Title: Beth MorganCarol Richey
1 Fuels Automated System (FAS)
Capitalization Worksheets Inventory Account
- Beth Morgan Carol Richey
2Army Fuel CapitalizationConference
- Inventory Accounting Process
- Elizabeth Morgan
3Before After Capitalization
- Before capitalization
- DESC contracts for fuel
- Activity orders fuel with billing data on order
- DESC pays contractor
- DESC bills Army activity for full order
- Army activity bills end-use customer
- After capitalization
- DESC contracts for fuel
- Activity orders fuel without billing data on
order - DESC pays contractor
- DESC owns inventory in tanks
- DESC bills end-use customers
4Customer Billing Process
- After capitalization
- Customer provides milstrip document number and
fund code - T dodaacs will be created by DESC for
activities that do not have dodaacs - DESC creates interfund bill for all military
customers - DESC creates 1080 manual billing for all
non-military customers
- Before capitalization
- Customers provided MIPR to army activity
- APC codes and dummy dodaacs were established for
each activity - Fuel issues were billed to activitys MIPR
5Information needed for capitalization
- Army activities need to provide the following
information to DESC-FIE - Activity DoDAAC and RIC
- Billing DoDAACs/FEDAACs for customers
- Complete billing addresses for customers who do
not have valid dodaacs
6Capitalization Process
- On capitalization day, the following procedures
need to be followed - Activities need to
- Inventory each product to be capitalized as of
0800 on capitalization date. Include fuel in
tanks, pipelines, manifolds, trucks and hydrants - Complete and sign a DD1149 for each product
- Fax DD1149 to DESC-FIE within 24 hours
7Army Fuel CapitalizationConference
- EOM Transactions Account Reconciliation
- Carol Richey
8Fuels Automated System (FAS) Enterprise Server
- Account Reconciliation
- Daily Processing Clearing Rejects
- DESC policy transactions processed within 48
hours of transaction event - Rejects must be cleared in timely manner
- Resolve Challenged transactions within 5 days
- EOM Closeout
- Closeout as of last calendar day of month
- Ensure all transactions are processed to FES
- Ensure all rejects are corrected and processed
to FES - Verify FES Account Ledger and FCC Ledger match
- Process physical inventory (CTRL F7 P41) to FES
- FCC 1027 Automatically generates Op G/L (CTRL F6
P42) - Verify FES Account Ledger and FCC Ledger match
- Ending Cumulative Op G/L quantity should be 0
9Fuels Automated System (FAS) Enterprise Server
- Account Reconciliation
- What does it take ?
- All transactions processed to FES
- No rejects in error file from FES
- All order, shipment and receipt transactions
match up - Physical inventory processed to FES (last
calendar day) - Inventory adjustment processed to FES using
correct quantity determine type (last calendar
day) - Everything must process from FES to DFAMS
correctly - Account Reconciled ?
- FCC Ledger must agree with FES Ledger
- Ending Cumulative Op G/L must be 0
- FES data must agree with DFAMS/OED
- Fuels Accountant can verify this by comparing
ledgers - NOTE Base level personnel are not responsible
for ensuring FES and DFAMS data agree. DESC-FI
will contact bases if base level assistance is
needed to re-process transactions in order to
reconcile FES to DFAMS.
10Fuels Automated System (FAS) Enterprise Server
- Changes to Prior Month Ledger Transactions
- Any time a quantity changes on prior month
ledger transaction that months account
will become unreconciled until a new EOM Op G/L
Adjustment is processed - Must reverse the original Op G/L Adjustment
transaction and wait until it posts in DFAMS
before processing the corrected Op G/L Adjustment - See DESC interim procedure for instructions
11Fuels Automated System (FAS) Enterprise Server
Example of unreconciled ledger No Op G/L
Adjustment Processed
12Fuels Automated System (FAS) Enterprise Server
Example of unreconciled ledger Out of Balance
Account due to rejected transactions
13Fuels Automated System (FAS) Enterprise Server
Example of unreconciled ledger Out of Balance
Account due to rejected transactions
14Fuels Automated System (FAS) Enterprise Server
Example of reconciled ledger EOM Transactions
Processed and Cumulative Op G/L quantity is zero
15Fuels Automated System (FAS) Enterprise Server
- DESC Account Reconciliation Policy
- Base Level Responsible Officer must ensure
- All transactions processed to FES successfully
- Closing physical inventory and Op G/L adjustment
processed to FES successfully - FCC and FES ledger quantities agree
- Closing cumulative Op G/L is zero
16Questions / Discussion