. - Understanding the words, signs and symbols
enables the child to try and put into words their
own developing thought processes.
16Steps In Establishing Place Value
- Remembering number facts and recalling them
without hesitation e.g. pairs of numbers to make
10 doubles and halves to 20 - Using known facts to calculate unknown facts
e.g. 6 x 7 42 60 x 70 4200 - 70 x 5, 70 x 50, 700 x 5, 700 x 50
17Establishing Place Value
- Understanding and using relationships between
addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division to find answers and check results e.g. 6
x 7, 42 6, 42 7, 7 x 6 - To know that multiplication is repeated addition
and that division is repeated subtraction - Having a repertoire of mental strategies to
solve calculations e.g. doubles / near doubles
bridging 10 / bridging 20 adding 9 by 10 -1
adding 11 by 10 1
18Establishing Place Value
- Making use of informal jottings such as blank
number lines to assist in calculations with
larger numbers
19Establishing Place Value
- Solving one-step word problems (either mentally
or with jottings) by identifying which operation
to use, drawing upon their knowledge of number
bonds and facts and explaining their reasoning. - Beginning to present calculations in a
horizontal format and explain mental steps using
numbers, symbols or words.
20Establishing Place Value
- Learn to estimate or approximate first e.g.
2930 (round up to the nearest 10, the answer
will be near to 60). - Developing a wider understanding of numbers in
context e.g. decimals fractions measurement
length, weight, capacity, time and money and
their inter relationships.
21Multiplication and division skills and strategies
- Knowing multiplication and division facts to 10
x 10 - Multiplying and dividing by multiples of 10
22Multiplication and division skills and strategies
- Multiplying and dividing by single-digit numbers
and multiplying by two-digit numbers - Doubling and halving
23Multiplication and division skills and strategies
- Partitioning and recombining
24Examples for x and
- Mental counting and counting objects, Counting in
2s, 5s, 10s, Breaking off 'sticks' of cubes
How many twos make 20?Counting on from and back
to zero in 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, then moving on to
3s, 4s. - Early stages of mental calculation, learning
facts, Knowing doubles of small numbers, and
corresponding halvesKnowing that 10 10 10
30Knowing that 10 x 3 30, and 30 3 10
25Examples for x and
- Working with larger numbers and informal
jottings. Double 17 is double 10 plus double 7,
or 20 1437 5 7 R 2Multiplying, then
dividing, by 10, 100, 1000 - Non-standard expanded written methods, Standard
written methods.
26Examples for x
- Working with larger numbers and informal jottings
4 x 8
27Recording mental multiplication using partitioning
- 14 x 3
- Partition 14 into 10 4
- 10 x 3 30 4 x 3 12 30 12 42
- 43 x 6
- Partition 43 into 40 3
- 40 x 6 240 3 x 6 18 240 18 258
28Examples for x
- Grid method of multiplication
Using Arrays
Written method
29Examples for x
- Grid method of multiplication
60 18 78
13 x 6
30Examples for x
- Grid method of multiplication
Using Arrays
Written method
31Examples for x
- Grid method of multiplication
47 x 35
- Remember to draw
- your grid and record
- your answers.
32Expanded short multiplication
33- 56 27 is approximately 60 30 1800.
34Examples for
Written method
35Examples for
86 6
10 x 6
4 x 6
36Short Division
- 81 divided by 3
- Partition 81 into 60 21
- 60 divided by 3 20
- 21 divided by 3 7
- 81 divided by 3
- 20 7 27
86 6
847 17
6) 86
- Remember to decide
- on the size of chunks you
- can jump in.
10 x 6
4 x 6
38What can you do?
- Be positive about maths, even if you dont feel
confident about it yourself. - Talk and listen to your child about their work in
maths. It will help your child if they have to
explain to you. - Share maths activities they take home.
- Play number games
- Help with learning number facts
39How do you feel now?